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Slide 1
• Classification and History Capsicum chinense
• Characteristics
• Growing the Carolina Reaper Pepper
• Cultivar/Variety Evaluation
• Sowing
• Sun Requirement
• Soil and Water Needs
• Fertilizer Management
• Pest Management
• Harvesting
• Carolina Reaper Products
• Health Benefits
Presenter: Daniel R. Patayan
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Tracheophyta
Subdivision: Spermatophytes
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Subfamily: Solanoideae
Tribe: Capsiceae
Genus: Capsicum
Species: Capsicum chinense
Cultivar: Capsicum chinense 'Carolina
On August 11th, 2017, the Carolina Reaper
pepper broke the Guinness World Record
for the hottest chili pepper in the world.
South Carolina resident and hot pepper
enthusiast “Smokin'” Ed Currie is to blame,
having created this variety in 2013 when he
crossbred a Naga Viper pepper with an
exceptionally hot red habanero variety.
The pepper’s fiery heat earned its record after
being tested at Winthrop University in Rock
Hill, South Carolina, United States – where it
till holds the title! 1,641,183 Scoville Heat
units is the Carolina Reaper pepper average,
but exceptionally spicy peppers have reached
up to 2,200,000 Scoville units.
The original Carolina Reaper
pepper has a vibrant red skin with a
bright green stem. The average size
is about one to two inches wide and
two to three inches long, and most
peppers have a small and pointy tail
that sticks out at the end. The skin
can range from smooth to rough
with lots of bumps on the surface.
Growing the Carolina Reaper
Planting your peppers four to six
weeks before moving them outside
should give your peppers the start
they need for successful growth.
Peppers are not cold-weather fans, so
make sure temperatures remain above
at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit before
transplanting to an outdoor garden.
Red is the most
common color, but
different varieties
of the Carolina
reaper pepper can
be yellow,
chocolate, mustard,
caramel, and
Is Eating a Carolina
Reaper Pepper
Everyone knows that the
Carolina Reaper pepper
is the hottest pepper
around – but is it actually
safe to eat? Of course! In
fact, this hot pepper
variety actually has a
sweet and almost fruity
taste that happens right
before the heat kicks in.
On average, the Carolina Reaper
pepper takes about two to four weeks to
germinate and requires very warm soil
to sprout– ideally between 80 to 85
degrees Fahrenheit.
Seeds should be sown 1/4 inch deep.
Don’t forget to wear gloves!
Ideally, pepper seedlings should
be moved outside about two to
three weeks after sprouting. If
your sprouts are starting to
outgrow their containers before
outdoor conditions have reached
ideal temperatures, your peppers
may be transplanted into a larger
container to avoid root
Sun Requirement
When transplanting
your Carolina Reaper
peppers outside, be sure
to pick a spot where
plenty of sunlight can
reach your plants. These
peppers love their heat
and thrive in full sun!
Soil and Water Needsv
A pH of 6 to 6.5 is ideal for growth, and the soil
should be light and well-draining. Adding nutrient-
rich fertilizer will help promote the vigorous
development of your plants.
During the germination process, your soil should
maintain high levels of moisture. Once your seeds
have sprouted, your plant will require much less
water. Your soil should never dry out, but the
Carolina Reaper pepper is a heat-tolerant plant
and can survive with less frequent watering. Your
peppers should receive about two inches of water
per week.
Fertilizer Management
Carolina Reaper are susceptible to
calcium deficiency. To help support
a healthy dose of calcium, you may
spray your plant with a diluted
calcium-magnesium solution during
5-10-5 inorganic fertilizer is
Pest Management
Common Pests and Diseases Affecting
Carolina Reaper Pepper Plants. One
common pest that affects Carolina
Reaper peppers is aphids. These aphids
suck the sap from the plant leaves,
causing them to wilt and die. You
can introduce beneficial insects or use
organic/inorganic insecticide to combat
A fully grown Carolina Reaper pepper
plant can reach up to five feet tall and
about three to five feet wide. Your peppers
should be ready to harvest anywhere from
90 to 120 days after growth. It’s best to
harvest peppers once they’ve developed
their full red color – this is when the super-
hot peppers have reached their full heat
and flavor potential.
Carolina Reaper Products
Carolina Reaper chile peppers are
most commonly added to hot sauces
or salsas as a sweet flavoring and
intense heat. When blended into
sauces, the peppers can be used to
flavor chicken wings, cooked meats,
pasta, Asian noodle dishes, chilis,
stews, and soups.
Health Benefits
Besides ultimate bragging rights, there
are multiple reasons to add the
Carolina Reaper pepper to your diet.
Capsaicin boosts metabolism, promotes
weight loss, has pain-relieving
properties, and even contains anti-
cancer properties. This hot pepper is
also a great source of Vitamins C and A!
Reaper Pepper Seeds?
Due to its extreme heat, the
Carolina Reaper pepper is not
commonly found in local markets
or stores. If you’re eager to
experience the exceptional heat
for yourself, the easiest way is to
buy seeds online.

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