Session 4

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Chúc mừng năm mới

Chúc cô và các bạn một năm mới

vui vẻ, mạnh khỏe, thành công

Vũ Hương Giang TrầN Thị Thanh Thu

0188366 0205666
1. Điền từ còn thiếu vào ô trống Professor (n) Giáo sư
Pr_fes_or /prəˈfes.ər/

 A. o/s  B. i/h

 C. e/s  D. a/u
2. Restrictive mang nghĩa là gì?

 A. Có giới hạn/ hạn chế  B. Kinh nghiệm

 C. Trải nghiệm  D. Cạnh tranh

3. You will need dedication and to survive there

 A. Patient  B. Patience

 C. Vexatious  D. Vexation
4. Điền từ còn thiếu vào ô trống Director (n) đạo diễn
Dir_ctor /daɪˈrek.tər/ /dɪˈrek.tər

 A. o  B. i

 C. e  D. a
5. Article mang nghĩa là gì?

 A. Họa sĩ  B. Bài luận

 C. Nhạc sĩ  D. Bài báo

Session 4

1 Unit 13: Relative Pronouns & Relative Adverbs

2 Relative clauses

3 Unit 14: Complete sentences

Point 1  Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun is a word that plays the roles of both

conjunction and pronoun at the same time. When a noun
or a noun phrase from one sentence is used again in the next
sentence, a relative pronoun is used to both represent the
repeated noun or noun phrase and connect the two
sentences. A relative clause is a type of adjective clause
because it modifies a noun or noun phrase. The modified
noun or noun phrase is called the antecedent.
Point 1  Relative Pronouns

• I know a woman. The woman works for a publishing company.

• I know a woman, and she works for a publishing

conjunction + pronoun

• I know a woman who works for a publishing company.

antecedent adjective clause
Point 1  Relative Pronouns

Nominative Possessive Objective

Case Case Case
People who, that whose whom, that
of which,
Animals that, which that, which
Things that, which whose that, which
Things (including
what what
Point 1  Relative Pronouns
1) Nominative Case

• I know a man. + He (= The man) speaks Chinese very well.

person subject

-> I know a man who speaks Chinese very well.

• I like the computer. + It (= The computer) is on sale right now.
thing subject

-> I like the computer which/that is on sale right now.

Point 1  Relative Pronouns

Checkup 1.1 Select the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. The client (which / who) visited us yesterday called this morning.

2. The post office (which / who) is near the office is closed now.
3. He was attending the meeting _______ was held at the BEST
Convention Center in Tokyo.
(A) that (B) of which (C) who (D)
Point 1  Relative Pronouns
2) Possessive Case

• I have a friend. + Her husband works for NASA in the USA.

person possessive

-> I have a friend whose husband works for NASA in the USA.

• She lives in a house. + Its (= of the house) roof is red.

thing possessive

-> She lives in a house whose roof is red.

= She lives in a house, the roof of which is red.
Point 1  Relative Pronouns
Checkup 1.2 Select the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. She interviewed the director (who / whose) film won an award.

2. He is reading a long book, the author (of which / that) is also his
3. The trainer, ______ lecturing experience spans more than ten
years, is famous for his interesting speeches.
(A) whose (B) whom (C) who (D) which
Point 1  Relative Pronouns
3) Objective Case

• I made a call to a customer. + I met him (= the customer) at the conference.

person object

-> I made a call to a customer whom (= that) I met at the conference.

Point 1  Relative Pronouns
3) Objective Case
• She gave me a book. + She bought it (= the book) online yesterday.
thing object

-> She gave me a book which (= that) she bought online yesterday.

• This is the house. + My friend lives in it (= the house).

thing prep object

-> This is the house which (= that) my friend lives in.

(= This is the house in which my friend lives.)
cf) In a restrictive relative clause, a relative pronoun in the objective
case can be omitted.
I made a call to a customer (whom) I met at the conference.
Point 1  Relative Pronouns
Checkup 1.3 Select the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. The editor is reviewing the article (what / that) he wrote

2. The shipment of the items _________ you ordered from our shoe
store will be delayed because of bad weather.
(A) what (B) which (C) whom (D)
Relative clause

A. Choose an appropriate relative pronoun for each sentence.

1. The new president is a man (who / which) is interested

in art.
2. The products (that / who) are displayed are expensive.
3. They hired someone (which / who) has 3 years of
4. This is the firm (which / who) is the most popular in
5. The new book (who / that) will be published soon was
written by our president.
B. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct
option to complete each sentence.
1. People _____ signed up for the program yesterday got a 5%
A. who
B. what
C. whom
D. Which
2. The company ____ sells kid’s toys increased its productivity
A. whom
B. which
C. who
D. what
sign up for: đăng kí
productivity: năng suất
A. Read the following sentences. Mark ✔ in the space given if
the underlined word is correct and correct the incorrect one.

1. The woman that English is fluent worked in the New York office
for a long time
that 🡪 whose
2. The buyer whom we met yesterday sent me an e-mail.

3. They reached an agreement whose everybody wanted.
whose 🡪 which that
4. I replaced all the flies whose versions are old.

B. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct
option to complete each sentence.

1. The people ____ names are on the list will receive incentives.
A. who
B. whose
C. also
D. that
2. The exhibition____ we visited yesterday was very interesting
A. who
B. whom
C. that
D. whose
incentive: khích lệ
exhibition: triển lãm
A. Fill the gaps with the relative pronoun what or that.

1. ________
What the sales figures indicate is not clear to me.
2. The CEO ________
that I met yesterday was brilliant.
3. The expert pointed out ________
what we have to focus on.
4. The money _______
that I deposited at the bank
5. The president was not pleased with the proposal
that the manager made.
6. _______
What the analyst told us should be seriously
B. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. This is _______ we know about the current economic situation.

A. when
B. that
C. whether
D. what
2. ______ you said to the committee was very persuasive.
A. That
B. What
C. Which
D. And

B. Choose the correct option to complete each sentences

1. People _____ about high taxes should talk to the accountant.

A. concerned
B. to concern
C. are concerned
D. whom concerned
2. We are looking for a person _____ eligible for the managerial
A. who
B. who are
C. whom are
D. who is
A. Choose an appropriate relative adverb for each sentence.

1. This is the bank (where / when / why) I save my money.

2. The reason (why / where / when) Mr. Simpson was fired
was unknown.
3. We are trying to figure out the reason (how / when /
why) our sales are decreasing.
4. I don’t know (the way how / how / when) I should deal
with this problem.
5. February is the month (where / when / how) we usually
hold our management meeting.

B. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. I don’t understand the reason ______ they didn’t accept our

A. how
B. when
C. why
D. where
2. Find the computer file ______ I store all the information.
A. in that
B. where
C. which
D. when
accept: chấp nhận
store: lưu trữ

Common Vocabulary
in the TOEIC Test.

Prepositional Phrases
A. Fill each gap with an appropriate preposition.

1. __________
in a timely manner
2. __________
under warranty
3. __________
in an effort ___________
4. __________
in advance
5. on
__________ of
behalf ____________
6. __________
for your convenience
7. __________
in terms ____________
8. __________
at all times delete
B. Fill the gaps with the prepositions in the box to form correct
at in on with

1. in
_________ stock
2. _________
at one’s expensive
3. _________
with caution
4. on
_________ duty

in in on with

5. in
_________ particular
6. with
in cooperation _________
7. on
_________ the agenda
8. _________
in honor of
Practice with TOEIC
Actual Question
Decide which of the choices – (A), (B), (C)
or (D) – best completes the sentences.
1-4 5-8 9-12 13-14
Questions 15-16 refer to the following article.
Questions 15-16 refer to the following article.
Grammar Step UP!
Conjunction That vs. Relative Pronoun What

That introduces a noun clause functioning as a subject, an
object, or a complement in a sentence.
When the noun clause introduced by that functions as a
subject or a complement in a sentence, we cannot omit
that. When the noun clause introduced by that functions
as an object, we can omit it.
That he has been promoted is not surprising.
Everybody thought (that) Mr. Kim would get a promotion.
Grammar Step UP!
Conjunction That vs. Relative Pronoun What

What introduces a noun clause functioning as a subject,
an object, or a complement in a sentence.
We didn’t understand what the investment analyst was
talking about.
What the manager said shocked all the team members.

Grammar Step UP!
Let’s check!
Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.

1. She will present (that / what) she prepared about the

2. (That / What) happened to the CEO yesterday was a
3. I believe (that / what) Mr. Carter is a reliable person.
4. This is (that / what) the company wants us to do.
5. (That / What) she is devoted to her work is well known.

Complete Sentences
In Part 6 (Text Completion), some texts may be missing a
complete sentence as well as words and phrases. You will be
asked to choose which sentence best fits the blank in the
text. To answer this type of question correctly, you must
understand the overall structure and logical flow of the
Point 1 ★ Introductory Sentences

In most texts, the introductory (first) sentence or

sentences tells the reader about the topic,
purpose, and/or main idea. For example, the
beginning of a letter or e-mail usually states the
reason for writing, and the beginning of an
advertisement usually mentions what is being
Introductory: Giới thiệu
Mentions: đề cập
Reading Strategies Point 1 ★ Introductory

If the blank is at or near the beginning of the passage:

a. Quickly skim the rest of the passage to identify the writer and
reader, the topic, and the main idea. It is not necessary to
understand every detail.
b. Among the answer choices, look for a sentence that introduces
the main idea.
c. Eliminateanswer choices that are too specific to be introductory
sentences or are not relevant to the main idea.
Reading Strategies Point 1 ★ Introductory

If the blank is at or near the beginning of the passage:

a. Quickly skim (đọc lướt) the rest of the passage to identify (xác
định )the writer and reader, the topic, and the main idea. It is not
necessary to understand every detail.
b. Among (ở giữa)the answer choices, look for a sentence that
introduces the main idea.
c. Eliminate (lờ đi)answer choices that are too specific(rõ ràng) to be
introductory sentences or are not relevant (liên quan)to the main
Point 1 ★ Introductory Sentences
Checkup 1 Select the best answer to complete the text.


_________ (1). We’re celebrating five amazing years by giving our
customers the gift of discounts! Get up to 25% off men’s and women’s
apparel( hàng may mặc), and up to 50% off sports equipment. It’s our
biggest sale of the year. Come see the world’s best selection of
sporting goods, and find the perfect gift for the athlete(vận dộng viên)
in your life – or for yourself!
Point 1 ★ Introductory Sentences
Checkup 1 Select the best answer to complete the text.

1. (A) Jay’s is the only place ¡n town to get the best ¡n

skis(ván trượt) and snowboards.
(B) Come to Jay’s on June 7th for great deals on
everything in the store.
(C) Jay’s is proud to announce our own new line of
workout clothes.
(D) We promise you’ll be pleased(hài lòng), or Jay’s
will refund your money.
Point 2 ★ Body Sentences

The middle, or body, of a text provides details

about the main idea. These details are usually
given in a logical order and often include
cohesive devices (words that connect sentences
and ideas to one another).

cohesive devices( thiết bị gắn kết)

Reading Strategies
If the blank is in the middle of the passage:
a. Quickly read the introductory sentence to get a sense of the
writer/reader, topic, and main idea.
b. Read the sentences before and after the blank. After that, you can
usually make a logical guess about what the correct answer will look like.
Look for cohesive devices ¡n both these sentences and in the answer
choices. These will also help you guesshow the correct sentence fits into
the passage. Common cohesive devices are pronouns, especially
demonstratives (this/that/these/those), and conjunctive adverbs (thus,
besides, etc.)
Reading Strategies(chiến thuật)
If the blank is in the middle of the passage:
a. Quickly read the introductory sentence to get a sense of the
writer/reader, topic, and main idea.
b. Read the sentences before and after the blank. After that, you can
usually make a logical guess (đoán) about what the correct answer will
look like. Look for cohesive devices(thiết bị gắn kết) ¡n both these
sentences and in the answer choices. These will also help you
guess(đoán)how the correct sentence fits into the passage. Common
cohesive devices(thiết bị gắn kết) are pronouns, especially
demonstratives (this/that/these/those), and conjunctive adverbs (thus,
besides, etc.)
Point 2 ★ Body Sentences

Reading Strategies

If the blank is in the middle of the passage:

c. Among the answer choices, look for a sentence that both relates
to the main idea and fits the logical flow of the nearby sentences.
Eliminate answer choices that don’t fit the logical flow.

Bỏ qua
Point 2 ★ Body Sentences
Checkup 2 Select the best answer to complete the text.

TO: Marianne Williams <[email protected]>

FROM: Beach Drive Inn <[email protected]>
SUBJECT: Deluxe room
Dear Ms. Williams,
You asked us to contact you if a room became available for the weekend of July 19 – 20.
Luckily, a reservation for a deluxe single(phòg dơn sang trọng) with an ocean view has just
been canceled. ____________ (2) . I hope you have not already made other arrangements.
However, we can only hold the room for the next 48 hours. If you’re still interested, please let
me know ASAP at this e-mail address, or call (815) 7272-6787.
Sincerely(Trân trọng,)
Cathy Stark
Owner & Manager, Beach Drive Inn
Point 1 ★ Introductory Sentences
Checkup 2 Select the best answer to complete the text.

2. (A) Thereforewe would be happy to book that room

for you. (đánh giá cao)
(B) We would appreciate your feedback on your
recent stay. (nghi ngờ)
(C) Nevertheless, I doubt you will have trouble finding
a hotel.
(D) Some of our double rooms have nice views of the
Point 3 ★ Concluding Sentences
Passages can end in many different ways. Trình bày lại
However, concluding sentences often restate
the main idea, and/or talk about future actions
or instructions. For example, an apology letter
might end by repeating the apology in different
words. A job advertisement might end by telling
the reader how to apply for the job.
Point 3 ★ Concluding Sentences
Reading Strategies
If the blank is at or near the end of the passage:
a. Quickly skim the whole passage to get a sense of the
writer/reader, topic, and main idea. Then you can often begin to
form a prediction about the correct answer.
b. Read the sentence(s) next to the blank. Look for cohesive devices
there and in the answer choices.
c. Among the answer choices, look for a sentence that relates to the
main idea and provides a logical conclusion to the passage.
Eliminate answer choices that do not.
Point 3 ★ Concluding
Reading Strategies Sentences
If the blank is at or near the end of the passage:
a. Quickly skim (dọc lướt) the whole passage to get a sense of the
writer/reader, topic, and main idea. Then you can often begin to
form a prediction(dự doán) about the correct answer.
b. Read the sentence(s) next to the blank. Look for cohesive
devices(thiết bị gắn kết) there and in the answer choices.
c. Among the answer choices, look for a sentence that relates to the
main idea and provides a logical conclusion (kết luận)to the
passage. Eliminate (bỏ qua)answer choices that do not.
Point 3 ★ Concluding Sentences
Checkup 3 Select the best answer to complete the text.

Roberto Linares276
Second Avenue North
New Jersey, NY 07407
Dear Mr. Linares,
On behalf (thay mặt)of the organizing committee(ban tổ chức), I am writing to thank you
for your outstanding (vượt trội)presentation at our conference last Friday. It was by far the
most popular and talked-about speech of the whole program. We were all impressed(ấn
tượng) by your ideas about innovation (sự dổi mới)in small businesses, as well as your
clear, interesting way of explaining (giải thích)them. I am sure that everyone in the
audience learned a great deal. ______ (3). Again, thank you very much.
Best regards,
M. Cooper
Point 3 ★ Concluding Sentences
Checkup 3 Select the best answer to complete the text.

3. (A) Perhaps you could clarify one point from your

talk. (làm rõ)

(B) All in all, I believe the meeting was a success.

(C) Please let me know if you have any comments or
(D) I hope you will consider returning for next year’s
(thu thập)
Tip for Success
Full-Sentence Blanks in Part 6
★ Tip 1
First, read the introductory sentence of the passage. Then look at
the sentences before and after the blank. This should give you a
good idea of the topic of the passage.
★ Tip 2 ( 0 liên quan)
Next, eliminate answer choices that are clearly irrelevant to the
★ Tip 3 (liên quan)
Then look for an answer choice that seems 1) relevant and 2)
connected to the nearby sentences through a pronoun or
conjunctive adverb.
★ Tip 4
(tinh thần) Mentally place that option in the blank. Ask yourself, does it make
sense? Does it fit the logical flow?
Date of test:

TOEIC Part 1: Photographs TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response
- Photos with people in focus - Who/ W hat/ Which/ Where/ W hen/ How/ Why
- Photos with objects and background in focus - Yes/ No questions
- Statements/ Requests/Suggestions/ Offers
Listen and choose the statement that best describes the picture.

1. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. (A) (B) (C) (D)
Listen and mark the best response.

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)
Time allowance: 10 minutes

Student’s full name: Group:

Student’s ID Number: Date of test:
TOEIC Part 5+6: Relative Pronouns
- Nominative Case: “who, which, that, what”
- Possessive Case: “whose, of which”
- Objective Case: “whom, which, that, what”
PART I. Select the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The man ------- played the guitar in the band at the 2. She gave me a pair of silver earrings -------
concert last week is my new neighbour. bought online last week.
A. who A. who
B. whom B. whose
C. what C. of which
D. which D. w hich
3 The interview with Taylor Swift, ------- songs are 4. The artist, whose painting experience ------- more
.popular is scheduled at 3:00 tomorrow. than 20 years, is famous for his works at the National
A. which Art Gallery.
B. of which A. spans
C. whose B. lengthens
D. who C. passes
D. has
5. The client to whom the director ------- a call this 6. My father works for a publishing company ------
morning is now waiting in the meeting hall. publishes books, magazines, software, etc.
A. phoned A. who
B. made B. that
C. took C. of which
D. did D. whose

7. The supermarket ------- is near the auditorium is 8. This is the 12-storey glass-fronted office building in-------
going to reopen after Christmas. my aunt works.
A. who A. who
B. of which B. of which
C. which C. which
D. whom D. whom
9. The shipment of the items which you ordered from 10. She acted in a film, the director ------- has
our shoe store will be ------- because of bad weather. won an Oscar award.
A. delivered A. which
B. delayed B. what
C. paused C. of which
D. broken D. of what
11. Most of the people ------- get a lot of 12. I like the dress which is ------- sale right now in
information from this website are teenagers. the clothes shop opposite my house.
A. whose A. in
B. who B. by
C. whom C. at
D. which D. on
13. Mrs. Wilson is one of our regular -------. She usually 14. Yesterday afternoon fans gathered to meet the
buys things from our shop. ------- of the book, The Greatest Race.
A. customers A. author
B. people B. order
C. staff C. buyer
D. managers D. dealer
PART II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the
text.Questions 17 - 20 refer to the following advertisement.
For all levels from complete beginner to advanced

I am a qualified violin instructor ----(17)----- has recently moved to the area. I am hoping to establish a small
violin school in town. I have taught the violin and the viola for ----(18)----- than 15 years.
I was a member of the Memphis Chamber Orchestra and worked as a professional violinist for 5 years. I have
prepared many students for exam work and many of my ex-students have been accepted by renowned music
schools such as Julliard in New York. I have a very patient teaching style, but I am also strict when necessary. Playing
the violin is something ----(19)---- takes a lot of practice and dedication, and I make sure that my
students understand this. I am able to teach all students from young children to adults. Eventually, I hope to
set up a school in a downtown location, but I will start by offering home lessons. I can visit you in your
home, or you can come to my home for your lessons. I will offer both group and individual lessons. The price of
lessons will depend ----(20)---- the length of the lesson, number of students, and the location.
Please call Helena on 021-666-6785 for more information.

15. (A) what 16. (A) much 17. (A) which 18. (A) by
(B) who (B) over (B) where (B) to
(C) which (C) more (C) who (C) from
(D) whose (D) plus (D) what (D) on

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