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Technology, and
Society: As a
way of revealing
Comparing the lives of the people before
and now will make anyone realize the
changes that happened in society not just
in terms of culture, language, or rights
but more importantly, changes in
people’s way of life due to the existence
of Science and Technology.
The term "generation gap" is attributed mainly to the changes
brought about by technology. Although
the original idea is for technology to help everyone, it cannot
be denied until today, not everyone is comfortable in using the
different kinds of technologies. Mostly those who belong to
older generation think that these technologies are too
complicated to operate. They have been used to the simple
living in the past and these
available technological devices, though very appealing, are a
difficult puzzle to them.
The  People before common Era are gifted with brains, more
advance than other creatures. Humans are able to utilize

Human abundant materials for their own ease and comfort that they
discover new things to motivate their selves to do, and use the
tools with a purpose.

Condition  Homo erectus have been using fire to cook, chipping to

produce a spark, without realizing the laws of friction and heat.
 People discover minerals and began forging metal work just

before like their jewelries considered to be luxury for them such as

bones of animals they hunt.
 Clothing and animal skin are primarily used for comfort

common against harsh wind and gradually they added several more to
their garments.

The Human Condition in the
common Era
● Humans were content of their relationship with nature.
● Earliest case of man-made extinction occurred over 12,000 years ago,
possibly brought upon by hunting and territorial disputes. The
Holocene Extinction is an ongoing extinction and is a result of human
● Growing population, overhunting and overfishing are endemic
therefore it can causes extinction of resources.
● They began to hunt, farm and produce things with prospect of profit.
Technology has been instrumental in all of these because in searching
for the good life, people were able to come up with creations that
would make life easier, more comfortable and more enriching.
• Formation of communities cause human to expand more territory and
more people to feed; large separate communities hailing from the
same ancestors and residing in the same large community paved way
for civilization
• Advancements in medicine, technology, health, and education ushered
in humanity’s best yet, and show no sign of stopping
Notable Comparison
( in the usage of technology of the past and the
present eras)
1. Mortality Rate – Medical care for premature infants allow them to survive
and develop normally, while proper maternal care ensures that mothers can
fully cover remain empowered.
2. Average Life Span – Science is able to prolong lives by enchancing living
status and discovering different remedies to most diseases.
3. Literacy Rate – Access to education provided to more individuals
generally creates a more informed public that could determine a more just
4. Gross Domestic Product – Determine the value of the country’s goods and
services produced within the territory given a certain time period.
Essence of Technology
 Humanity has indeed come along way from a
primitive ways, and has a general rule, we are more
“develop” than we were before. We see ways and
means from nature to utilize and achieve growth a
goal that we delayed would bring forth betterment.

 Martin Heidegger a Philosopher argued that the

essence of technology, or purpose, and being are
different from each other. To achieve man’s end
and second which constitutes human activity.
Essence of Technology
 Heidegger points out, Technological objects are
means for ends, and are built and operated by
human beings, but the essence of technology is
something else entirely.
 Technology according to Heidegger must be
understood as “a way” of revealing.
This is the danger presented by too
much reliance on technology:

“ Human lose track of things that

matter thus, reducing their surrounding
to their economic value.”
Back Tracking the Human Condition

 Technology's initial promises proved to be true. All in all the

human condition improved only if by improving we measure
the level of comfort, various scientific breakthroughs and
improved lifestyles by of who had the luxury to afford to do

 Some places are still battling for their daily survival

diseases, tribe wars, lack of habitable territories, and
competitions on resources are several contributing to such .

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