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Chapter 5

After reading this chapter, the students should be able

 Define 5s as a philosophy for improvement
 Identify the 5s activities
 Apply 5s in everyday life

What is 5s?
 5s is a Japanese system to reduce cost, control inventory and
reduce breakdowns and accidents drastically resulting in
increased profits.
 5s is a procedure that organizes individuals workstations or
departments and consequently enhances efficiency at the
micro-level by keeping the workplace neat, orderly and
accessible and it is for the reason that it is considered as the
foundation of quality initiative in any organization.
 5s is a systematic approach and the key to total quality
environment, a philosophy most Japanese factories endorse
and practice. It leads to foolproof systems, standard policies,
rules and regulations to give rise to a healthy work culture at
the organization.

1. SORT (Seiri)
• In this first stage, all tools and materials used in
the work process are taken care of. Sort refers to
the sorting of the clutter from the other items
within the work area that are actually needed.
• Sort focuses on eliminating unnecessary items
from the workplace employees should sort out
and organize things well.
• Label items as Necessary, Critical, Most
important, Not needed now, Useless and so on.
2. Set in order ( Seiton)

• Refers to straightening and orderliness. It is the process taking

the required items that are remaining after the removal of
clutter and arranging them in an efficient manner through the
use of ergonomic principles.

The targets for orderliness could include any of the following:

1. Spaces- floors, walkways ,operation areas, walls, shelves
2. Products- raw materials, procured parts, parts for machinery,
in-process inventory, assembly parts, semi-finished products,
finished products
3. Equipment- machines, tools, jigs, gauges, carts, conveyance
tools, work tables, cabinets, chairs.
In this stage the company may want to employ signboards and paintings as
forms of visual methods of orderliness:

1. The Signboard Strategy- method for clearly indicating where, what and how
many necessary items go where, to make the facility more orderly.
The signboards should include the following information:
a) Specific places- “where things go” via location indicators
b) Specific items- “what things” via item indicators
c) Specific amounts- “how many things” via amount indicators

2. The paintings strategy- involves marking off the factory’s walking areas
(walkways) from its working areas (operation areas) using any of the
a) Divider lines
b) Door range lines
c) Markers for inventory, carts, worktables, and
d) Tiger marks (yellow & black striped lines)
3. Shine (Seiso)

• Stands for sweeping and cleanliness.

• Is the comprehensive cleaning of the area, tools, machines and other equipment to
make certain that everything is returned to a “nearly new” status.

Shine should be integrated into daily maintenance tsks to combine cleaning checkpoints
with maintenance checkpoints. It involves the following phases:
1. Daily cleanliness
a) Determine cleanliness targets
b) Determine cleanliness assignments
c) Determine cleanliness methods and tools
d) Implement cleanliness

2. Cleanliness inspection

3. Maintenance

4. Standardize ( Seiketsu)

• Translates as “ standards”
• Refers to making all the cleaning, control
and improvement processes a customary
activity in the work place, allowing for
control and consistency.
• Means keeping one’s person clean.
5. Sustain ( Shitsuke)

• Means maintaining the process to retain

long term kaizen goals and to retaining
and reviewing standards.
• Makes certain that the company
continue to continually improve using
the previous stages of 5s. Maintain
housekeeping, and conduct audits and
so forth.
Benefits of 5s:

1. Improved profitability- Companies can save labor hours, money and

other resources.

2. More efficient workforce- with standard procedures in place,

personnel can center on what’s important.

3. Better service- more organized, cleaner, streamlined workplace

employees can use more time providing exceptional service.

4. Safer workplace- Employees are at less hazard and can feel

protected in clean, organized workspaces.

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