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Property surveys

Prepared by:
Herculyses Z. Piloton, GE
What is Property Survey?

• A Property Survey is a type of survey which depicts or notes the position of

boundaries with respect to:
• Locations of all boundary monumentation found or set apparent improvements
and features, including as a minimum: dwellings, barns, garages, sheds,
driveways, roadways, surface utilities, visible bodies of water and swimming
• Record easements and visible evidence of the use thereof;
• Record and apparent means of ingress and egress;
What is Property Survey?

• Lines of occupation, including as a minimum: fences, walls, hedges and

• Deed restrictions pertaining to the location of buildings or other apparent
• Unresolved conflicts with record deed descriptions and maps;
• All apparent boundary encroachments;
What is Property Survey?

• Monumentation required to be set at all corners created by a deflection angle of not less than 70
degrees between two consecutive courses and at intervals not to exceed 600 feet (180 meters)
along the boundaries between said corners, except where natural or man-made monumentation
defines or occupies the line. Refer to Section 20-300b-14 of these regulations for a description of
acceptable monuments. Except when intended for use for Subdivision or Resubdivision
applications, this requirement may be waived only through written agreement between surveyor
and client and with a notation on the map that all monumentation found or set has been depicted.
By © 2019 Philsurv Geodetic Services All Rights Reserved.,boundary
What is Property Survey?

• A Property Survey - is all about defining what’s yours and what isn’t. “Property
surveys are performed for a number of reasons,” says Curtis Sumner,
executive director emeritus of the National Society of Professional Surveyors
(NSPS). Typically, he says, they are used to establish boundaries when new
parcels of land are being developed.
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What is Property Survey?

• A property survey is an inspection of a property, focused specifically on

examining its condition. Property surveys are conducted by expert surveyors,
who will visit the building for inspection and build up a report based on the
the property’s condition they find.
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DAO 2007-29


• Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DAO 2007-29

• It is the policy of the state to accelerate the adjudication and disposition of lands of
the public domain for the purpose of achieving tenurial security, land ownership
equity, improvement of standard of living and stimulation of land market activities in
consonance with the principles of sustainable development.
• Toward these ends, the DENR shall pursue as a priority, the unification,
synchronization and regulation of all surveys on, but not limited to, agricultural
lands, mineral lands, forestlands, protected areas, civil and military reservations, road
networks and lands for other purposes and expedite the conduct, verification and
approval of surveys thereon.
DAO 2007-29

• a. In line with these policies and objectives, there is a need to progressively

review and update the country's land survey regulations and streamline the
survey procedures, simplify its requirements, and introduce provisions on
business process reengineering; and,
• b. It is also the objective of DENR to pro-actively enable all individuals
concerned to keep abreast with the dynamic advancement of surveying practices
and technologies and enhance their capability, effectiveness and the efficiency in
the conduct of land survey for registration, development and for other purposes.
What is Property Survey?

•to improve the delivery of public service.

Definition of Terms

• Geodetic Engineer (GE) -shall refer to a natural person with professional expertise in the field of
surveying and the corresponding survey data presentation in the form of maps, plans, geo-spatial digital
maps, etc.; either in the government service or in the private practice, and who has been issued a
Certificate of Registration and Identification Card by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)-
Board of Geodetic Engineering pursuant to Republic Act 8560, the Geodetic Engineering Act, as
• Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - is the standard generic term for satellite navigation
systems that provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning with global coverage.
Definition of Terms

• Land Registration - shall refer to the official recording of land ownership based on the legal documents
submitted to the Register of Deeds for the Province or City where the land is located.
• Metes and Bound - shall refer to the description of a land parcel with its boundary directions and
distances, together with a note of adjacent property owners, their lot numbers, and other relevant
natural and man-made features.
• Monument - shall refer to any concrete object that is set permanently in the ground to mark the position
of a point or a boundary corner.
• Muniments of Titles -deeds and other documentary evidence of title or ownership to land.
Definition of Terms

• Parcel Information Sheets (PIS) - shall refer to a document recording the boundary adjudication
agreement by all concerned and participating claimants or owners, in collaboration with the geodetic
engineer, a Barangay official, and adjudicator, indicating and describing the boundaries of a land parcel
and any natural features, marks and occupations that are or near the boundary in the manner prescribed
in the Manual of Procedures.
• Patrimonial Property - shall refer to properties owned by the State but are not intended for public use,
public service or for the development of national wealth.
• Projection map - shall refer to a map where all lots subject for verification and approval are plotted to
determine cases of overlaps with previously approved plans.
Definition of Terms

• PRS92 - shall refer to the Philippine Reference System of 1992, a national common coordinate
reference system for all surveys and maps pursuant to Executive Order No. 45 dated January 5, 1993,
as amended.
• Reclamation Projects - Filling of submerged land duly approved by the Philippine Reclamation
• Reference Point - shall refer to a point appropriately marked on the ground with an established
horizontal and vertical position.
• Secretary - shall refer to the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Definition of Terms

• Survey Plan - shall refer to a two-dimensional map showing the metes and bounds of a surveyed parcel
or parcels of land and other pertinent information.
• Survey Returns - shall refer to the collective documents submitted by a Geodetic Engineer (GE) as a
result of the survey conducted and other relevant documents as may be required.
• Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI) - shall refer to the number exclusively assigned to a land parcel in
reference to its physical spatial position on the Land Information Map (UP1 = LIM Number + Parcel

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