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Our Vision & Mission

We wish to create opportunities through our diverse business interest.

We impact our community with several solutions and services.
Within the organization, we nurture human resources for efficiency,
integrity and accountability.

Through our endeavors, we are empowering our taskforce. We are

dedicated to bringing innovative products for our customers. We
continue to expand our interests in different industry verticals and are
responsible for offering quality and premium products, solutions and
Our Culture & Core Values
Success Factors

People who succeed in the company have the following traits in common:

 Attitude - Passion, Accountability, Energy

 Aptitude - Talent, Job-specific know-how

 Integrity - Trustworthiness, Honesty, Transparency

 Intelligence - Smarts, Innovation, Creativity

 Intensity - Focus, Productivity, Efficiency

Work Policies
 Office Timings

 Leaves & Holidays

 Office Dress Code

 Office Rules & Regulations

 Facilities & Welfare

Office Timings

Office Hours Lunch Time

9:30-6:30 40 Mins
Between 1pm-2pm

In-Between Break Intervals

10 Mins Each
Between 11am-12pm
Between 4pm-5pm
Leaves & Holidays

Sick Casual
Leave Leave

6 6
Days Days

Note: In order to avail CL (Casual Leave), employee must get

leave approval 3 days prior

List of Holiday’s will be sent to employee’s official mail

Dress Code

Monday-Friday Saturday’s
Office Rules & Regulations:

 Reach office on time

 Put your hand phone in the silent or vibrating mode in meetings

 Always carry positive attitude at workplace

 Never attend meetings or seminars without a notepad and pen

 Never criticize or make fun of any of your colleagues

 Extension of break duration should be strictly avoided

Facilities & Welfare:
Employee Practices

 Greythr
 Microsoft Teams
 Staff care
Greythr: HR Software

 Employees attendance will be auto calculated based on their login & logout duration

 Employees must send leave applications in Greythr.

 Any kind of request regarding business cards, uniforms, ID cards should be raised in
Microsoft Teams:

 Employees must use MS Teams for Internal official communications

 Official tasks will be assigned through MS Teams

Staff Care:

 Staff care is only for Field sales Executives & Managers

 Employee attendance will be considered based on his login in staff care application

 Employee must update his leads information including client name, contact details,
follow up date, address along with photo of site/dealer’s place in staff care application

Working in Multiple organizations (Lack of Stability)

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55

Working for vision in an Organization (Stability)

1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10 = 3628800
Questions &

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