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Siebel Scripting, Part

Siebel VB Syntax
 Data Types
 Dimensioning Variables
 Operators
 Decisions
 Looping
 Functions and Subroutines
 Arrays in Siebel VB
 Some Important VB Methods
 Using Siebel Objects
 Error Handling in Siebel VB
Comments in Siebel VB
 Use an apostrophe ‘ At the
beginning of a line to make a single
line comment
 Example:
 ‘This is a Comment
 There are NO multi-line comments in
Siebel VB
Data Types
 Numbers: Integers, Fractions
 Strings
 Dates/Times
 Variant
 Objects
 Object Type
 Siebel Objects: BusComp, PropertySet,
 Siebel VB is a strong typed language
 Mathematical Operators
 +, -, *, /, \, Mod, ^
 Conditional Operators
 =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
 Logical Operators
 And, Or, Not
 Assignment
 =
Dimensioning Variables
 Syntax:
 Dim VarName As DataType
 Examples:
 Dim iScore As Integer
 Dim bcContact As BusComp
 Can Dim more than one variable in one
 Dim sLastName, sFirstName As String
 Only last variable gets specified data type:
others are type Variant
 Cannot initialize
Decisions: If
 Syntax:
 If Condition Then
 ‘Code to be executed if Condition is True
 End If
 Example:
 If iScore < 60 Then
 sGrade = “Fail”
 End If
 Simple Decision Making Construct
Decisions: Else
 Syntax:
 If Condition Then
 ‘Code to Execute if Condition is True
 Else
 ‘Code to Execute if Condition is False
 End If
 Example:
 If iScore < 60 Then
 sGrade = “Fail”
 Else
 sGrade = “Passing”
 End If
Decisions: Else If
 Example:
 If iScore < 60 Then
 sGrade = “Fail”
 Else If iScore >= 100 Then
 sGrade = “Perfect”
 Else
 sGrade = “Passing”
 End If
Decisions: Select Case
 Used to make large nested if
structures more readable
 Syntax:
 Select VarName
 Case FirstCase
 Case NextCase

 Case Else

 End Select
Decisions: Select Case
 Example:
 Select Case iScore
 Case Is < 60
 sGrade = “Fail”
 Case Is >= 100
 sGrade = “Perfect”
 Case Else
 sGrade = “Passing”
 End Select
Looping: For Loop
 Syntax:
 For iCounter = iStart to iFinish Step
 ‘Code to execute each iteration of loop
 Next iCounter
 Example:
 For iCtr = 1 to 10 Step 2
 sStepNum = “Step Number: “ & Str$(iCtr)
 Next iCtr
Looping: Do Loop
 Syntax:
 Do
 ‘Code to execute each iteration of the loop
 Loop Until (While) Condition
 Example:
 iCtr = 0
 Do
 iCtr = iCtr + 1
 sStepNum = “Step Number: “ & Str$(iCtr)

 Loop Until iCtr = 10

Looping: While Wend
 Syntax:
 While Condition
 ‘Code to execute each iteration of the loop
 Wend
 Example:
 While sSRNum <> bcSR.GetFieldValue(“SR
 bcSR.NextRecord
 Wend
Function And Subroutines
 A Function returns a value
 A Subroutine does not
 Either can have data passed into
them as parameters
 Use ByVal or ByRef
 By default, Objects are passed by
 Simple data types are passed by value
 Syntax:
 Sub SubName (Var1 as Type, Var2 as
 ‘Code to execute inside function
 End Sub
 Example:
 Sub SetName (sName as String)
 TheApplication.SetProfileAttr
“SPN_CA_NAME”, sName
 End Sub
Calling Subroutines
 Syntax:
 Call SubName Value1, Value2
 ‘Call Keyword is optional
 Examples:
 Call SetName “George Bush”
 SetName “George Bush”
 Syntax:
 Function FuncName (Var1 as Type) As
 ‘Code to execute inside function
 ‘Use FuncName = ReturnVal to return a

 End Function
 Example:
 Function GetName () As String
 Dim sName As String
 sName = GetProfileAttr(“SPN_CA_NAME”)

 GetName = sName

 End Function
Calling Functions
 Syntax:
 Var = FuncName(Value)
 SubName (FuncName(Value))
 Example:
 Dim sName as String
 sName = GetName
 Example 2:
 FindValue(GetName)
 ‘FindValue is some other sub that takes a
string as a parameter
 Dimensioning:
 Dim ArrayName (NumElements) As Type
 Max 60 elements
 Arrays can be multi-dimensional
 Useful methods for arrays
 ReDim: Used for dynamic arrays
 LBound, UBound: Return lower or upper
bound of array
 Erase: Reinitialize array
Some Important VB Methods
 Now
 Asc
 Val
 Str$
 Left$, Mid$, Right$
 File Handling in Siebel VB
 Returns Current Time and Date on
machine that the script is running on
 Running Web Client or Wireless Web
Client, that is the Siebel Server that the
AOM is running on
 Running Mobile Web Client or Dedicated
Web Client, that is the machine that
Siebel.exe is running on- the client’s
 Takes a string as argument
 Returns the ASCII value of the first
char in the string
 Useful for determining whether input
is valid – you can check to see if it is
an alphabetic character, a numeric
character, or anything else
Val and Str$
 Val takes a String argument that is
made up of numbers (i.e. “10”) and
returns its numeric value
 Str$ takes a numeric argument and
converts it to a string
String Manipulation
 Left$ Takes a string and an integer
 Returns a substring of the string
passed in
 Right$ is same, but returns the
substring from the right
 Mid$ Takes a string and 2 integers. It
returns a substring of the length of
the second integer, starting at the
character indicated by the first
File Handling
 Open Statement
 Line Input Statement
 Eof Function
 Write Statement
 Close Statement
Opening Files
 Syntax:
 Open “Path\Filename” For Input (Output)
As #
 Examples:
 Open “C:\MyFile.txt” For Input As #1
 Open “.\log\Error.log” For Output as #3
Reading From Files
 Easiest to Use Line Input Statement
 See Also: Input Stmt, Input Function, Get
 Syntax:
 Line Input #FileNum, VarName
 Example:
 Open “C\MyFile.txt” For Input As #1
 Do While Not Eof(1)
 Line Input #1, sTemp
 #sXML = sXML & sTemp
 Loop
 Close #1
Eof Function
 Takes the number of an open file as
 Returns true if file pointer is at the
end of the file
Write Statement
 Writes Data to an open file
 Syntax:
 Write #FileNum, Value
 Example:
 Open “C:\MyFile.txt” For Output As #2
 For iCtr = 0 to UBound(MyArray)
 Write #2, MyArray(iCtr)
 Next iCtr
 Close #2
Close Statement
 Always Make sure to close your files
after use!
 Syntax:
 Close #FileNum
Siebel Specific Objects
 BusComp
 BusObject
 TheApplication
 PropertySet
 Service
 Object
Error Handling in Siebel VB
 Syntax:
 On Error GoTo Label:
 ‘other code
 Label:
 ‘Handle error here
 Example:
 On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
 ‘other code
 ErrHandler:
 ‘Handle error here

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