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Data Collection
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

• Recognize the importance of providing correct information in a data collection

• Understand the issue of confidentiality of information in a data collection
• Participate in a data collection activity; and
• Contextualize data
Preliminaries in a Data
Collection Activity
“Confidentiality of Information”
• Data confidentiality is about protecting
data against unintentional, unlawful, or
unauthorized access, disclosure, or theft.

 In statistical activities, facts are collected

from respondents for purposes of getting
aggregate information, but confidentiality
should be protected.
Did you know?
The Government, through the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), conducts
censuses to obtain information about socio-demographic characteristics of the residents
of the country. Census data are used by the Government to make plans, such as how
many schools and hospitals to build.
PSA was created from the four former statistical agencies, namely: National
Statistics Office (NSO), National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), Bureau of
Labor and Employment of Statistics (BLES), and Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
Contextualization of Data

Data - are facts and figures that are presented, collected

and analyzed. Data are either numeric or non-numeric
and must be contextualized.
How to Contextualized Data?
 To contextualized data we must know the six W’s of the data.
The six W’s of the data:
1. Who? Who provided the data?
2. What? What are the information from the respondents?
3. When? When was the data collected?
4. Where? Where was the data collected?
5. Why? Why was the data collected?
6. HoW? HoW was the data collected?
Contextualization of data is important because it adds
depth and meaning to raw information. It helps in
making informed decisions, ensures accuracy, and
allows for effective utilization of data in various
Take note:
• Providing correct information in a government data collection activity is a
responsibility of every citizen in the country.
• Data confidentiality is important in a data collection activity.
• Census is collecting data from all possible respondents.
• Data to be collected must be clarified before the actual data collection.
• Data must be contextualized by answering six W-questions.

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