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Presented by

D.Naga Pratyusha
D.Satya Kalyani
• Introduction
• What is blue brain?
• What is virtual brain?
• Blue brain objectives
• How blue brain works
• Hardware & software requirements
• Why we need blue brain?
• Applications
• Advantages &Disadvantages
• Conclusion
• Human brain the most valuable creation of god.
• The man is called intelligent because of the brain. loss the
knowledge of a brain when is destroyed after the death .
• It would be the world first virtual brain. Many years, We
will be able to scan in to the computers.
• man does not have a device called computer, it was a big
question for all .But today it is possible due to the
• Technology is growing faster than everything. It is called
"Blue brain ".If possible, this would be the first virtual
brain of the world
What is blue brain?
• The IBM is now developing a virtual brain
known as the Blue brain. It would be the
world’s first virtual brain. Within 30 years, we
will be able to scan ourselves into the
• We can say it as Virtual Brain i.e. an artificial
brain, which is not actually a natural brain, but
can act as a brain.
What is virtual brain?
• Virtual brain is an artificial brain which is not
actually the natural brain but can act as the
• It can take a decision
• It can think
• It can respond
• It can keep things in memory
Blue brain objectives
• Create a artificial brain which has the ability to
build models of the healthy and scan the
diseased brain.
• It firstly check the feasibility and future prospects
neocortical column and then implemented in the
• Use this model to discover basic principles
governing the structure and function of the brain.
• The basic goal is to improve brain models i.e to
develop brain
How blue brain works
• After completing the reconstruction of their digital brain, the
researchers used supercomputers to put the neurons through a
simulation of different behaviors.
• By adjusting the level of calcium ions, which pass information
between neurons, the researchers could create a wider pattern
of circuit-level activity.
• An example of this would be that when you sleep, your brain
emits slow waves of neural activity.
• When the researchers activated these waves during their
simulations, they found the neural circuits were able to switch
how they operated with regard to certain important behaviours.
• These findings wouldn’t have been reached by looking at the
features of individual neurons.
Hardware and software requirements
• 22.8 TFLOPS peak processing speed.
• 8,096 CPUs at 700 MHz
• 256MB to 512MB memory per processor.
• Linux and c++ software.
• 100 kilowatts power consumption.
• Very powerful Nanobots to act as the interface
between the natural brain and the computer.
• A super computer
• A program to convert the electric impulses from the
brain to input signal, which is to be received by the
computer, and vice versa.
Why we need blue brain?
• To upload contents of natural brain into it.
• To keep the intelligence,knowledge and skill of
any person forever.
• To remember things without any effort.
• Cracking the Neural code
• To develop a new breed of supercomputer
• Understanding Neocortical information processing
• A Novel Tool for Drug Discovery for Brain
• A Global Facility
• A Foundation for
whole brain simulations
• A foundation for molecular
modeling of brain function
• The blue brain is an easy way to store and use human
intelligence and data or information present in the mind
even after the death of the body.
• It will be a vital step towards self-decision making of a
device containing the blue brain.
• It can do all important functions like an intelligent
• It can avail as interference between human beings and
animals. The blue brain program was implemented on
rat and it was a success, provides a sign of success in
future too.
 We become dependent upon the computer systems.

 Others may use technical knowledge against us.

 Computer viruses will pose an increasingly critical threat.

 Possibilities of human cloning.

 If in future surrogates to humans are developed then, there

will be no human interaction and the world will run on
computers only.
• In conclusion, we will be able to transfer
ourselves into computers at some point. Most
arguments against this outcome are seemingly
easy to circumvent.
• They are either simple minded, or simply
require further time for technology to increase.
The only serious threats raised are also
overcome as we note the combination of
biological and digital technologies.

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