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& Immersion
Week 4

Vocabulary List
Research Design
- describes whether your study is qualitative or quantitative.

Qualitative Research
- makes use of first person/textual/discursive in nature.

Quantitative Research
- makes use of third person - past tense/researcher is not the one
who determines the variables, but it is the subject itself.
Research Design
The research design states to the whole approach that you
decide on to add the different components of the study
coherently and logically, thereby, ensuring you will
effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the
blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of
data. Note that your research problem determines the type
of design you should use.
Qualitative Research
A systematic subjective approach used to describe
life experiences and give them meaning. To gain
insight; explore the depth, richness, and complexity
inherent in the phenomenon.

Types of Qualitative Research Design
Ethnography - you immerse yourself in the target participants’
environment to understand the goals, cultures, challenges,
motivations, and themes that emerge.
Narrative - weaves together a sequence of events, usually from
just one or two individuals to form a cohesive story.
Phenomenological - is an appropriate qualitative method when
you want to describe an event, activity, or phenomenon.

Types of Qualitative Research Design
Case Study - a way of explaining an organization, entity,
company, or event which involves a deep understanding
through multiple types of data sources.

Quantitative Research
An objective, systematic empirical investigation of
observable phenomena through the use of computational
techniques. It highlights numerical analysis of data
hoping that the numbers yield unbiased results that can be
generalized to some larger population and explain a
particular observation.

Types of Quantitative Research Design
Survey Research - uses interviews, questionnaires, and
sampling polls to get a sense of behavior with intense precision.
Correlational Research - tests for the relationships between
two variables.
Causal-comparative - research looks to uncover a cause-and-
effect relationship. This research is not conducted between the
two groups on each other.
Experimental Research - is guided specifically by a
hypothesis. 9
To come up with the chosen design whether
quantitative or qualitative research, think of which
best suits the given title or topic to explore the
collective ideas and picture out to reveal better

Population and

Vocabulary List
-refers to a total number of people who serve as subjects or respondents
of the study.
Sampling Procedure
-method in identifying part of the respondents of the study.
-a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis and interpretation
of numerical data in terms of samples and populations. 12
Persons who have been invited to participate in a
particular study and have taken part in the study.

Sampling Methods:
a. Random Sampling is a technique that uses randomization to
make sure that every element of the population gets an equal
chance to be part of the selected sample.
b. Stratified Sampling is a technique that divides the elements
of the population into small subgroups (strata) based on the
similarity in such a way that the elements within the group
are homogeneous and heterogeneous among the other
subgroups formed.
Sampling Methods:
c. Convenience Sampling where the samples are
selected based on availability.
d. Purposive Sampling is based on the intention or the
purpose of the study.
e. Quota Sampling this type of sampling depends on
some pre-set standard. It selects the representative
sample from the population.
f. Referral/Snowball Sampling is used in situations
where the population is completely unknown and rare.
Fill in the blanks and write your answer in a 1/4 sheet.

1) Research __________________ is a systematic way of

collecting data.
2) Research __________________ refers to the place where
you are going to conduct your study.
3) Respondents are the ____________________ involved in the
4) Sampling is part of the _________________________.
5) _________________ procedure is how you are going to
gather your data.
Thank You


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