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Representation of Data

Presentation of data
 Method by which the people organize,
summarize and communicate information
using a variety of tools such as tables, graphs
and diagrams
1. Tabular presentation
2. Graphical presentation
Uses of data presentation
 Easy and better understanding of the subject
 Provides first hand information about data
 Helpful in future analysis
 Easy for making comparisons
 Very attractive
Principles of data presentation
 Data should be presented in simple form
 Arose interest in reader
 Should be concise but without losing
important details
 Facilitate further statistical analysis
 Define problem and Should suggest its
:Tabular presentation .1
 It is a systematic and logical arrangement of
classified data in rows and columns
:Presentation (Tables)Tabular
Table consists of row(S) & column(S), could be 2x2,
2x3.---,or as a List which is the simplest form of
table, consists of two columns only, the first giving
an identification of the observation unit and the
second giving the value of the variable of that unit.

class frequency
15-24 3
25-34 5
35-44 2
Criteria of the Proper
a.As simple as possible (it is better to have 2-3
simple tables than one complicated).
b.Understandable & self explanatory without
references to the text. This is done by:
► The title should be clear (placed above the
table), and answer the questions of:
What? Where? And When?
►Each row and column should be labeled
clearly and concisely.
► Specific unit of the measure for the data
should be defined.
► Total should be placed.
► Illustrate symbols, code, and abbreviation by
putting a footnote below the table.
c. Source of the table (if not original).
d. Avoid too much over ruling.
Significance of tubular
 Simplifies complex data
 Unnecessary details and repetitions of data
avoided in tabulation
 Facilitates comparison
 Gives identity to data
 Reveals pattern with in the figures which
cannot be seen in the narrative form
 Table should suit the size of the paper
 Captions and stubs should be arranged in some
systematic order
 Unit of measurement should be clearly defined
and given in the table.
 Figures should be rounded to avoid
unnecessary details in the table and footnote to
this effect should be given
Reference Table
 These tables present the original data for
reference purposes.
 It contains only absolute and actual figures and
round numbers or percentages. Eg: Tables in
census record, Appendices of Publications
Sl.No Contents Page numbers
Text Tables

 Constructed to present selected data from one

or more general purpose tables.
 It brings out a specific point of answer to
specific question.
 It includes ratios, percentages, averages etc.
 It should be found in the body of the text
Basis of contents
 1.Simple Tables Data relating to only one
 2.Complex Tables
 2.1.Double Table Data relating to 2
 2.2.Triple Tables Data relating to 3
 2.3. Multiple Tables

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