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Biomedical Foundation of

Special Education
Module 2

Lesson 1
Eugenics and Genocides
Module Overview
Knowing the morphology, physiology, anatomy,
behavior, origin and distribution of living organisms
will allow us to comprehend certain deviations happen
in an expected/unexpected way. And by way of
understanding its underlying causes, science is able to
prevent and/ or treat conditions that were once
impossible to manage.
Module 2 will provide evidences of the
biomedical causes of disability and the varied ways of
dealing with the condition.
At the completion of this module, you are expected to:

•Discuss the major issues and advancements in the

biological and medical disciplines towards Persons with
•Present the etiology of abnormalities, its deterrence
and management
•Identify factors that will make a person at risk.
Lesson Objectives
• Define and relate Eugenics and genocides
• Identify movements that supported the
sterilization of mankind
• Demonstrate an attitude and understanding
towards preservation of life
Watch “ Eugenics, helping or eradicating disability?”
After watching the documentary, answer
the following questions and discuss in groups:

1.Is the concept of Eugenics helping persons

with disability, eradicating disability? State your
2.Is your opinion the same with other members
of the group? Present your argument.

Eugenics – is the science of improving human


Genocides – the systematic extermination of

cultural or racial group.
•The eugenics movement attracted many prominent
non-scientist including Winston Churchill, Home
Secretary when the Mental Deficiency Act became a
law; and DH Lawrence, an English novelist, poet and
•In compulsory sterilization was extended to
all men and women suffering from hereditary

•In 1939, Hitler gave authority to physicians to end the lives

of incurable patients. 400 doctors, nurses & the Social
Services worked on the program which was described as
mercy killing but was in fact mass murder of persons with
mental & physical disabilities.

•From 1939-1941 there were series of programs for the

killing of PWDs. 70,000 mentally disabled were gassed and
20,000 were starved to death. Altogether, 80-100,000
children and adults with disabilities were victims of mass

• Make a graphic presentation of your perception

on disability and eugenics. Support with interesting
facts, advantages and disadvantages
Thank You!

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