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Introduction…... ................................................... ….. …….. …… ….. …. ……. …… …… ….. … 1

Acknowledgement… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …………… … … … . 2

Funtions of tocopherol (vitamin E)… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …… … … … … .3

Sources of vitamin E… … … … … … .. … … … … …. … … … … … … … … … … . … … … … .. 4

Deficiency of vitamin E… …… … …. … ……… … … … …. … … …. ……. …. …… . … … … … … 5

Signs and symptoms of vitamin E…. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …… …. …. …… … … … … 6

Vitamin K….. …… …. ………..................................................................................................... 7

Sources of vitamin K…… … ….. …. ….. …….. .. …. …. …… …. ….. …….. …… .. .. … … … …… . 8

Deficiency of vitamin K….. …… .. ….. ……. … ….. ….. ……. …. …. ….. …. …. … … … … … … .. 9

Signs and symptoms of vitamin K…. …. …… ……. …. …… …. …. …. …. ……. .. … … … …… . 10

Reference…… …. …… …… ……. …… ….. ……. ….. ….. … …. … …. ……. …… … . … … …… .. …12

1. Vitamins E is a very effective
antioxidant, and protects
polyunsaturated fatty acids from
damage by free radicals,
especially in cell membranes in
the body.
2. It prevents the oxidation of
polyunsaturated fatty acid and
other lipids.
3. Vitamins E can help against
heart disease by protecting
LDLs against oxidation.
4. Vitamins E is widely used in the
food industry as an antioxidant
to stop fats becoming rancid
Sources of Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in small quantities in many

plants, especially :
1. Lettuce, Grasses
2. Peanuts, Seeds
3. Wheatgerm Oil
4. Vegetable Oil
especially, sunflower
seed oil.
5. It is also found in milk
and milk produces and
in egg yolk.
Deficiency of Vitamin
Deficiency in vitamin E
is very rare, premature
babies and people who
cannot absorb fat may
show signs of an
increased breakdown of
red blood cells, muscle
tissue damage, swelling
of adipose (fatty) tissue.
Signs and Symptoms of
Vitamin E
Rarely, oral use of vitamin E can cause:
1. Nausea
2. Diarrhea
3. Intestinal cramps
4. Fatigue
5. Weakness
6. Headache
7. Blurred vision
8. Rash
Vitamin E deficiency may cause impaired reflexes and
coordination, difficulty walking, and weak muscles.
Premature infants with the deficiency may develop a
serious form of anemia. The diagnosis is based on
symptoms and results of a physical examination. Taking
vitamin E supplements corrects the deficiency.
Vitamin K
Several substances with similar functions are known
to exist in this group so there is more than one
vitamin K.
Functions Of Vitamins K
1. Assists in the production of coagulation
factors in the blood, to enable it to clot
properly after an injury.
2. Assists with the synthesis of bone
proteins. Without vitamin K the bone
produce and abnormal protein that
cannot bind to the minerals that form
Sources of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is widely distributed in foods, especially in:
1. Green leafy vegetables e.g. spinach, calloloo,
2. Kale, Cabbage, turnips greens and dark green lettuce
3. Other vegetables e.g. cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli
4. Cereals, soya beans, beef liver and green tea.
5. Bacteria that is normally present in the intestinal tract also produce a usually supply of the vitamin,
which the body is able to use.
6. Excessive intake of vitamin K rarely occurs. However, it has been known to increase risk of jaundice and cause
haemolytic anaemia.
Deficiency of Vitamin K
1. A deficiency is rare, but as a
precaution, babies are given vitamin
k as soon as they are born, so that
their blood will clot if they are
2. Deficiency might occur when there is
an inability to absorb the vitamin
from the intestinal tract. Vitamin K
deficiency can also occur after long-
term treatment with antibiotics.
Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin K
1. Difficulty in swallowing.
2. Fast or irregular breathing.
3. Lightheadedness or fainting
4. Skin rash, hives and/or itching
5. Swelling of eyelids, face, or lips
6. Tightness in chest.
7. Troubled breathing and/or wheezing.

8. The main symptom of vitamin K deficiency is bleeding

(hemorrhage)—into the skin (causing bruises), from the nose,
from a wound, in the stomach, or in the intestine. Sometimes
bleeding in the stomach causes vomiting with blood.

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