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HOTS in Practice
Worksheets 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D in Mathematics

Learning Facilitators

Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning
Package (HOTS-PLPs) for English, Science, & Math Teachers
Session 4:
HOTS in Practice

Session 3:
Supporting HOTS in the Classroom Session 5:
through Learning Approaches Workplace Application Plan

Session 6:
Session 2: Facing the Forces
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom

Session 1: Session 7:
HOTS-PLP Walk-through Professional Learning Community
in Schools

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 3 3

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to…
• identify the components of the HOTS learning
• analyze how SOLO-based item is crafted; and
• practice writing sample items and rationalization
based on the SOLO framework.
PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback
PPSS Strand 3.1. (P) Support for Instructional Leadership

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 4

Presentation Outline

Presentation of the HOTS learning package

Run through the parts of the learning package.

Examine how each item in the package is crafted.
Practice answering question based on SOLO-based
item framework.
Give rationalization for a SOLO-based item
Craft SOLO-based items and justify its level

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 5

1. Punctuality: Arrive on time to each workshop session.
2. No Disturbances: Cell phones should be turned off at the
beginning of the workshop and should remain off until the
end except during breaks.
3. Respect Others: Respect each other, yourselves, and the
4. Participation: You are your own best resource.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 6 6


5. Agree to Disagree: During this workshop everyone

must feel free to express opinions and concerns.
6. Ask Questions: There are no stupid questions.
7. Give your honest feedback: Constructive criticism is
appreciated and is the only way that we can improve.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 7 7

What do you mean by unistructural level of SOLO Model?

Unistructural Level
At this stage, the learner gets to know just a single relevant aspect of
a task or subject; the student gets a basic understanding of a concept
or task. Therefore, a student is able to make easy and apparent
connections, but he or she does not have any idea how significant
that information be or not. In addition, the students’ response
indicates a concrete understanding of the task, but it focuses on only
one relevant aspect.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 8 8

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 9 9
What about multistructural level of SOLO Model?

Multistructural Level
At this stage, students gain an understanding of numerous relevant
independent aspects. Despite understanding the relationship between
different aspects, its relationship to the whole remains unclear. Suppose
the teacher is teaching about several topics and ideas, the students can
make varied connections, but they fail to understand the significance of
the whole. The students’ responses are based on relevant aspects, but
their responses are handled independently.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 10 10

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 11 11
What about relational level of SOLO Model?

Relational Level
This stage relates to aspects of knowledge combining to form a
structure. By this stage, the student is able to understand the
importance of different parts in relation to the whole. They are able to
connect concepts and ideas, so it provides a coherent knowledge of the
whole thing. Moreover, the students' response indicates an
understanding of the task by combining all the parts, and they can
demonstrate how each part contributes to the whole.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 12 12

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 13 13
Direction: Write U if the SOLO level is Unistructural, M for
Multistructural, R for Relational, and E for Extended Abstract.

1. Identify a prime number between 20 and 30.

2. List three different ways to represent the number 1/2.
3. Compare and contrast the properties of squares and rectangles.
4. Explain the relationship between the radius and diameter of a circle.
5. Create an original real-life problem involving solving a linear
equation system.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 14


U 1. Identify a prime number between 20 and 30.

M 2. List three different ways to represent the number 1/2.
R 3. Compare and contrast the properties of squares and
R 4. Explain the relationship between the radius and diameter
of a circle.
E 5. Create an original real-life problem involving solving a
linear equation system.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 15

Supporting HOTS in the
Classroom: Worksheet 4A

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be
able to…
• identify the components of the HOTS
learning package;
• analyze how SOLO-based item is crafted; and
• practice writing sample items and
rationalization based on the SOLO framework.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 17

❑ Worksheet 4A (Individual Work – 15 minutes; Group Discussion – 15
minutes; Reporting – 15 minutes)

✔ There are three items in this worksheet.

✔ Examine each item and state your agreement and reasons for agreeing,
on the way questions, answers and justifications were formulated.
✔ Give additional input on how the item can be improved.
Worksheet 4A, Item No. 1 (Grade 10)

Question: Unistructural Acceptable Answer

Why is the Cambodian flag It is important because it represents
important to its people? their identity.

Discussion Point:
In the past, we were made to understand that questions that begin with
why fall under HOTS.
Worksheet 4A, Item No. 2 (Grade 10)

Question: Multistructural Acceptable Answer

List pieces of evidence that show a It is important because it represents
decreasing number of live births to their identity.
adolescent mothers from 2016-

Discussion Point : Listing, enumerating fall under LOTS

Worksheet 4A, Item No. 3 (Grade 9)

Question: Relational Acceptable Answer

Interview your parents… Answers may vary…

But learner has to understand the

ideas and relate these to the actual
belief of his grandparents/people
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Health Break

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Supporting HOTS in the
Classroom: Worksheet 4B

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to…
• identify the components of the HOTS learning
• analyze how SOLO-based item is crafted; and
• practice writing sample items and rationalization
based on the SOLO framework.

PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback
PPSS Strand 3.1. (P) Support for Instructional Leadership

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 25

- Worksheet 4B
✔ Item 1 (Unistructural)
✔ Item 2 (Multistructural)
✔ Item 3 (Relational)
Competency, Stem, Question, Acceptable Answer,

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Group Activity


Read item numbers 1-3 in the given worksheets and give

acceptable for unistructural, multistructural and relational
levels of SOLO model. The worksheet is composed and
provided with competency, stem, question, and
rationalization. The column in the acceptable answer will
be your task. Do it honestly and religiously.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 27 27

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4B

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 1
Competency Stem Unistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Solving Firefighter Exam How many items will The question does not
Justin finish to require Justin to make
problems Justin is taking an exam to become a answer if he chooses connections or analyze
involving linear volunteer firefighter. The exam has 10 essay only essay the information in a
inequalities questions and 50 short questions. Justin has questions? complex manner. It
90 minutes to take the exam and knows he is focuses on a single
not expected to answer every question. An aspect (the number of
essay question takes 10 minutes to answer items answered) based
and a short question takes 2 minutes. on the given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 28 28

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4B

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 2
Competency Stem Multistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Solving Firefighter Exam What linear The question involves
inequalities describes understanding and
problems the constraints on integrating multiple
involving linear Justin is taking an exam to become a
Justin’s time given aspects, such as the
volunteer firefighter. The exam has 10
inequalities essay questions and 50 short questions.
above? time taken for different
question types and the
Justin has 90 minutes to take the exam total available time, to
and knows he is not expected to answer formulate the
every question. An essay question takes appropriate linear
10 minutes to answer and a short inequalities.
question takes 2 minutes.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 29 29

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4B

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 3
Competency Stem Relational Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Solving Firefighter Exam Will Justin have This question prompts the
learner to analyze the
enough time if he will
problems answer only half of
relationship between the time
required for essay questions (10
involving linear Justin is taking an exam to become a minutes each) and short
the essay and short
volunteer firefighter. The exam has 10 questions (2 minutes each) in
inequalities essay questions and 50 short questions.
questions? relation to the total available time
of 90 minutes. It encourages the
Justin has 90 minutes to take the exam learner to consider the relative
time commitments of each
and knows he is not expected to answer question type and their impact
every question. An essay question takes on the overall time management
during the exam. By answering
10 minutes to answer and a short this question, the learner
question takes 2 minutes. demonstrates an understanding
of the time distribution and
allocation between essay and
short questions within the given
time constraint..

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 30 30

Workshop: 4B

• Acceptable Answer
(for Items 1, 2, and 3)

You have 1 hour to work and provide

an Acceptable Answer for all three (3)

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Presentation of Output

•Acceptable Answer (for Items 1, 2, and 3)

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Guide Question
1. Based on your consolidated
answers, when can we say that the
acceptable answers are unistructural,
multistructural and relational levels of
SOLO model?
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 33 33
Guide Question
2. Why is it important to have a good

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 34 34

Guide Question
3. Do you think you can make questions
based on the stem the three (3) different
levels of SOLO model namely the
unistructural, multistructural and

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 35 35

Guide Question
4. As classroom teachers, how are you
going to help students from unistructural
to become multistructural and relational?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 36 36

Guide Questions
5. What do you think is your impact or
contribution in helping learners develop
their higher order thinking skill?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 37 37

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 38 38
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Supporting HOTS in the
Classroom: Worksheet 4C

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be
able to…
• identify the components of the HOTS
learning package;
• analyze how SOLO-based item is crafted;
• practice writing sample items and
rationalization based on the SOLO framework.
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 41
Anticipation-Reaction Guide SCIENCE
Directions: Write check (√)in the Reaction Column if the statement is correct and (x) if it is incorrect.

Anticipation Statement Reaction

1. In writing a superstem in a relational level, the students need to use two or more discrete
closures directly related to separate pieces of relevant information contained in the stem.
2. The students answer that sodium chloride, unlike carbon dioxide, is an ionic compound and as
such is made from a metal and a non-metal, and has a high melting point, it is soluble in water and
the solution will conduct electricity. However, since it is a compound and not a mixture it is, like
carbon dioxide a pure substance made from more than one element with a constant composition.
Carbon dioxide is a covalent compound and therefore is formed by two non-metals, it is not readily
soluble in water and does not conduct electricity. This is an example of multistructural level of
SOLO model.
3. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound. It is made from a metal and a non-metal. It has a high
melting point. It is soluble in water, and it conducts electricity. Carbon dioxide is a covalent
compound. It may be a solid liquid or a gas. It is formed by two non-metals. This is an example of
multistructural level.
4. Sodium chloride is an example of an ionic compound. This is an example of unistructural level
of of SOLO model.
5. Words used for unistructural level are: identify, name,follow a simple procedure and forward
single focus problem and recite.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 42 42


- Worksheet 4C
✔ Item 1 (Unistructural)
✔ Item 2 (Multistructural)
✔ Item 3 (Relational)
Competency, Stem, Question, Acceptable
Answer, Rationalization

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP


🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Worksheet 4C

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Worksheet 4C

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Group Activity


Read item number 1-3 in the given worksheets and give

rationalization for unistructural, multistructural and relational
levels of SOLO model. The worksheet is composed and
provided with competency, stem, question, and acceptable
answer. The column in the rationalization will be your task.
Do it honestly and religiously.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 47 47

Workshop: 4C

•Rationalization (for Items 1, 2, and 3)

You have 1 hour to work and provide

Rationalization for all three (3) items.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 1
Competency Stem Unistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Solves problems JHS Enrolment What is the total The total enrolment of
involving linear number of students students in 2017 is 1200
functions Gabi National High School had 1200 students added from 2017 to The total enrolment of
enrolled in 2017 and 1500 students in 2020. If 2020? students in 2020 is 1500
the student population P; grows as a linear The total increase is given
function of time t, where t is the number of by the difference between
years after 2017. the enrolment of 2020 and
1500-1200 = 300
There is a total of 300
students enrolment added
in 2020 from 2017.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 49 49

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 2
Competency Stem Multistructural Acceptable Answers Rationalization
Solves problems JHS Enrolment How many students The given information may be written as
will be enrolled in the ordered pairs (t , P).
involving linear The year 2017 correspond to t = 0 and the
functions Gabi National High school in 2024?
year 2020 corresponds to t = 3, hence the 2
School had 1200 ordered pairs (0, 1200) and (3, 1500)
Since the population grows linearly with the
students enrolled in time t, we use the two ordered pairs to find the
2017 and 1500 students slope m of the graph of P as follows
in 2020. If the student m = (1500 - 1200) / (3-0) = 100 students / year
The slope m = 100 means that the student’s
population P; grows as a population grows by 100 students every year.
linear function of time t, From 2017 to 2024 there are 7 years and the
where t is the number of student’s population in 2024 will be
P(2024) = P(2017) + 7 * 100 = 1200 + 700 =
years after 2017. 1900 students.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 50 50

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 3
Competency Stem Relational Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Solves problems JHS Enrolment When will the number of The enrolment in 2017 is
involving linear enrolments double? The equation in solving for the
functions Gabi National High School had population given time is P =
1200 students enrolled in 2017 and 100 t + 1200.
1500 students in 2020. If the To double the population, P
becomes 2400.
student population P; grows as a Hence,
linear function of time t, where t is 2400 = 100t +
the number of years after 2017. 1200
Solve for t,
100t = 2400 –
100t = 1200
t = 1200/100
t = 12
Therefore, it will take 12 years
to double the enrolment from
1200 in 2017 to 2400 in 2029.
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 51 51
Presentation of Output

(for Items 1, 2, and 3)

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Guide Questions
1. How did you formulate the rationalization
in unistructural, multistructural and
relational levels of SOLO model?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 53 53

Guide Questions
2. Can you discuss to the group which
levels of SOLO model namely the
unistructural,multistructural and relational
did you find it difficult to formulate
rationalization? Why?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 54 54

Guide Questions
3. What are your strategies in formulating
rationalization based on the given stem?
How did you do it?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 55 55

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 56 56
Health Break

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Supporting HOTS in the
Classroom: Worksheet 4D

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be
able to…
• identify the components of the HOTS
learning package;
• analyze how SOLO-based item is crafted;
• practice writing sample items and
rationalization based on the SOLO
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 59

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 60

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 1
Competency Stem Unistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Predict the A food chain represents a series of
effect of events in which energy in the form
changes in of food is transferred from one
one population organism to another in an
on other ecosystem. The following food chain
populations in was drawn by a student during their
the ecosystem. science lesson.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 61 61

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 1
Competency Stem Unistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Predict the A food chain represents a series of Place the grass, Grass = Requiring the
effect of events in which energy in the form grasshopper producer, students to
changes in of food is transferred from one and chicken provide place the
one population organism to another in an under the Consumers = three organisms
on other ecosystem. The following food appropriate grasshopper and under the label
populations in chain was drawn by a student biological label. chicken that fits. It is based
the during their science lesson. upon rote learning
ecosystem. or memorization.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 62 62

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading
Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C
Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 2
Competency Stem Multistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Predict the A food chain represents a series
effect of of events in which energy in the
changes in form of food is transferred from
one one organism to another in an
population ecosystem. The following food
on other chain was drawn by a student
populations during their science lesson.
in the

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 63 63

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading
Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C
Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 2
Competency Stem Multistructural Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Predict the A food chain represents a series The student Require the
effect of of events in which energy in the has missed students to think
changes in form of food is transferred from another about at least
one one organism to another in an possible link in two elements or
population ecosystem. The following food this food chain. ideas in order to
on other chain was drawn by a student Add it onto the answer the
populations during their science lesson. diagram. Why question.
in the did you add
ecosystem. this particular
link to the food
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 64 64
Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading

Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C

Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 3
Competency Stem Relational Acceptable Rationalization
Question Answers
Predict the A food chain represents a series of
effect of events in which energy in the form
changes in of food is transferred from one
one organism to another in an
population on ecosystem. The following food
other chain was drawn by a student
populations in during their science lesson.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 65 65

Capacity Building for Mentors on the Higher Order Thinking Skills
Professional Learning Package (HOTS – PLPs) for Science, Mathematics and English/Reading
Name: ________________________________ Division: _________________________ Worksheet No. 4C
Position: __________________________ Region: __________________________ Plenary Session 7

Item 3
Competency Stem Relational Acceptable Answers Rationalization
Predict the A food chain represents a Explain what is likely There are two major changes Requires students to
likely initially. The first is that the
effect of series of events in which to happen initially to population of chickens is likely to move beyond what
changes in energy in the form of food is the organisms in this increase with a highly nutritious they can interpret
food source (i.e., grasshoppers) from the diagram of
one transferred from one food chain if the available as long as roosters are
the food chain. To
population on organism to another in an population of also present. The second is that
the amount of grass available will answer this question,
other ecosystem. The following grasshoppers tripled quickly be used. they must understand
populations in food chain was drawn by a suddenly? What After 3 months, grasshoppers will
either die off due to no grass, be
the connections
the student during their science might happen after 4 eaten or fly to another area among the organisms
ecosystem. lesson. months? where grass is plentiful. The lack realizing that
of grass and grasshoppers
available in the area will result in
increases in
a decrease in the number of population numbers
chickens. They will die off unless are temporary given
they are fed by hand.
limited food sources.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 66 66

Basic Response Structure (1982)

Cue Response
X irrelevant


Kinds of data used:
related & hypothetical
X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Basic Response Structure (1982)

Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Basic Response Structure (1982)

Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Basic Response Structure (1982)

Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Basic Response Structure (1982)

Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Basic Response Structure (1982)

Cue Response

Kinds of data used:
X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Thank you.

[email protected]

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 74 74

Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills - Professional Learning Package

Program Management Team Session Guide Writers and Presentation Deck Editors

1. Alson Rae Luna 13. Mae Laarni M. Saporna

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) 2. Angelica B. Buaron 14. Marie Vic C. Velasco
3. Angelo D. Uy 15. Maripaz T. Mendoza
National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) 4. Analou O. Hermocilla 16. Mark Anthony A. Durana
Professional Development Division 5. Arnel Jr. M. Camba 17. Melvin Willy II B. Roque
Quality Assurance Division 6. Eldefonso Jr. B. Natividad 18. Milaner R. Oyo-a
7. Elsie Jane M. Mantilla 19. Rejulios M. Villenes
8. Fluellen L. Cos 20. Renante Juanillo
NEAP in the Regions 9. Hera Paz B. Yamson 21. Renato N. Pacpakin
10. Jelly L. Sore 22. Rosalyn C. Gadiano
11. Jojiemar M. Obligar 23. Sally A. Palomo
12. Josephine P. Balasan 24. Wilma S. Carrera

NEAP Central Office

1. Abdul Haiy A. Sali

2. Guillermo Nikus Telan
3. Dir. Leah B. Apao
4. Jerson R. Capuyan
5. Richie Carla A. Vesagas

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 75 75

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