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Gaming Cafe

Selling The Air
• What Is E-Sports?
• E-Sport History In K.S.A
• Why E-Sports?
• Why K.S.A

• Whom We Are Targeting

• How?
• Biggest Competitors In Saudi Market
• Risks
• My Skills
What Is E-Sports ?
• E-Sports means electronic gaming.
What IS • A form of competition using video games.

E-Sports • Most commonly E-Sports take the form of organized multi-players

video game competition particularly between professional players.

History In
The Saudi Federation for Electronic Sports (formerly the Saudi Federation for Electronic and Intellectual Sports) is the
sponsor of all electronic sports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . Saudi Arabia is a major and global destination for
electronic sports by organizing local and international championships in electronic sports.

The federation was established on October 13 , 2017 , headed by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Sultan.
On May 4, 2021 , the Federation announced the separation of mental sports from the work of the Federation, to be the
organizing body responsible for developing the electronic games sector and community in the Kingdom, and sponsoring elite
Saudi electronic sports players

Why E-Sports?
Despite being labelled as nothing more than a hobby for decades, video games, and their competitive setting of eSports have finally
started turning heads with their rapid growth in player base, influence, and viewership:

• It gives people an opportunity to do things that they cannot do offline, and to discover new things about themselves.
• The largest prize pool in history recently eclipsed US$20.8M;
• A 17-year-old eSports player was recently listed in TIME Magazine as one of the world’s most influential teenagers;
• In 2016, more people viewed the grand finals of an eSports tournament than the clinching game of the World Series.

• Analysts predict a $4.4B industry by 2023, but with the rapid pace of societal break throughs occurring on a weekly basis, Esports
has the potential to be much more.

With the generation of Millennials ready to make their impact on society, eSports will soon break away from its stigma and cement
itself into today’s culture.


E-Sports is already beginning to
challenge traditional sports
0 4-Year 2012 2013 2014 2015
CAGR 2016
Game (millions)

Average Viewers for Final


0 26.8 51.0
13.9 % %
0 2.5%
0 Super Bowl NBA Finals MLB Finals NHL
Finals Worlds (League of Legend
There are inherent difficulties in measuring viewership for both industries. Notwithstanding the prior,
the viewership of major eSports titles already rivals those of the major traditional sports. Such a large
base may be attractive to non-endemic brands who target groups with similar profiles as the average
eSports viewer.
Icons from Traditional Sports are Seeing the Value
The entry of
Rick Fox Owner
traditional sports

3x NBA Champion icons help to further
(2000 –
of Echo increase media
Fox attention on eSports.
In addition, the
Shaquille Co-Investors advocacy from these

O’Neal Alex Into NRG eSports icons may help in
Rodriguez *formerly Team
Jimmy Rollins Coast process of defining
eSports players as
“athletes” for the
Jonas Jerebko Owner

purposes of obtaining
of Renegade
Boston Celtics
(2005 – international work
Media and Entertainment Leaders are
Already Investing into the Future
Partnering with WME/IMG, Turner MLBAM is a spin-off of the MLB, and is Through ESPN, Disney has broadcast a
Broadcasting now operates one of the responsible for the digital experiences for number of high profile competitions
largest Counter-Strike leagues in the organizations such the NHL, and HBO. such as Heroes of the Dorm, The
world. Matches are played live, at the MLBAM and Riot Games signed a International, and the League of
Turner Studios facility, and featured $300M* agreement with to develop the Legends World Championships. ESPN
matchups are aired on the TBS viewing experience, and monetization also has a separate section on its
channel. ELEAGUE is entering and commercialization of League of website
its second season. Legends. and mobile app for
*Agreement is for an average annual payment of $50M to 2023.
eSports coverage.

Market leaders in the entertainment and media industry are beginning to enter into the eSports space.
It is worth noting the connection that many of these corporations have to traditional sports, with
Turner Broadcasting also operating the digital experience for the NBA. The introduction of
broadcasting rights may provide motivation for more traditional sports teams to invest in eSports.
Why K.S.A ?

Support From The Leadership

• Saudi Arabia's interest in the gaming and electronic sports sector comes from the top of the ladder of power, as it is
known that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a passionate player in the "Call of Duty" game.
• The Saudi Electronic Sports Federation was established in 2017, and the number of esports teams in the Kingdom has
grown from two to more than 100 teams.
• A survey showed that 21 million people, nearly two-thirds of the total population, consider themselves gamers.
• And last January, the Public Investment Fund, headed by the Crown Prince and the de facto ruler of the Kingdom,
launched the Sai Electronic Games Group, which acquired the company's "ESL" and "FACIIT" in two deals for about $
1.5 billion.
• Last week, the Crown Prince launched the national strategy for electronic sports, which aims to create more than 39,000
direct and indirect job opportunities by 2030, with the production of more than 30 games in local studios.
• Next year, Riyadh is set to host the World Esports Games, which is described as the "highlight" event in the competitive
eSports sector in the world.
• Chester King, chief executive of British Sports. said "I think the amazing thing is that the (Saudi) government has put
esports at the forefront, while many countries are still trying to position it,“ he added "I can say that (Saudi) investment is
probably the highest in the world,“.
Whom We Are Targeting

We are targeting here the largest segment of the people,

which is adolescents and Kids, equivalent to 67% of the
population in the Kingdom, and this targeted segment is
considered the most economically stable segment from the
rest of the segments, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, because the families there make the change in the
standard of living of the child the last Economic solutions


• By opening a Café for electronic games with a special identity (but it must be expandable) then we start
by the advertising campaigns until our name is well known as one of the best (Gaming Café), then we will
start entering the world of electronic sports by making private internal tournaments so that our name is
also well known in the multi media platforms as we are one of the best (tournament’s organizers) then we
will start organizing State-funded tournaments with the largest companies and teams then we will have the
availability to expand not only in Saudi Arabia but also in the Middle East.

Dxefuse center
This integrated center for electronic sports is one of the
best gaming cafes in Riyadh, and the hourly rate starts
from 15 Saudi riyals, and offers on private rooms for
four people for a full day for 400 Saudi riyals.

Location & Working Hrs.:

Daily from 4 pm to 3 am. Al-Thumama Branch Road, Al-Nada,



With the provision of devices of the highest specifications
and high-speed internet, you can enjoy special VIP room
offers from the Race Center for electronic games, where
the value of playing for 3 hours in the private room
starts at 40 riyals and 500 riyals for the whole day.

Location & Working Hrs.:

Daily from 4 pm to 2 am. Khurais Rd, Riyadh


This center is the favorite destination for many game
lovers in Riyadh, and an hour can be booked in the first
level for 20 Saudi riyals, and for 35 Saudi riyals in the
second level. It also offers an offer for those wishing to
play their favorite games for ten hours without
interruption, for 130 Saudi riyals in the first level and
190 Saudi riyals in the second level. The center
allocates a special and professional room for
broadcasting games over the Internet.

Location & Working Hrs.:

Sun-Thu from 8 am to 4 am.

Fri-Sat : from 4 pm to 4 am


All electronic games in one place

Location & Working Hrs.:

Daily from 4 pm to 6 am. Al-Thumama Branch Road, Al-Rabea,



• This electronic gaming hall provides its guests with all the equipment they
need to play their competitions along with a coffee that increases their
concentration, for 20 Saudi riyals an hour. There is no objection to refilling

HIGHE NH the coffee to maintain focus.

• Location & Working Hrs.:

• Daily from 4 pm to 8 am. Hetten, Riyadh

• Ref.:
Location & Working Hrs.:
This center provides its visitors with the ZNTRX Malik Road, Jeddah :
opportunity to enjoy virtual reality games and many Daily from 2 pm to 6 am. Only (Friday 24hrs)

Zntrx other video, action and arcade games. It is an ideal

destination for gaming enthusiasts in Jeddah, as it
offers 8 options of Zones, which are (PC Gaming
ZNTRX Jamea Plaza, Jeddah : from10 am to 2 am

Zone, Streaming Zone, Quiet Zone, Private Zone, VR ZNTRX Tahlia, Jeddah: from 2 pm to 2 am
Zone, Rival Zone, Flight Sim Zone, Car Sim Zone).

E-Sports Café Risks
Some One Can Use The Equipment's In illegal
ways Like (Hacking , Spying , Watching or Electricity Breakdown
1 6
Sending +18 Content , Changing The Equipment's
Timer To Extend The Duration )
Internet (Low Download Speed , Low Upload
Lak Of Tournaments To Sponsor From The SFE
2 Speed , Breakdown) 7

Equipment's Over Warming Due To PCs Heat And

Lak Of Parking
3 Overload Customer Capacity 8

Harming Or Destroying The Equipment’s Smoking Rooms

4 9

Software Issues Happens Unplanned Take Gov Permissions

5 10

Here are some of my skills that I think it
will help me a lot:
• Electronic Hardware Expert in Assembly and
Disassembly Electronic Parts as (PC , Laptops,
• I Was Consultant In All New Tech Electronics
• I Worked As Supervisor And Handling Team From 62

My Skills Employee
• I Worked As Process Engineer So I Know All The
Process Waste Can Occurs Including Labor Hours And
How To Eliminate Them
• I’m Certified Trainer With Over Than 200hrs Of
Training My Team
• I’m Certified As Autonomous Maintenance Champion
So I’ll Set the Check Up And Frequency Of
Maintaining Each Part To Avoid Any Unplanned Events

• I’m Gamer And Streamer On ( Facebook , YouTube ,

Twitch ,TikTok) 22
Summary At the End, My Target For 15 years Was To Be One Of The
Influencers In The E-Sport Field, Specially After Studying It
And Found That We Are Latterly:
Selling The Air

Thank You
Name: Amr Raghib

Email: [email protected]

Tele: 0593132346

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 24

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