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Department of Electrical Power Engineering

Mathematical Principles of Electrical Safety

Presented by VI EP Group(5)


Members of Group (5)
No Roll No Name
1 VI EP-44 Mg Arkar Min
2 VI EP-59 Mg Soe Nanda
3 VI EP-55 Mg Kyaw Min Khing
4 VI EP-45 Mg Kaung Myat Phone
5 VI EP-4 Ma Ei Wuttyi Htun
6 VI EP-8 Mg Aung Aung
7 VI EP-19 Mg Kaung Khant
8 VI EP-41 Ma Nilar Soe
9 VI EP-36 Ma Khin Myat Noe
10 VI EP-22 Ma Chuu Lei Phyu

Table of contents
• Introduction
• Mathematical Definition of Safety
• Risk of Indirect and Direct Contact
• The Acceptable Residual Risk
• Safety and Risk of Basic Insulation
• Safety and Risk of Class 0 Equipment

Table of contents
• Safety and Risk of Class I Equipment
• Safety and Risk of Class II Equipment
• Safety and Risk of Electrical Separation
• A Qualitative Comparison Between Safety and Risk of Protective
• Conclusion

Purpose of Presentation

Educate on Electrical Safety Principles: Provide a comprehensive

understanding of the principles behind electrical safety.

To understand about safety and risk level of electrical equipments.

Promote Safe Electrical Practices: Encourage the audience to adopt safe

electrical practices in their daily lives and work environments.

Importance of Electrical Safety
Electrical accidents are a significant cause of injury and death worldwide.
In the United States, electrical hazards cause an average of 400 deaths and 4,400
injuries annually.
Electrical safety is crucial in homes, workplaces, and industries to prevent accidents
and protect lives and property.
Protection of Property: Electrical faults can damage equipment, appliances, and
infrastructure. Ensuring electrical safety can help protect these assets from damage.

Mathematical Definition of Electrical Safety

Calculations and Principles

 Electrical safety involves the application of

mathematical formulas to assess potential hazards and

 Mathematical models can also be used to analyze

electrical faults and determine the appropriate
protection mechanisms.
Mathematical Definition of Safety
 Electrical safety of an ECP must be referred to
as the absence of “superficial” dangerous
potentials on its enclosure and must not be
confused with its functionality. II

Faults compromising compromising Faults compromising
 Some faults, in fact, may compromise safety functionality functionality & safety
against electric shock but not the operation of
the equipment, which may keep working. This
concept is shown in the Venn diagram in Fig.
Fig. Faults compromising safety

 Faults falling in set III, but not in set II, create

the most hazardous situation, as the lack of
safety is not revealed by the loss of
functionality of the equipment.

𝑵 − 𝑭 ( 𝒕)
𝑺 ( 𝒕 )=

N = total number of identical items
F(t) = the number of equipment among N, whose enclosure became ‘hot’
after the time t

 Safety is the maximum value (i.e., unity) when either the item is not
energized or its failure cannot cause any hazardous situations (e.g.,
the item functions at extremely low voltages).
Safety with time S(t) Vs time (yr)

𝑵 − 𝑭 ( 𝒕)
𝑺 ( 𝒕 )= =𝒆− 𝝀𝒊 𝒕

 Where λi represents the failure rate,

defined as the mean number of
failure per unit-time, for example,
years, of the ith protective
Figure: Safety offered by a circuit breaker.

 If all the n measures must simultaneously operate to ensure safety, the protection system is defined as
 If, on the contrary, all PMs must fail in order for safety to fail, the system is defined as parallel or
 Safety for serial and parallel(redundant) systems.

 Where the subscript i indicates the ith PM and n indicates the total number of PMs.
Risks of Indirect and Direct Contact

Basically, three simultaneous adverse events must occur to expose a person to

damage(i.e., physical injuries, death)caused by indirect/direct contact:

i. A surface potential must appear on the equipment enclosure

ii. Person must touch the enclosure
iii. The surface potential’s magnitude must exceed the safe limits


 Direct injuries such as electric shocks, burns, or electrocution.

 Indirect injuries, such as traumatic injuries associated with falls after an electrical shock

r(t) = [1-S(t)]k(t)v(t)
r(t) = The magnitude of the residual risk
[1-S(t)] = The probability that the enclosure is energized due to an internal fault.
This term is also referred to as insecurity.
k(t) = The probability that a person touches the faulted enclosure
v(t) = The probability that the voltage exceeds the dangerous values


• As a result, in the same maximum

permissible voltage, the residual risk for
direct contact is greater than the residual
risk for indirect contact.
• In the case of direct contact, the
probability that the part is energized
equals, of course, 100%, whereas in
indirect contact such probability is much
lower because of the protective measures.

The Acceptable Residual Risks

● Residual risk is the amount of risk, associated with a

task or process, remaining after inherent risks have
been reduced by acceptable risk controls methodology.

● Acceptable risk: That risk for which the probability of

a hazard-related incident or exposure occurring and
the severity of harm or damage that may result are as
low as reasonably practicable and tolerable in the
setting being considered.
Metods for reducing residual risk

 Insulation
 Grounding
 Protective devices
 Safe work practices
 Regular maintenance
 Compliance with standards

How to related Safety & Cost

 Safety and cost are important

considerations in electrical safety, as
they often go hand in hand.

 While prioritizing safety is crucial to

prevent accidents and protect
individuals and property from harm,
it's also important to consider the
associated costs of implementing
safety measures.
 Without any doubt we could lower the
residual risk by increasing the financial Figure: Safety-cost curves
investment in protective measures.

 Achieving safety can be thought as the

result of an iterative process as
described in the flow chart.
 In following sections, we will examine
the standard protective measures by
analyzing their safety and risk against
indirect contact.
Figure: Determination of safety as the result of an iterative process.

Safety and Risk of Basic Insulation
Basic insulation is designed to provide a barrier between live electrical components
and external surfaces, preventing direct contact with potentially dangerous voltages.

 However, if the insulation material degrades or is damaged, it can compromise

safety and increase the risk of electric shock or fire .

 An example of basic insulation is the plastic insulation around each conductor of a

common ac power cord


• Direct contact
• Built in

The safety of an item, at anytime, as offered by the basic

insulation, is estimated as shown in Eq.

Figure: Electrical item with no

enclosure and basic insulation
• λBI is the failure rate of the basic insulation.
• The related risk is indicated as rBI(t)


 Basic insulation in electrical engineering is often characterized by its dielectric strength, which is the
maximum electric field that a material can withstand without experiencing electrical breakdown.
 This property is typically measured in volts per unit thickness (e.g., volts per millimeter).

 To calculate the dielectric strength of basic insulation, you would typically use the formula:

Dielectric Strength = Voltage

Voltage is the maximum voltage that the insulation can withstand without breaking down.
Thickness is the thickness of the insulation material

What is the Importance of Insulation in Electrical Safety?

• Preventing Electric Shocks

• Preventing Short Circuits and Fires
• Reducing Energy Loss
• Ensuring Compliance with Standards and
• Maintaining Insulation Integrity

Safety and Risk of Class 0 Equipment
• A Class 0 equipment is, an electrical item with basic insulation in an enclosure
without a bonding terminal.
• If the basic insulation fails and persons touch the faulted enclosure, indirect
contact would occur .
• Example :a two pin plug soldering iron without provision for earthing.

• The safety S0 of this configuration coincides with the previous one examined in
• .In fact , the failure rate of the basic insulation does not change .


• The fault potential, though, appears over the whole metal enclosure, increasing the
probability that persons are subject to a touch potential.
• This causes k0(t) > kBI(t)

In formulas;

• In ordinary locations, the risk r0(t) is not considered acceptable by any standards or
codes, which require Class I equipment(i.e., out fitted with bonding terminals) to be

Safety and Risk of Class II Equipment

 Class II equipment refers to electrical devices that have a double insulation system,
meaning they have two layers of insulation protecting against electric shock. This design
significantly reduces the risk of electrical hazards. However, like any electrical
equipment, there are still potential risks if they are not used or maintained properly. Some
safety considerations and risks associated with Class II equipment include electrical
shock, fire hazard, environmental factors, improper use and maintenance. Class II
equipment offers a higher level of safety compared to Class I equipment.

Symbol of Class II Equipment


Class II equipment with no conductive enclosure

• Class II equipment does not rely on a conductive enclosure for safety.

• Instead, it provides two layers of insulation or reinforced insulation to protect against

electric shock.

 This design eliminates the need for a grounding connection, making it safe for users,
especially in situations where grounding may not be reliable or available

 E.g. Cables, drill, hairdryers; electronic devices, compute, radio, television

 Electric shock can be caused only by direct contact


Where,λSI is the failure rate of the supplementary insulation

SSI is the safety of the supplementary insulation

Compared SII and SBI

Since λ SI< ,λ BGCPD,
S II (t) < S I(t)

In the absence protective enclosure, k II < kI , hence, r II (t)< r I(t)

Class II equipment with bonded metal enclosure

 Class II equipment with bonded metal enclosure typically refers to electrical devices or
appliances that have double insulation to protect against electric shock.
 The bonded meal enclosure provides an extra layer of protection, ensuring that even if
the primary insulation fails, there is a secondary barrier to prevent contact with live
 This type of design is common in many household appliances and electronic devices to
enhance safety.


 Safety of Class II equipment in bonded enclosure

SIIBE(t) is

𝑆𝐼𝐼 ( 𝑡 )=1 − [ 1 − 𝑆𝐼 ( 𝑡 ) ] [ 1− 𝑆𝑆𝐼 (𝑡 ) ] − FTP (t )

 SIIBE(t) < SII(t)

Because of the presence of the metal

 Diagrammatic representation of Class II
kIIBE > kII and rIIBE(t) > rII(t) equipment in bonded conductive
Safety and Risk of Electrical Separation
Electrical separation is a protective measure that provides basic
insulation to live parts.
It also provides fault protection by separating the separated circuit
from other circuits and from Earth.


Figure: Risk as related to electrical separation

A Qualitatives Comparison Between Safety and Risk of Protective Measures
 It should be noted that the above-calculated parameters are valid only the
manufacturer’s instructions are followed during installation,the electrical
equipment is maintained in relation to the environment,and we are in standard

 Equipment in nonordinary locations (restrictive spaces,fire hazardous

facility,etc.) may in fact offer greater risks

Thank for Your Attention


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