Orbitrol Repairing1

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Char- August, 1999



110, 230 and 450

Series Steering Control 001
Units 002
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

1 O-ring Low Input Torque 12

2 Spring (4)/Spacer PreviousManu
(2) Package SteeringCheckVal
3 Uve
O-ring V W
4 Groove Standard Input X
11 Y Z
Torque Spring (6) 11
73 Package
6 23
9 22
9 8

13 14
17 15
31 19
Special Tools Available
600057-000 Spring Installation Tool
5422-000 12 Point Drive Socket ( 5/16 in.) — -001
64489-000 6 Point (E10) Torx Drive Socket ( 5/16 in.) — SeeNoteBelow(lower
-002 right)
Note:Current -002 uses a Hex Head bolt – 1/2 inch
across flats Cap Screws 12 Pt. Drive No. 5389-XXX, Spacer Plate 7970, and
Cap, 8438are -001 Parts. If any one of these parts needs
replacing, order Kit listed in chart (below) by displacement. Kit
Cas parts will update your steering control unit to -002 design level.
t Note: When installing kit parts, gerotor outer ring will have to be
End turned so the o-ring groove faces the end cap (gerotor star—if
Cap the spline is full
length ring and star can be turned together, but if star
has a partial spline turn ring only, this partial splined
star must
remain unturned). Replacement
Note: All housingspacer
have a o-ringadjusted
groove, onposition this groove
assembled units to a code
toward gerotor.
designation and are not to be changed.
This housing (with specified valve pressure
settings), the mating spool, and the sleeve
are not practical replacement parts.

Ref. Ref. Ref.

No. Description No. Description No. Description
1 Cap Screw, Hex Head 11 Spring, Centering 23 Pin, Roll, 34,92 mm [1.375 in.]
2 Cap, End 12 Spring, Spacer Length
3 Seal, 72,6 mm [2.86 in.] ID 13 Bearing Race 30 Ball,Roll,
31 Pin, Check40,00
* mm [1.575 in.] U
4 Gerotor 14 Bearing, Needle Thrust Length Retainer, Check Ball
5 Spacer 15 Seal, 47,2 mm [1.86 in.] ID V Ball,
6 Plate, Spacer 16 Seal, 24,9 mm [.98 in.] ID W
CheckSeal — 7,6 mm [.30 in.]
7 Drive 17 Seal, Quad Ring, 26,7 mm [1.05 in.] ID
X Seat, Check Ball
8 Housing ID
Y Seal — 9,2 mm [.36 in.] ID
9 Sleeve, Control/Spool, Control 18 Bushing, Seal Gland
Z Screw, Set
10 Pin, Centering 19 Ring, Retaining
22 Ball, 6,35 mm [.250 in.] OD

110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

Tools required for disassembly and reassembly.

— Screwdriver (102-152 mm [4 in. - 6 in.] long, x 3 mm

[118 in.] wide flat blade).

— 6 Point (E10) Drive part No. 64489-000* or 1/2 inch

socket for current hex head cap screws.
— Breaker bar wrench.

— Torque wrench (30 Nm [275 lb-in] capacity).

— Plastic hammer or rubber hammer.

— 1/4 inch Hex key.

— #10-24 machine screw, 38 mm [1-1/2 in.] long.

— Needle nose pliers.

The following tool is not necessary for disassembly and

reassembly, but is extremely helpful.

Spring installation tool 600057*

* Tools available—by special order—through our service


110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

Cleanliness is extremely important when repairing a 2 Remove 5/6 in. cap screws and sealing washers, if
steering control unit. Work in a clean area. Before used.
disconnecting lines, clean port areaof unit thoroughly. Use
3 Remove end cap.
a wire brushto remove foreignmaterial anddebris from
aroundexterior joints of the unit. 4 Remove seal.
Althoughnot all drawings show the unit in a vise, we Seal
recommend that you keep the unit in a vise during Groove
disassembly. Follow the clamping procedures explained this Side
throughout the manual. Meter Inside
-002 Front
(Gerotor) Cover
Unit. (Page
Gerotor (Meter)

25 mm -002
[1 Steering Space
inch] Control Unit r
Max. with 6 Point
(E10) Drive
Screws or
Current Hex
Head Screws
5Remove meter. Be careful not to drop star.
6 Remove seal.
7Remove drive spacer. Spacer is not used on some models.
Refer to Parts Information No. 6-321 to determine if spacer is
Figure used on your particular model.
1 Clampunit in vise, meter endup. Clamp lightly on edges O-ring
of port face sides (see figure 1). Use protective material on Driv Groove this
vise jaws. e Side -002
Housing distortion could result if jaws are overtightened. Unit — Old
Seal washers are not used with 6 point (E10) Spacer Plate
drive screws or current hex head screws and - has No O-
002 end cap (-002 end cap does NOT have the Spacer ring Groove
o-ring groove) Plate

Cap Screw


Figure 4

8 Remove drive.
9 Remove spacer plate.
10 Remove seal from
2 11 Remove housing from
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

Disassembly Old 3
Input Piece
Bal Teflon
Manual Steering l Torque
Check Valve (when Seal
Steering Dust
applicable) Control Seal
Pin Spring
Early Units * Spacers
Built with these (2)
Spring Retainer
Plug Ball

Bal Springs
l (4)
* Anti-Cavitation Teflon Seal (1
Valves for Cylinder Figure Piece)
Ports 5 Special Seal Gland Marked
12 Carefully remove anti-cavitation valves and manual with Groove for
steering check valve (roll pin and ball – if applicable) from bolt Identification
holes by tipping housing as shown (see figure 5).
Input Torque
Control Dust
Units Seal

Springs (6)

Quad Ring
Standard Seal
Gland Not
Figure 6 Marked
with Groove
13 Place housing on clean soft cloth, gerotor end down, to (Special Seal
protect surface finish. Use thin bladed screwdriver to pry Gland Shown
retaining ring from housing, as shown in figure 6. Figure
with Groove 8
Seal Gland Above)
Note:Examine bushing to determine whether you are repairing
Bushing low torque or standard torque unit. Low torque unit has
grooves on seal gland bushing while standard torque unit has
no grooves on bushing. Seal gland bushings for low input
torque and standard torque units are not interchangeable (see
figure 8).
15 Low Input Torque Units: Remove back-up ring, o-ring and
Teflon seal from seal gland bushing. Standard Input Torque
Units: Remove quad ring seal from seal gland bushing.
Figure 7
16 Use thin bladed screwdriver to pry dust seal from seal
14 Lift spool and sleeve assembly up just far enough to gland bushing. Do not damage bushing.
free gland bushing from housing (figure 7). Remove
bushing. 5
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl


Low Input Torque

Standard Input
Bearing Torque
Needle Thrust
Sea Bearing

17 Remove two bearing races and needle thrust bearing and Figure
seal from spool and sleeve assembly. 11

19 Push pin from spool and sleeve assembly.

20 Push spool partially from control end of sleeve, then
carefully remove centering springs from spool by hand (Figure
11). Low input torque unit uses four centering springs and
two spacers. Standard input torque unit uses six centering
21 Remove seal from housing (see figure 12).
22 Remove manual steering check valve from housing
(when appli- cable) by removing set screw with 1/4 in. hex
Check Valve –
Early Design
Warning: Pin may slide ShownHere
outward from spool
and sleeve locking
these parts into
housing, please follow

O-ring 7,7 mm [.30 in.]

ID Check Ball
Figure Retainer
10 Set Check
Screw Ball Check Ball
18 Tip housing onto port face. Remove spool and sleeve
assembly from 14 hole end of housing (Figure 10). Seat
Attention: Do not bind spool and sleeve in housing. Rotate O-ring 9,3 mm [.36 in.]
spool and sleeve assembly slowly when removing it from ID
housing. Figure
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl
23Screw a #10-24 machine screw into end of check ball seat.
Then lift seat out of housing by pulling on screw with pliers. Spring Assemble
24 Remove two seals from check valve seat. Slot Input
Shaft End
25 Tip housing to remove check ball and check ball retainer.
Input Shaft First
26 Do not remove any valves other than manual steering
check valve assembly and anti-cavitation valve assembly. All End
other valves are factory preset and are non-serviceable.
Reassembly Spool
Check all mating surfaces. Replace any parts that have
scratches or burrs that could cause leakage. Clean all metal
parts in clean solvent. Blow dry with air. Do not wipe dry with
cloth or paper towel because lint or other matter can get into Control
the hydraulic system and cause damage. Do not use grit Sleeve
paper or file or grind these parts.
Note: Lubricate all seals with clean petroleum jelly (Vaseline).
A good service policy is to replace all old seals with new seals.
Donot use excessive lubricant onseals for metersection. Identification
Refer to parts lists covering your steering control unit when Figure
ordering replacement parts.
Control End
6 Assemble spool and sleeve carefully so that spring slots
You may skip steps 1 through 5 if the early design manual line up at the same end. Rotate spool while sliding parts
steering check valve does not apply in the unit you are together. Some spool and sleeve sets have identification
servicing. marks; align these marks as shown in figure 14. Test for free
rotation. Spool should rotate smoothly in sleeve with fingertip
force applied at splined end. Align spring slots in spool and
sleeve and stand parts on end of bench.
Steering Check
Valve – Early
Design LowTorque
Spring Spacers
Set (2)
Check Ball
Screw Seat
9,3 Check
mm Ball
[.36 Check Ball
in.] ID Retainer
7,7 Standard
mm Torque
in.] ID

Figure 13
1Use a needle nose pliers to lower check ball retainer into
check valve hole in housing (when applicable). Make sure
retainer is straight in housing (not tilted on edge – see figure
2 Install check ball in housing.
3Lubricate 9,2 mm [.36 in.] ID seal and 7,6 mm [.30 inch] ID Figure 15
seals. Install seals on check ball seat as shown in figure 13.
4Lubricate check ball seat and seals thoroughly before 7 Centering Springs for Low Input Torque Units: Low input
installing seat in housing. When installing seat do not twist torque units use four centering springs with two spring spacers
or damage seals. Install check ball seat in housing, inserting in the center, as shown in Figure 15.
open end of seat first (figure 13). Push check ball seat to Centering Springs for Standard Input Torque Units:
shoulder of hole.
Standard input torque units use six centering springs, as
5Install set screw. Use a 1/4 in. hex key to torque set screw shown in figure 15. Insert spring installation tool (PartNo.
to 11 Nm [100 lb-in] maximum. To prevent interference, make 600057) through
sure top of set screw is slightly below housing mounting
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

12 Place housing on clean lint free colth. Install 47,2 mm [1.86
in.] ID seal in housing (figure 18).

spring slots of spool and sleeve. Position centering springs on

bench so that extended edge is downand arched center
section is together (figure 15). Next, with spring notches
facing sleeve, insert one end of entire spring set into spring
installation tool.
8Compress extended end of centering spring set and push
into spool and sleeve assembly. Keep pressure on spring Bearing
ends while withdrawing installation tool and pushing forward Race
on springs at same time.
Needle Thrust
9Center spring set in spring slots. Seat springs Sea Bearing
downevenly and flush with upper surface of spool and l


Figure 18

Figure 13Install two bearing races and needle thrust bearing as

16 shown in figure 18.
10 Insert pin through spool and sleeve assembly until pin is 14Install 24,9 mm [.98 in.] lD dust seal in seal gland bushing,
flush at both sides of sleeve. with smooth side of seal facing down towards bushing (see
figure 19).
15Low Input Torque Units: Lightly Iubricate seal before
installation. Install Teflon seal (see figure 20).
Standard Input Torque Units: Install quad ring seal in seal
gland bushing. Smooth seal in place with finger. Do not use
any seal that falls freely into pocket of bushing.

Retaining Large
Ring Socket
Figure Bushing
17 seals)
11 Position spool and sleeve assembly so that splined end
of spool enters 14 hole end of housing first (figure 17).
Attention: While inserting spool and sleeve assembly into
housing, make sure parts do not tilt out of position. Push
assembly gently into place with slight rotating action, keeping
pin nearly
Bring spoolhorizontal.
assembly entirely within housing bore until parts
are flush atl 4 hole end of housing. To prevent cross pin from Figure
dropping into discharge groove of housing, do not pull spool 19
assembly beyond this point. With spool assembly in this flush 16 Install seal gland bushing over spool end with twisting
position, check for free rotation within housing by turning motion. Tap bushing in place, use a large socket (see figure
assembly with fingertip force at splined end. 19)and a rubber hammer. Make sure bushing is flush against
bearing race.
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl
Reassembl Roll Pin (2)
y 40,00 mm
[1.575 in.]
Early Units *
Built with these
LowTorque * O-ring Groove
L Parts
Teflon this Side -002
Standard Seal Spring Unit — Old
Torque Retainer Spacer Plate has
Plug No O-ring
Screwdriv Groove
er Dust Ball
Seal Steering Check
Valve (when
Retainin applicable)
g Ring Ball (2) Roll Pinin.]
[1.375 (1)L
Seal 4,762 mm Sea
Sea 34,92 mm
Gland [.1875 in.] l Ball 6,35
l Bushin OD mm
g with [.250 in.]
Quad * Anti-Cavitation
Identificatio for Cylinder OD
Ring Seal G Valves
n roov

* Low Input Torque Seal Package — One Piece Teflon

Seal use on -002 Unit and is Replacement Seal
for 3 Piece Seal on Older Low Input Torque

3 1 Figure
Piece Piece 22
Seal Seal
Cross Section of Old and New Seal 19Install 72,6 mm [2.86 in.] ID seal in housing (figure 22).
Figure 20 20Install anti-cavitation valves and manual steering check
valve (if used) in holes, as shown in figure 22.
17 Install retaining ring in housing (figures 19 and 20). After 21Install spacer plate. Align bolt holes in spacer plate with
installing ring, pry around ring circumference with screwdriver to tapped holes in housing.
properly seat ring in groove.

25 mm [1 inch] Port
Max. Face


Pin Parallel
with Port


Figure 21
18 Clamp housing in vise, as shown in Figure 21. Clamp 23
lightly on edges of mounting area; do not overtighten jaws.
22 Rotate spool and sleeve assembly until pin is parallel with
Note: Check to insure that spool and sleeve are flush or
port face (figure 23). Install drive, making sure drive is
slightly below 14 hole surface of housing.
engaged with pin. To assure proper alignment, mark drive as
Attention: Clean upper surface of housing by wiping with palm shown in figure 25, reference B. When marking drive, note
of clean hand. Clean each of the flat surfaces of meter section relationship of slotted end of drive to splined end of drive.
parts in a similar way just before reassembly. Do not use cloth
or paper to clean surfaces.
110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

Seal washers are not used with 6 point (E10) or
hex head screws and -002 end cap (-002 end cap
does not have a o-ring groove).

Seal Groove Seal

this Side -002
Unit. SeeNote
inside Front End Cap Cap
Cover (page 2)


Displacemen Item No.
t cm3/r 5 Spacer
Figure [in3/r] Length mm
24 45 [ 2.8] [in.] None
60 [ 3.6] Non
23 Lubricate and install 72,6 mm [2.86 in.] ID seal in spacer
plate or gerotor (meter), (ref.) see note page 2. The lubrication 75 [ 4.5] e
will hold seal in place. 95 [ 5.9] Non
Drive 120 [ 7.3] e
Spacer 145 3,5
Seal Groove
this Side -002 [160
8.9] [ 6.405]
Unit. SeeNote [ 9.7]
185 [ [ .480]
Inside Front 40]
Cover [11.3]
230 [ .615]
A 6,1
Meter (page 2) [14.1]
295 [28,45
(Gerotor) [17.9]
370 [1.120]
Star [ .2
460 [1.620]
B [28.2]
590 [2.113]
740 [2.613]
[45.1] [3.613]
Drive C
(Marked) Figure
O-ring Groove 26
this Side -002
Unit — Old D
Spacer Plate has
No O-ring
25When used, install drive spacer in gerotor (meter), see
chart figure 26.
26Lubricate and install 72,6 mm [2.86 in.] ID seal in gerotor
(meter) or end cap, current end cap does not have the o-ring
groove (ref. – see note page 20).
27 Install end cap on gerotor, aligning holes.
24 Align star valleys (reference A) with marked drive
(reference B). Valleys must align with pin. Note parallel
relationship of reference lines A, B, C, and D in figure 25. Align
bolt holes without disengaging gerotor (Meter) from drive.

110, 230, and 450 Series SteeringControl

6 4

Char-Lynn® Eaton Corp. Hydraulics

Div. Eden Prairie, MN





3 7


28 Install 7 dry cap screws (and seal washers if applicable –

see figure 26) in end cap. Pretighten screws to 17 Nm [150
lb-in], then torque screws to 25-30 Nm [225-275 lb-in] in
sequence shown in figure 27.

110, 230, and 450 Series Steering Control

How to Order Replacement Char- Date Code

Parts 00 00
Lynn ®

Each Order Must Include the Product number

Following: Last
1. Product 4. Part Number Eaton Corp. Hydraulics Div. Week Number(s)
Number of Year of Year
5. Quantity of Product 01
2. Date Code Parts Number Thru
3. Part Name 000 0000 52
For additional literature contact Eaton Corp. 000
Hydraulics Division 15151 Highway 5 Eden Prairie, Product Product Engineeri
Line Identification ng
MN 55344. Number
Identificati Change
Specifications and performance data, Catalog No. on Number Code
Replacement part numbers and kit information —
Parts Information No. 6-321
Bar Code Label — Launch Date June,
Customer part number
or base unit number if
it has a column or
valve assembled Char-Lynn® Eaton Corp. Hydraulics Div.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344


Month / Day / 00/00/00

Year 000-0000-000

Eaton Part

Eaton Eaton Eaton
Fluid Power Group Fluid Power Group Fluid Power Group
Hydraulics Business USA Hydraulics Business Europe Hydraulics Business Asia Pacific
14615 Lone Oak Road Route de la Longeraie 7 11th Floor Hong Kong New World
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 1110 Morges Tower 300 Huaihai Zhong Road
USA Switzerland Shanghai 200021
Tel: 952-937-9800 Tel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600 China
Fax: 952-294-7722 Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601 Tel: 86-21-6387-
www 9988
.eaton.com/hydraulics Fax: 86-21-6335-

© 2008 Eaton Corporation

All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Document No. C-STCU-
Supersedes 07-309
December 2008

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