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Monday 27 February 2023

RELS 200 L01 W23
Department of Classics and Religion, University of Calgary
© George Ferzoco 2023
Founder – Siddhartha Gautama (c. 563–483 BCE)
Title – The Buddha (the Enlightened One, the Awakened One)

Shramanas - like wandering philosophers

Darshana – worldview, both religious AND philosophical

Life of Siddhartha Gautama
(a.k.a. The Buddha)
Lived to be 80 years old, but when did he live?

¿¿¿ (c. 563–483 BCE) ??? (or d. as recently as 267 BCE)

b. Lumbini, in present-day Nepal

Caste: Royal? Warrior?

Life of Siddhartha Gautama
(a.k.a. The Buddha) – continued

Age 29 – renounced inheritance; ascetic life

New path – a middle way

Nirvana – attained at age 35

Rest of life: wandering through Ganges valley and plain



Sutra Pitaka

Vinaya Pitaka

Abhidharma Pitaka
Emperor Ashoka
Stone pillars throughout empire

stupas – funerary mounds

Legendary Life of the Buddha
Hagiographies written c.300-c.100 BCE

• Born to Queen Maya and King Shuddhodana, in a grove in modern-

day Lumbini
• Named ‘Siddhartha’, ‘he whose purpose is perfection’
• Mother died a week later
• Married princess Yashodora; son Rahula
Legendary Life of the Buddha (continued)
The Four Sights

•very old man

•horribly diseased person
•mendicant shramana who had found freedom from the terrible
condition of humanity
Legendary Life of the Buddha (continued)
The Great Renunciation

• age 29 – left palace and family, cut hair, became and dressed as a

• asceticism

• The Middle Way – reached while sitting under a fig tree

originally nontheistic, since gods were irrelevant in solving the human

eventually devotional aspects became prominent; relics, images, and

temples of the Buddha became sources of merit and focal points of
Northern India and Nepal

Spread throughout all of Indian subcontinent and eastward

Now mainly in India, Sri Lanka, SE Asia and East Asian nations
Tripitaka (= The Three Baskets)
Main Teaching
Four Noble Truths
Teach about suffering and its cure
- Condition is suffering
- Cause is desire (craving)
- Cure is elimination of desire
- Course to liberation is the Eightfold Path
Main Emphases
The Three Refuges:
- The Buddha (teacher)
- The Dharma (teaching)
- Sangha (community)
Monks (male and female)

Subgroups – Theravada – closest to original
• c.38 % - strongest in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos
and Burma (Myanmar). It is sometimes called 'Southern
• 'the doctrine of the elders’ (= senior Buddhist monks)
Subgroups - Mahayana
• c.50% of Buddhists
• strongest in Tibet, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia
• not a single group but a collection of Buddhist traditions: Zen, Pure
Land, Tibetan among others
Subgroups - Vajrayana
• c. 6%
• one may reach enlightenment in a single lifetime, via spiritual tools
such as visualization and mantra, breath and physical exercises (instead
of taking many lifetimes via meditation, morality, compassion, etc.)
Relation to other religions
Protest against Vedic (Hindu) religion, in particular:
• Rejection of caste system
• Rejection of authority of the Vedas
Retain ideas of
• karma
• rebirth
• liberation (called nirvana by Buddhists)

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