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Environmental Economics and Management:

Theory, Policy, and Applications 3e

by Scott Callan and Janet Thomas

2004 Thomson Learning/South-Western

Chapter 1

The Role of Economics in Environmental Management

2004 Thomson Learning/South-Western

Economics and the Environment

Economic theory explains what we observe in reality Microeconomic analysis can also be used to analyze environmental problems

Economics and the Environment

Circular Flow Model the basis for modeling the relationship between economic activity and the environment
Real Flow Factor Market Output Market Money Flow

Does not explicitly show the linkage between economic activity and the environment

Economics and the Environment

Figure 1.1 Circular Flow Model of Economic Activity

Economics and the Environment

Figure 1.2 Materials Balance Model: The Interdependence of Economic Activity and Nature

Economics and the Environment

Materials Balance Model illustrates the relationship between economic activity and the environment
Flow of Resources Natural Resource Economics concerned with flows of resources from nature to economic activity Flow of Residuals Residuals by-products released back into the environment Assimilative Capacity environmental ability to absorb residuals Recovery Recycling and Reuse methods to delay the flow of residuals

Economics and the Environment

Materials Balance Model
Science and Materials Balance First Law of Thermodynamics matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed Second Law of Thermodynamics natures capacity to convert matter and energy is not without bound

Fundamental Concepts in Environmental Economics

Causes of Environmental Damage: Types of Pollutants
Natural Pollutants nonartificial Anthropogenic Pollutants human induced and include all residuals associated with consumption and production Of greater concern to environmental economists

Fundamental Concepts in Environmental Economics

Sources of Pollution: Classifying Polluting Sources
Source Grouped by Mobility Stationary Sources fixed site Mobile Source any non-stationary source Sources Grouped by Identifiability Point source single identifiable source Nonpoint Source a source that cannot be accurately identified


Fundamental Concepts in Environmental Economics

Identifying the Scope of Environmental Damage: Local, Regional, and Global Pollution
Global Pollution widespread environmental effects with global implications Examples:
Global warming Ozone depletion


Identifying Environmental Objectives

Environmental Quality reduction in anthropogenic contamination to socially acceptable levels Sustainable Development management of resources to ensure long-term quality and abundance Biodiversity the variety of distinct species, genetic variability, and variety of inhabitable ecosystems

Environmental Policy Planning: An Overview

Figure 1.4 Parties Involved in Environmental Policy Planning


Environmental Policy Planning: An Overview

National Environmental Policy Act Risk Analysis
Risk Assessment qualitative and quantitative evaluation of risk posed by an environmental hazard Risk Management decision process of choosing from alternative responses to environmental risk


Environmental Policy Planning: An Overview

Policy Evaluation Criteria
Allocative Efficiency requires resources be appropriated such that benefits are equal to costs Cost-effectiveness requires the least amount of resources be used to achieve an objective Environmental Quality concerned with the fairness of the environmental risk burden across segments of society or geographic region


Environmental Policy Planning: An Overview

Governments Overall Policy Approach
Command-and-control Approach regulates polluters through the use of rules Market Approach incentive policy that encourages conservation or pollution reduction Polluter-pays Principle polluter pays for the damage caused

Setting the Time Horizon

Management Strategies a short-term strategy intended to manage an existing problem Pollution prevention long-term strategy aimed at reducing the amount of toxicity of residuals released to nature

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