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Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

• Slitter assembly
Adjustment of top disc holder
• Initiate the disc holder adjustment by gradually reducing the incoming air pressure
by the pressure controller until the disc holder slowly turns to cutting position, slightly
pressing the bottom disc.

• Adjust the overlap of the top and bottom discs to 3mm (see drawing No K137663) by
loosening the screws (item 22) and moving the disc holder up and down by screw
(item 23).
• The vertical position of the slitter disc and 1E slitting angle can be
adjusted as instructed on dwg K137663.

• Normal operating pressure for the top disc holder is 3 - 6 bar.

• Keep the pressure as low as possible to prevent too rapid
wear of the cutting edge.

2 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Slitter assembly
Adjustment of bottom disc holders

• The bottom disc holder normally no need to adjustment.

• In conversion to another sheet size, move the holder laterally by first loosening the
mounting screws and subsequently also the adjustor sleeve (item 18, dwg
. K131777).

• Make sure to apply the correct torque.

• The holders drive chain tension can be adjusted by tightener item 9, (dwg. K131777

• Tightness must be checked after the start-up during a suitable


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Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Slitter assembly

Slitter disc change

• Top slitter discs, dwg K472587:

• Detach the fastening screws (4 pcs, item 25, dwg. K137663) and replace
the disc.

• Bottom slitter discs, dwg No K3041193:

• Detach the fastening screws (4 pcs, item 21, dwg. K131777). Turn
the disc or replace it.

4 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

• Slitter assembly

Grinding instructions for slitter disc 1.

1. Grind the disc tip with grinding wheel 46/60-I.

2. Pre-grind the disc angle with grinding wheel 100 L.

3. Finish with 180 L. 3.

3a. Grind the tip ready and finish by hand using an 3a.
oil grindstone. Round off the edge with an oil grindstone.

5 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Cross cutter assembly
Adjustmens of cross cutter knifes


• Adjust the knives when the cutting

result has substantially deteriorated
due to knife wear or when the knives
have been replaced.

• The adjustment can take place during operation

and shutdown.

• During adjustment, the cutter temperature must be

in operating level.

6 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Cross cutter assembly
Knife adjustment during shutdown

• Use paper of about 150 g/m2 (thickness about 0.1 mm) for adjusting the knife

Adjusting sequence:

• Place a sheet of paper between the knives and swing the roll manually across
the cutting point.

• Check the mark on the paper. In case there is none, the knife
clearance is too wide.

• Adjust the knives from the adjusting screws (8) by turning with an adjuster
wrench. Do not loosen the mounting screws of the knives.

• Start the adjustment from the tending side and move towards the drive side
adjusting the both knives by turns.

7 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

• The knife clearance is correct when the paper is cut along its whole width and the
knives do not touch each other.

• Never leave the roll for more than 5 minutes with the knife, or knives, on the top
or bottom side of the roll. If you do this, the roll starts bending due to the
temperature difference and the knife located on the top starts touching the bed
knife. If the roll is left in place, make sure that knives are on the sides of the roll.

In connection with knife adjustment, check the amount of water in the roll.
This must be done by open the bleeder plug from the flange in the roll body.
When there is no web at the cutter, keep the roll on crawl in order to keep its temperature

8 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Cross cutter assembly
Knife adjustment during operation
• Make the adjustment when the cutting result
is poor along the WHOLE working width.
Adjust from the bearing housings as follows:
• Check the position of the housings from
the scale.
• Unsecure the worm screws by pulling the
bushing (1) outwards

• Adjust the knife beam end by turns,

however, not more than 0.01 mm at a time.

• Make the adjustment by turning the

screw (2). The knife clearance becomes
smaller when the numerical indication goes down,
and vice versa.

9 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

• When necessary, loosen the

mounting screws (3) by 1/4 turn.

• Make the adjustment at steps of 0.01 mm,

simultaneously watching
- Cutting result
- Sound of cutting.

NOTE! Observe great care during adjustment

to prevent the knives from touching each

• After the adjustment, secure the worm

screw (2) by pressing the bushing (1) back
inside. Tighten the mounting screws (3)

• Read the position of the bearing

housing on the scale and record it.

10 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Change of knives

Preliminary measures
• Before the cross cutter knives in use get worn out, new knives should be ready for
replacement. Sharpen the knives carefully as this essentially affects knife life.
• Sharpen with a grinding machine, as instructed on the drawings.
• The grinding machine feed must not exceed 0.025 mm.
• Use soft G or H grindstone to avoid stress in the knives.
• Before stopping the machine, see to it that all tools necessary for replacement are
available at the machine:
Replacement knives
• Adjuster wrench AV 9, for part 7…………………………………1 pc
• Hexagon socket screw wrench M 16, for parts 8 and 9……….1 pc
• Lead hammer………………………………………………………1 pc
• Hexagon socket hd. screw M 16 x 55 in reserve………………1 pc
• Torgue wrench M = 0 - 300 Nm………………………………….1 pc

• A few sheets of kraft paper of about 150 g/m2

- for example brown kraft or sack paper.

11 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

• Change of bed knives

• Unscrew the bed knife fastening screw (3), remove the strip (2) and then the bed
knife (1).

• Clean the bed knife beam top surface carefully.

• Check the width of the knife, which in a new knife should be 35 mm.

• Put in place the new knife under strip (2). The rear edge of the strip must lie against
the beam along its whole width. Distance between the front edge of the strip (2) and
the cutting edge of the knife to about 2.5 - 3 mm.

• Set the tightening screws torque to 280 Nm.

12 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance
• Replacement of cross cutter knives
• Before knife removal, check dimension between knife-edge and roll body (A) in the
middle and at knife ends and record the values.
• Record the position of the bearing housings.
• Remove the knife (or the knives).
• Turn the housings to position 1.5 mm. (ref. to chapter "Knife adjustment during
• Put the new knife in place and set the dimension A at about 0.3mm lower than the
screws first to 50 Nm torque. Check that distance between knife-edge and strip (4) is
from 4.5 to 5 mm.
• To check the knife clearance, put a paper (thickness 0.1mm) between the knives
and swing the roll over the cutting point. Adjust the knife clearance from the
bearing housings so small that paper is partly cut in two.
• Tighten the fastening screws to a torque of 280 Nm.
• Rotate the roll at crawl for at least 30 minutes prior to final adjustment (ref. to chapter
"Knife adjustment during shutdown").
• Record the position of the bearing housings.
13 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author
Cutter Layboy - Mechanical Maintenance

• Final inspection
• From the new blades are before taking into use to be removed all grinding burrs.
Burrs can become again after short use causing troubles in cross section. Burrs are
this way to be removed again with help of the hand stone.

• Check that all the screws are carefully tightened.

• Check that the bearing housings are secured in place.


14 © Metso Paper, Inc. 2003 Date Title/Author

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