Out of My Mind Novel Study

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Page numbers are at the
Table Of Contents bottom left of the page!!!!

Mini Project Name Project Number


Diary Entry Of A Character #1 4

Significance Of A Character’s Name #2 6
Pockets Of A Character #3 7
What Do You Wonder About The Novel #4
What do You Think the Significance of The Title is #5

Table Of Contents

Mini Project Name Project Number


Pictures Of Characters #6 11
Find A Quote And Analyze It #7
Rewrite A Section Of The Book #8 15

MINI-Project # 1 : Diary Journal Of A Character
of your Story
D ear diary, Today I decided that I should start working on a diary at home, so this is it, I guess.

Today, we had an amazing TOC her name is Miss H. We started off the day by going to music
inclusion classes which is basically where disabled children like us can feel like we fit in and join in on
real classes. The class started off pretty well, and we learned how to find the tempo of a song. The class
got even better as Claire and Molly were forced to stand up after Miss Lovelace saw them making
faces at me. The rest of the class also had all their attention focused on me because I had brought my
new Medi-talker to school for the first time. I could almost fell their eyes all staring at me as I said my
first words at them.

MINI-Project # 1 : Diary Journal Of A Character
of your Story (CONTINUED)
They all thought that it was kind of weird but after Connor, one of the popular kids, openly said it was
cool, I guess the rest of the class decided that it was cool too. After Music we had a class with Mr.
Dimmings . He introduced us to a national trivia game called the Kids Whizz Competition. Mr.
Dimmings made a rude comment about how I won the trivia out of luck and no skill but deep down, I
knew the answers by heart. At the end of today it was almost like I had a mood swing. The day went
from happy to sad then back to happy because Ms. V started her own trivia training just for me. Well
now I must go to bed, so I guess I'll end it here. Next time diary!

MINI-Project # 2 : Significance Of A Character’s
For this Mini-Project I chose, the protagonist, Melody Brooks. The name Melody is widely associated with
a child who seems to have lots of musical talent, but it could also mean that the child's parents like to
listen to music. I think this name is very fitting for Melody because her parents love to listen to music and
their love for music is probably what prompted them to name Melody Melody.

Moving on to surnames, Brooks means "living near a stream or brook or simply flowing water." This is not
exactly true so a more suitable surname for this character would be Willard which means strong-willed
because Melody keeps a strong will throughout the story to find a way to express herself and to get
friends/“fit in”.
MINI-Project # 3 : Pockets of A Character

MINI-Project # 3 : Pockets of A Character
For this Mini-Project I chose, the protagonist’s friend, Rose. Rose always has her phone in her pocket and
the book describes it as a quite an old phone. I think she would also always have a pencil and eraser in her
pockets as well because she would always be switching from class to class since she is in Middle School. For
power and energy, she would have some granola bars as a snack.

MINI-Project # 4 : What Do You Wonder About
The Novel
As I had almost read about half the novel I wonder if Melody Brooks manages to find something that
allows her to express herself and is so, then what does she use. It might be one of the machines that
Stephen Hawking uses where when a user uses his or her thumb to select words that appear from a word
guessing algorithm could also be a more advanced type that tracks where Melody is looking.

The last thing that I wonder about is why the author decided to put Melody's goldfish "Ollie" on the front
cover. I don't think that Ollie plays any significant role in the plot of the book which is why it puzzled me
after I figured out that the fish on the front cover was Ollie.

MINI-Project # 5 : What Do The Significance Of
The Title Is?
I think that the title is significant because it highlights the effects of Melody’s cerebral palsy. It is driving her
out of her mind because she can’t talk or walk or do any of the basic activities that everyday children do
without thinking twice. I think that the title also has an implied meaning : That we should be grateful for
our bodies and that we shouldn’t take them for granted. As for the visual part, I am not sure why the
author put Melody’s fish.

MINI-Project # 6 : Draw Some Pictures Of
Characters Or What Characters

MINI-Project # 6 : Draw Some Pictures Of
Characters (explanation)
The first image is my impression of what Rose, Melody’s Friend, might look like. She is basically your
everyday smart schoolgirl. The second image that I chose were some birds because they represent the
freedom that Melody craves very badly. The last image is my impression of what Melody might look like.

MINI-Project #7 : Find A Quote And Analyze It

“ I’m always amazed at how adults

assume I can’t hear. They talk about
me as if I’m invisible . . . I learn quite
a bit this way

MINI-Project #7 : Find A Quote And Analyze It
(Analyze Part)
I can relate personally to this quote because it always happens in my family. Whenever I have done

MINI-Project # 8 : Write a Section of Your book
to follow a path of a decision alternate to the one
made in the story
Starting at Chapter 29 to Chapter 30 If Rose had decided to make the phone call, then the rest of the
book might have gone something like this.

As I woke up and the usual let down hit me, I felt like something unexpected was going to happen. I was
already hyped up about going to the Kids Whizz National Competition so I couldn't really guess what was
going to happen I was about to call Mom to get me in my wheel chair when she bursts into my room
screaming about having to go somewhere. Because I cannot move into the wheel chair on my own, my
mom hurriedly shoves me into it and pushes me to the kitchen.

I type on my Elvira Mom why the hurry.

MINI-Project # 8 : Write a Section of Your book
to follow a path of a decision alternate to the one
made in the story (Continued)
She answers me in one long sentence: because your friends have left early and have called so that we
could get the flight earlier as well to make it to Washington.

But why? It's not like we are going to be late if we took the one that we scheduled. That sentence took
me almost a minute to type.

My mom replied huffed her reply. It’s the weather dear. They are going to cancel the flight that we would
have went on but your friend Rose told us that the team was already going to the airport and we should
meet them there.

MINI-Project # 8 : Write a Section of Your book
to follow a path of a decision alternate to the one
made in the story (Continued)
Well let's get going!!

We rush onto the car, and I can tell Mom is worried that we won't make it on time.

We will make it. Don't worry.

As we arrive at the airport, we see Mr. Dimming coming in with the rest of the team from the other side of
the airport lobby. They sprint to us and we rush to security checkpoint for WestJet flights. Because there
isn't that many people, we manage to make it through security in record time. We quickly run to the
gateway and see that the plane is have its final boarding calls. Last call for flight Wj289 from South West
Ohio Airport to Reagan International please come to gateway 56c. We arrive to the gateway just on time
and we head to Washington where we hopefully secure ourselves a spot on The Good Morning America.
S For

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