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UNIT - 3

■ A spreadsheet is an electronic document, which

has rows and columns.
■ It is used to store data in a systematic way and
do calculations.
■ Eg.: a grocery shopkeeper keeping track of all
the items they have, items that are sold, cost
price etc, all these details can be maintained
using a spreadsheet also making it easier for the
shopkeeper to calculate their profits and loss.
Types of spreadsheets

■ There are many types of spreadsheet

available that have been created by
different companies. Some of the
most popular ones are Microsoft
excel, LibreOffice Calc, Google
Steps to start LibreOffice Calc

1. Install LibreOffice in your computer

2. Type LibreOffice Calc in the search bar of Windows.
3. LibreOffice Calc will open a blank sheet.
4. You can start typing and entering data as soon as you open the spreadsheet.
Components of a spreadsheet

■ A row is an arrangement of cells in a horizontal (sleeping) manner.

■ A column is an arrangement of cells in a vertical (standing) manner.
■ A cell is a rectangle shaped box, where the row and column meet. You can enter text,
numbers, date, formula, etc., in a cell. The cell that is selected appears highlighted.
■ Whatever you type in, a cell appears in the area called formula bar.
■ The name box shows the location of
the selected cell. The location of the
cell is a combination of column and
■ A worksheet is a collection of cells in
the form of a grid (a network of lines
that intersect each other, making
rectangles). When you open a
spreadsheet for the first time, you see
a blank worksheet with the name
■ A workbook is a spreadsheet that has
one or more worksheets.
■ A _____________ is an electronic document used to store data in a systematic way and
perform calculations just like an expense sheet.
(a) spreadsheet
(b) worksheet
(c) workbook
(d) name box
■ Which of the following functions can be performed with the help of spreadsheets? (1)
Maintaining records (2) Creating videos (3) Analysing data (4) Performing financial
calculations (5) Writing letters
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(b) 1, 3, 4
(c) 1, 3, 5
(d) 3, 4, 5
■ A _______ is an arrangement of cells in a horizontal manner.
(a) column
(b) row
(c) cell
(d) worksheet
Answer key

1. (a) Spreadsheet
2. (b) 1,3,4
3. (b) row
basic concepts
of a
A spreadsheet can be used to
perform various functions.
Let us see how to enter, edit,
delete data and use data
functions effectively.
steps to enter
1 2 3
Click on the cell where Type text or number. As The cursor is set on the
next cell, in this case A2.
you want to enter data you type, you can see
You can continue entering
as shown in Figure 1. the data in the Formula Bar
other data.
For example, we click as well. Press Enter
cell A1. when you complete typing.
4 5
Notice that d a ta in the cell will You can enter a formula in
automatically (by default) b e left a cell by starting with ‘=’
aligned (near the left e d g e of the cell) equal-to symbol as shown
as you have entered text as shown in
in Figure 4. This will d o
Figure 3. If you enter numbers, they
are right aligned in the cell. the calculations as given
Remember that text is aligned to the and display the results
left of the cell, while number is
aligned to the right.
Editing data in a
There are various ways in which one can edit a cell:
Method 1
1.Double click on the cell you want to edit. Then, type additional
text in the cell or in the Formula Bar.
Method 2
3.Click on
the cell
you want
Method 3
(If you want to completely change the text in
the cell, then do the following.)
1.Click on the cell.
2. Type the new text.
3. Press Enter
Deleting data in a cell

You can delete the value stored in a particular

cell,The steps to delete data in a cell are as
1.Click on the cell.
2.Press Delete key on the keyboard. This
deletes the text entry of that cell making it
Selecting multiple cells
wants to delete the entire row
related to a topic , you can select
the entire row, and then, press

When a single cell is selected it

is called active cell

When a number of cells is

There are several ways in which multiple cells can be selected as
Saving the spreadsheet:
After entering data, you can save the spreadsheet in
the same way as a Notepad or any other word file. Click
and then, Save. This will open a Save As dialog box.
Type the file name and click Save.

Closing the spreadsheet :

Once you have saved the data, you can close the spreadsheet by
clicking File, and then, Close
Opening a spreadsheet :

Click File, and then, select Open. This will show a dialog box
with a list of existing files. Select the one you want to open
Printing the
spreadsheet :
To print a spreadsheet, you can click
File, and then, select Print from the drop-
down or press Ctrl+P on the keyboard

A Print dialog box appears. Select the printer, range of

pages and number of copies to be printed, and click OK
z with Data and
Formatting Text
Data stored in a spreadsheet can be
used in calculations, graphical
representation and display of
information. Let us learn more about
working with data.


To find out the total marks for each student, she needs to add the marks in each subject. The symbol (operator) used for addition in a spreadsheet is ‘+’ (plus).
To do any calculation in a spreadsheet, you need to use ‘=’ (equal-to) symbol, which tells the
spreadsheet that a formula has been entered.

Ms Sharma can add values directly

for each student, i.e., add the
numbers directly, such as
‘=73+89+78’ as shown
When you type this in a cell and
press Enter, the result, i.e., 240 will
be displayed. And result will be


Instead of using direct numbers in the formula, you can use cell addresses.
For example instead of entering ‘=73+89+78’, she can enter the cell addresses ‘=B2+C2+D2’.
The advantage here is that even if there is a change in the marks, there is no need to type the numbers again in the Total field

Using a mouse, she can simply select the cell

to be used in the formula instead of typing the
cell addresses.
1. Type ‘=’ in the cell where you Figure
2. Click the cell, which has English
marks for Rohit. B2 will appear in the
3. Type ‘+’.
4. Click the cell, which has maths marks
for Rohit. C2 will appear in the formula.
5. Type ‘+’.
6. Click the cell (D2), which has science
marks for Rohit.
7. Press Enter

Spreadsheet also gives you some functions that make it easier to do calculations. To add numbers, we have the Sum() function.
1. Type ‘=Sum(' in E2 where you want the total.
2. Now, click on English marks, i.e., B2, hold the left mouse button and drag till science marks, i.e., D2. This will select the marks for all three subjects.
3. Type ‘)’ and press Enter.
1. Click on the cell with the formula.
2. Right-click and select Copy or press Ctrl+c on the keyboard. If you wish to move the formula to a new cell, i.e., delete it from the existing cell, select Cut or press Ctrl+x on the keyboard.
3. Click on the first cell, where you have to copy the formula. 4. Keeping the left mouse button down, drag till you reach the last cell, where you want the formula. Release the left mouse button.
5. Right-click and select Paste or press Ctrl+v on the keyboard.
z 6. The formula will be copied to all selected cells. It will calculate the total for each student.
Ms Sharma is happy now. Spreadsheets have made her work simple. Now, all she has to do is enter the marks for all her students for each subject and the rest will be done by the spreadsheet.

Change text style and font size

In case you want to give a different style or a
bigger size to the heading, you can change the
text style using the Font drop-down .You can
choose the style you like from the drop-down.
The text in all selected cells will change.
Similarly, you can change the size of the text
from from the font-size drop-down
You can use the given icons on the Tool Bar to align the text

We make headings of our documents and tables bigger and bolder than the rest of the text to make them stand out.

We also underline important words or italicise them so that they, too, stand out.
Advanced Features In
Steps to sort data:
1. Select all rows and columns that have to be sorted
2. Click on Data, and then, select Sort
3. This will give a Sort dialog box.Click on Sort Key 1 and select total from
the drop-down. By default the order is Ascending, which means from
the lowest to the highest. We can change it to Descending. This will
sort the data in the total field.
4. Click on OK.
Steps to apply filter to a table:

1. Click on the AutoFilter icon on the Tool Bar.

2. This will put filters at the top of each column.
3. Click on the filter for ‘class’ column.
4. The drop-down will show a list of all the values in that column, for example, Class XII-A and XII-B.
5. By default, all values are checked or selected.
6. If you want to see the data of students only from Class XII-A, uncheck Class XII-B
7. Click on OK.
Steps to protect a spreadsheet:

There are two ways to protect a spreadsheet. The first one is:
1. Click on Tools and select Protect Spreadsheet.
2. A Protect Document dialog box appears.
3. Type in a password.
4. Type the same password in the Confirm textbox.
5. Click on OK.
6. Now, when you close the file and open it again, it will ask for the password.
Remember this password so that you can open the file.
The second way of protecting a spreadsheet is:
1. Click on File, and then, Save As.
2. A Save As dialog box will appear.
3. Type the file name and click Save with password.
4. Click on Save.
5. A Set Password dialog box appears.
6. Type a password in the first textbox, and then, type the same password in the Confirm textbox.
7. Click on OK.
8. Now, when you try to open the file, it will ask for a password.
9. Type the password and click on OK.
1. Which menu option will you use to sort data?

(a) Tools

(b) Data

(c) Format

(d) View
1. Which menu option will you use to sort data?

(a) Tools

(b) Data

(c) Format

(d) View
2. Mr Gupta has a spreadsheet with a list of 500 items in his shop. A customer
comes and asks for a particular item. How should he arrange the data so that he
can find that item fast? What would Mr Gupta do? He will:

(a) apply filter.

(b) sort the data.

(c) use password.

(d) format data.

2. Mr Gupta has a spreadsheet with a list of 500 items in his shop. A customer
comes and asks for a particular item. How should he arrange the data so that he
can find that item fast? What would Mr Gupta do? He will:

(a) apply filter.

(b) sort the data.

(c) use password.

(d) format data.

3. Mr Verma shares the computer in his office with other colleagues. He wants to
make sure no one sees the financial data he saves on the computer. What should
he do?

(a) Lock the computer in a cupboard

(b) Change the password of his computer so that no one can use it

(c) Apply password to the financial data sheet

(d) Leave it as it is and hope that no one will open it

3. Mr Verma shares the computer in his office with other colleagues. He wants to
make sure no one sees the financial data he saves on the computer. What should
he do?

(a) Lock the computer in a cupboard

(b) Change the password of his computer so that no one can use it

(c) Apply password to the financial data sheet

(d) Leave it as it is and hope that no one will open it

Presentation software is being widely used to make digital
presentations. It has many advantages, which are as follows.
1. They are interesting as they have features like images, videos,
animation and music.
2. Making changes in digital presentations is easy.
3. A digital presentation can be shown to a much larger audience by
projecting on a screen.
4. The presentation can be printed and distributed to the audience.
Presentation software available:
There are a number of presentation software available, such as
1. LibreOffice Impress
2. Microsoft Office – PowerPoint
3. OpenOffice Impress
4. Google Slides
5. Apple Keynote
Most features in all these software are same.
Steps to start LibreOffice Impress:
1. First, you must ensure that LibreOffice Impress is installed on your computer.
2. Type ‘LibreOffice Impress’ in the search bar of Windows.
3. Select LibreOffice Impress from the search results as shown in Figure.
4. LibreOffice Impress will open. Cancel the ‘Select a template’ dialog box.
5. A blank presentation will open.
Adding text to a presentation:
By default, there are two textboxes in the first slide. The top one
is for the title and the lower (bigger) one for other details. We
can click on the title box and type in a title. Similarly, we can
click on the lower box and type in some details.
Session 6: Opening, Closing, Saving
and Printing a Presentation
1. Steps to save a presentation
2. Steps to close a presentation
3. Steps to open a presentation
4. Steps to print a presentation
Steps to save a presentation
1. Click on File.

2. Select Save As or Save from the drop-down. This displays a Save As dialog box

3. You can select a folder where you want to save the file, for example desktop

4. By default, the File name is ‘Untitled#’ (# is a number). You can change it to the name of
your choice.

5. The default Save As type is .ods. You can select other file types from the Save As type
drop-down. You can save the file as MS Excel or HTML or text file.
Steps to close a presentation

The steps to close a presentation are as follows.

1. Click on File.

2. Select Close from the drop-down.

3. If you have not saved the changes before closing the file, it will prompt you with a ‘Save Document?’You can
decide whether you want to save or not or cancel.
Steps to open a presentation
1. Open LibreOffice Impress.

2. Click on File.

3. Then, select Open from the drop-down.

4. This will display the Open dialog box

5. Browse and select the folder where your file is saved, for example Desktop.
6. Then, select the file, for example Water Cycle

7. Click on Open.

8. This will open the ‘Water Cycle.ods’ in LibreOffice Impress.

Steps to print a presentation

.1. Click on File.

2. Select Print from the drop-down or you can press Ctrl+p on the keyboard.

3. A Print dialog box is displayed.

4. A printer attached to the computer is displayed in the dialog box.

5. Select the number of copies you want to print.

6. Select All, if you want to print all slides.

7. Select Slides, if you want to print few of them and provide the slide numbers.
8. Click on OK



To add a new slide, do the following:

1. Click on Slide.

2. Select New Slide from the drop-down

3. You can also press Ctrl+M on the keyboard.

4. This will add a blank New Slide to the presentation.

5. The layout or arrangement of textboxes, etc., will be

similar to the previous one.
The steps to delete a slide are as follows:
1. Select the slide that you want to delete.

2. Click on Slide.

3. Select Delete Slide from the drop-down

4. The selected slide will be deleted.

5. You can press ‘Del’ key on the keyboard to

delete the selected slide.
The default layout of a LibreOffice Impress slide has two textboxes — one for the title
and other for text

You can insert a text box using the option Insert>Text Box

You can format the text in a presentation to make it look better or attractive. There
are many font styles available to change the way a text appears. Click on the Font
Style drop-down to select a different style. This will change the way the text is
written .You can also change the size of the text by clicking on the Font Size drop-
down and select the size (for example, 8, 12, etc.). The font size of the title is increased
to make it stand out.
Highlighting text — bold, underline, italic To highlight a text in LibreOffice:

you can make it bold, underlined or italic, depending on the requirement. First, select the text that
has to be highlighted. Then, hover over the given icons in the Properties tab .Select the icon required
to perform the desired function, i.e., making it bold, italic, underlined or strikethrough.

Aligning text — left, right, center, justified:

The text can be aligned either left, right, center or justified. Using the Paragraph option in the
Properties tab the text can be aligned.Left or right aligned’ means that text will be aligned to the left
or right margin, respectively. ‘Center’ aligns the text to the center of the page. ‘Justify’ aligns the
text to the right and left margins.
Changing text
You can make the presentation even more interesting by giving different colours to the text.
The Font Color drop-down gives various colours from which you can choose and change the
colour of the text Besides the Font Color drop-down, there is a Highlight Color drop-down. If
you select a colour from the Highlight Color drop-down, it will change the background colour
of the text.
There are various advanced features used in a digital presentation. The
use of graphics, charts and images can make the presentation more
-Inserting shapes in presentation:
LibreOffice provides numerous shapes, such as lines, square, circle,
arrows, symbols, etc., that can be inserted into slides.
To insert an arrow, you must click on Insert, and then, select
Shape. This has several options. Choose Arrow to see different
types of arrow. Select the one required for the presentation. Once
a shape is inserted in a slide, you can use the Properties tab to
make changes to the properties of the shape, such as colour, size,
position, direction, etc.
-Inserting clipart and images in presentation:
We use a lot of images in a presentation to make it simple and
interesting. The steps to insert a clipart or an image are as follows.
1. Click on Insert from the menu.
2. Select Image.
3. An Insert Image dialog box appears.
4. Browse through folders and select the image you want to use.
5. Click on Open.
-Changing slide layout:
The default layout of a LibreOffice Impress slide contains one
textbox for the title and one for content. Layout helps to
arrange the slide content in an organised way. However, you
can change the slide layout as per the requirement. You can do
this by simply selecting the slide, and then, selecting the desired
layout from the Layouts tab.
Having a layout helps to align the content in the desired way.

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