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What is a Business?

A business is an organisation engaged in commercial, industrial or

professional activities.

Organisation: a group of people who come together for a particular purpose or


Commercial activities: relating to commerce (money) such as selling goods and

services to make a profit.

Industrial activities: relating to industry such as manufacturing, storage, material

handling, maintenance, treatment and disposal, amongst many others.

Professional activities: where a person uses their knowledge to provide a

service to someone else, such as accountants, lawyers, doctors, schools etc.
Commercial Business
Commercial businesses sell goods and provide services to fulfil our
needs and wants.

We help commercial businesses make profits by

purchasing their goods and services when we need
or want to.

They are not involved in manufacturing, processing

or the production of goods. Some examples of
commercial businesses you may have seen before
Some Examples of Commercial

Restaurants Supermarkets Banks

Specialist Food
Retail Shops Salons
Where have you seen commercial businesses before? Think and share
with the person next to you.
Did You Share Any of These Ideas?

Where have
you seen
Markets Local Shops

Central Business
Online Shopping Centres
District (CBD)
Industrial Business
Manufacturing and construction are good examples of industrial
businesses. Manufacturing businesses make machinery, supplies and
products for the commercial business sector.

Industrial businesses generally do

not sell directly to the consumer
and you generally find them in
industrial districts, away from
houses. This is because these
businesses tend to be noisy and

Some examples of manufacturing

businesses include:
Some Examples of Industrial

Food Production Mining Car Manufacturing

Professional Business
Professional businesses offer knowledge-based services to customers and
clients.Some examples are lawyers, architects, advertising specialists,
engineers etc.

There are many professional businesses in all sorts of fields and a lot of the
time they are called firms.

You can find professional business in many of the same places you find
commercial business - local shops, the CBD, shopping malls and online.
Can you guess what kind of services these businesses provide?
Law Firm

Think and Share

What kinds of services does a
law firm provide?

Think and Share

When would you need to visit
a law firm?
Law Firm

Law firms provide advice and

services to do with the law.

You might visit a law firm when

you need advice on legal
matters to do with family,
property, or commercial law.
There are many different kinds
of law and different law firms
specialise on one or a few
different kinds.

Think and Share

What kinds of services does
an architect provide?

Think and Share

When would you need to visit
an architect?

Architects design structures

like buildings, houses, bridges,
hospitals and schools.

You might visit an architect to

have design drawings
completed on a new home.
Accounting Firm

Think and Share

What kinds of services does
an accounting firm provide?

Think and Share

When would you need to visit
an accounting firm?
Accounting Firm

Accounting firms (and

accountants) provide financial
advice and services. They
know all about money and the
laws relating to it.

You might visit an accountant

to do your taxes each year.
Why Do Businesses Exist?
As you can see, businesses exist to provide goods and services to the

Businesses sell their goods and services in the CBD, shopping malls,
online, at the local shops and markets amongst other places.

We purchase these goods and services using money.

Goods and services fulfil our needs (like food, shelter, clothing, medical
care and education) and wants (like non-essential items).

We visit different businesses every day for all sorts of reasons. Can you
think of any you have visited today?

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