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Power Plant Engineering

Types of Power Plant
• Coal-Fired Power Plant
• Diesel Power Plant
Thermal Type
• Geothermal Power Plant
• Nuclear Power Plant
• Hydroelectric Power Plant
Kinetic Type
• Wind Power Plant
• Solar Power Plant Electric Type
Coal-Fired Power Plant
Coal-Fired Power Plant

nH nm ne
W Pm Pe

Example 1:
• A coal-fired power plant has a capacity of 220 MW and has a maximum load of 170 MW. Its
annual load factor is 0.7. The coal consumed is 1 kg per kW-hr of the generated energy. If the
coal would cost P1,000 per ton, calculate (a) the revenue per year if the energy is sold at
P3/kW-hr, (b) capacity factor. Capacity factor is the ratio of average load to capacity of plant.
• Solution:
• (a) Revenue = Cost per Kwh x Kwh Sold
• P3/kWh x ________
• Average Demand = Load Factor x Maximum Demand = 0.7 x 170 MW = 119 MW
• Kwh Sold = Average Demand x Operating Hours = 119 MW x (365 days/year) x (24 h/day)
• Kwh Sold = 1,042,440 Mwh = 1,042,440,000 Kwh
• Revenue = 3x1,042,440,000 = P 3,127,320
• (b) Capacity factor = 119/220 = 0.541
Example 2:
• A power plant consumes 3600 tons of coal per day. The coal has an
average energy content of 10,000 BTU/lb. If the overall efficiency of
the plant is 15%, determine the power plant output.
• Pin=Energy Content x Fuel Consumption Rate
• Pin = 10,000 BTU/lb x 3600 tons/day x 2000 lbs/1 ton x 1055 J/1
BTU x 1 day / 86400 s = 879,166,667 W
• Pout = eff x Pin = 15% x 879,166,667 W
• Pout = 131,875,000 W = 132 MW
Example 3:
• A 100 MW base load power plant has a heat rate of 2.67x106 calories
per kWhr and runs at a full load 24 hours a day. Determine the number
of tons of coal needed per day if its heating value is 13,000 BTU per lb.
• Solution:
• Eout = Pout x Operating Time = 100 MW x 24 h = 2400 MWh =
2,400,000 kWh
• Ein = Heat Rate x Eout = 2.67x106 cal / kWh x 2,400,000 kWh =
6.408x1012 cal x 4.19 J / cal x 1 BTU / 1055 J = 2.545x1010 BTU
• Mass of Coal = Ein / Heating Value = 2.545x1010 / (13 000 BTU/lb) =
1,957,676 lb x 1 ton / 2000 lb = 978.8 tons
Example 4:
• A coal-fired power plant has an overall plant efficiency of 27%. If the
coal used has a heating value of 12,000 BTU/lb and cost P50 per lb,
calculate the fuel cost of producing one Kwhr.
• Solution:
• Eout = 1 Kwh
• Ein = Eout / eff. = 1 kwh / 27% = 3.704 kWh x 3,600,000 J / 1 kWh =
13.3333 x 106 J x 1 BTU / 1055 J = 12638.20 BTU
• Mass of Coal = Ein / Heating Value = 12638.20 BTU / 12000 BTU/lb =
1.053 lb
• Cost of Fuel = Mass of Coal x Fuel = 1.053 lb x P50 / lb = P 52.66
Diesel Power Plant
Diesel Power Plant

nH nm ne
W Pm Pe

Example 5:
• A diesel engine is used to drive a single phase ac generator having an
efficiency of 85%. The generator when tested delivers a current of 215-
amperes at a terminal voltage of 210-volts. The amount of fuel
consumed by the engine is 12 kg per hour. If the calorific value of the
fuel is 45 MJ/kg, calculate the efficiency of the engine.
• Pout = VI cos q = 210 x 215 x 1 = 45,150 W
• W = Pout / effg = 45150 / 0.85 = 53,118 W
• Qin = Input Fuel x Calorific Value = 12kg/h x 45 MJ/kg x 1h/3600 s x
1000000 J/1 MJ = 150,000 W
• effH = W/Qin = 53,118/150,000 = 35.41%
Example 6:
• A diesel engine generator set burns fuel with a heating value of 15 000 BTU per lb. The
diesel engine has an efficiency of 32% while the generator has an efficiency of 94%. If
the density of the fuel is 900 grams/liter, and costs P30.00 per liter., determine the fuel
cost of producing one kWhr.
• Ans 11.456
• Eout = 1 Kwh x 3,600,000 J / Kwh x 1 BTU / 1055 J = 3,412.32 BTU
• Eff = effH x effg = 32% x 94% = 30.08%
• Ein = Eout / Eff = 3,412.32 / 30.08% = 11,344.15 BTU
• Mass of Fuel = Ein / Heating Value = 11,344.15 BTU / (15 000 BTU / lb) = 0.75628 lb x
454 g / lb = 343.35 g
• Volume of Fuel = Mass of Fuel / Density = 343.35 g / 900 g/L = 0.3815 L
• Cost = Cost per Volume x Volume of Fuel = P 30.00/L x 0.3815 L = P 11.44
Geothermal Power Plant
Geothermal Power Plant

nH nm ne
W Pm Pe

Example 7:
• If a geothermal well has a temperature of 200 deg. C and the temperature of the
cooling body is 30 deg. C. What is the maximum thermal efficiency?
• Ans 35.9%
• Solution:
• TH = 200 deg. C = 200 + 273.15 = 473.15 K
• TC = 30 deg. C = 30 + 273.15 = 303.15 K
• Carnot Efficiency = (TH – TC) / TH = (473.15 -303.15)/473.15 = 35.9%
• Say that the temp increased to 32 deg. C, what is the new efficiency?
• TC’ = 32 + 273.15 = 305.15 K
• Eff = (473.15 – 305.15) / 473.15 = 35.5%
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant

nH nm ne
W Pm Pe

Example 8:
• In fission, energy is produced when _________.
• Ans. Nuclear particles split
Example 9:
• The common material used in nuclear fission is _______________.
• Ans. Uranium
Example 10:
• What is nuclear fusion?
• Ans. It is the joining of light atomic nuclei to form heavier ones.
Hydroelectric Power Plant

h, head

Q, flow rate
Hydroelectric Power Plant

• -> mgh

nh nm ne
Pt Pm Pe

Head PmL PeL

Example 11:
• A hydro electric power plant gets its water from a dam having a height
of 122.45 m at the rate of 1000 cubic meters per minute. Calculate the
plant efficiency if the output of the plant is 15,000 kW.
Ans 75%
• Pout = 15,000 kW

• Eff = Pout / Pin = 15,000 / 20,021 = 74.9%

Example 12:
• A hydro electric power plant gets water from a dam having a height of
100 meters at the rate of 1000 cubic meters per minute. The over all
efficiency of the plant is 75%. Calculate its power output in kW.
• Ans. 12,250 kW
• Solution:
Example 13:
• A hydroelectric power plant has an effective head of 180 ft and
contains 3x106 gal of water. If the plant has an overall efficiency of
about 20%, determine the amount of energy it can generate.
• Ans. 1225 MJ
• Ein = mgh = 1000kg/m3 x 3x106 gal x 0.003785 m3/gal x 9.81 m/s2 x
180 ft x 0.3048 m/ft = 6.11x109 J
• Eout = eff x Ein = 20% x 6.11x109 J
• Eout = 1.22x109 J = 1220 MJ
Example 14:
• A hydroelectric station has a reservoir capacity of 2x108 cu ft. at an
effective head of 500 ft. Determine the availability of electric energy if
the hydraulic efficiency is 0.8 and the electrical efficiency is 0.9
• Ans 1,690 MWh
Example 15:
• A hydroelectric power plant gets water from a dam from a height of
120 m at a rate of 1200 cubic meters per minute. Determine the plant
efficiency if its output is 15,000 kW.
Wind Power Plant
Wind Power Plant

CP nm ne
Pt Pm Pe


• ->1/2 mv^2
Example 16:
• Determine the average output of a wind turbine if its blade diameter is
35 ft with wind velocity ranging from 10 mi/h to 30mi/h.
Solar Power Plant
Solar Power Plant
Solar Power Plant

nC PR nI
Irradiance Ps Pdc Pe

Heat+ Shadows+ Switching

Refle String Losses+Oh
ction Mismatch mic Losses
Example 17:
• What material is used to manufacture solar panels?
• Silicon
• The spinning reserve is excess
capacity that is running and
synchronized with the system, and
is equal to the largest unit in the
system in case it trips.
• Another consideration is the reserve
capacity (historically maintained at
20%) which is the difference
between the total rated capacity of
all the units in the grid and the
expected peak demand on the

Nature of Load LD

• Maximum Diversified Demand – Maximum sum of the

demands imposed by a group of loads over a particular
• Maximum Non-coincident Demand – For a group of loads,
the sum of the individual maximum demands without any
restriction that they occur at the same time.
• Demand factor – ratio of maximum demand to connected
• Utilization factor – ratio of the maximum demand to rated
• Load factor – ratio of average demand of any individual
customer or group of customers over a period to the
maximum demand over the same period.
• Diversity Factor – ratio of the maximum noncoincident
demand to the maximum diversified demand
• Load Diversity – difference between the maximum
noncoincident demand and the maximum diversified demand.
Example 18:
• In a certain country, the energy consumption is expected to double in
10 years time. What is its growth rate?
• Solution:

• Ans. 6.93%
Example 19:
• Calculate the total energy generated by a generating station in Kw-hr a
year if its maximum demand and annual load factor is 150 kW and
• Solution:
• Average Demand = Load Factor x Maximum Demand = 45% x 150
• Average Demand = 67.5 kW
• Energy Generated = Average Demand x Operating Time = 67.5 kW x
24 h/day x 365 days / year = 591,300 kWh
Example 20:
• A power plant is supplying peak loads of 12,000 kW, 9000 kW and 6000
kW. Determine the maximum demand of the power plant and the energy
it supplies in a year given that its diversity factor and its average annual
load factor is 1.2 and 0.7 respectively.
• Solution:
• MNCD = 12000+9000+6000 = 27000 kW
• MDD = MNCD/Diversity Factor =27000/1.2=22500 kW
• Average Demand = LF x MDD = 0.7 x 22500 kW = 15750 kW
• Energy = Average Demand x Operating Time = 15750 kW x 24 h/day x
365 days/year = 137,970,000 kWh
Example 21:
• A coal-fired power plant are loaded as follows: (1) 12mn-6am = 30 MW; (2)
6am-10am = 70 MW; (3) 10am-12nn = 90 MW, (4) 12nn-4pms = 60 MW;
(5) 4pm-8pm = 100 MW; (6) 8pm-10pm = 80 MW; (7) 10-12nn = 60 MW.
Determine the load factor of the plant.
• Solution:
• Maximum Demand = 100 MW
• Average Demand = Energy / Operating Time
• =(30x6+70x4+90x2+60x4+100x4+80x2+60x2) / 24
• =65 MW
• Load Factor =Average / Maximum
• =65/100 = 65%
Practice Problems
1. Rankine efficiency of a steam 2. In a regenerative feed heating
power plant cycle, the greatest economy is
a) Improves in summer as
compared to that in winter a) When steam is extracted from only
one suitable point of steam turbine
b) Improves in winter as compared
b) When steam is extracted from
to that in summer* several places in different stages of
c) Is unaffected by climatic steam turbine*
conditions c) When steam is extracted only from
d) None of the above the last stage of steam turbine
d) When steam is extracted only from
the first stage of steam turbine
Practice Problems
3. In jet type condensers 4. Compounding of steam turbine
a) Cooling water passes through is done for
tubes and steam surrounds them a) Reducing work done
b) Steam passes through tubes and b) Increasing the rotor speed
cooling water surrounds them c) Reducing the rotor speed*
c) Steam and cooling water mix* d) Balancing the turbine
d) Steam and cooling water do not
Practice Problems
5. A steam power station requires 6. The energy radiated by sun on a
space bright sunny day is
a) Equal to diesel power station approximately
b) More than diesel power station* a) 700 W/m2
c) Less than diesel power station b) 800 W/m2
d) None of the above c) 1 kW/m2*
d) 2 kW/m2
Practice Problems
7. A steam power station requires 8. The percentage O2 by weight in
space atmospheric air is
a) Equal to diesel power station a) 18%
b) More than diesel power station* b) 23%*
c) Less than diesel power station c) 77%
d) None of the above d) 79%
Practice Problems
9. The commercial sources of 10. The percentage of total energy
energy are input appearing as net work
a) Solar, wind and biomass output of the cycle
b) Fossil fuels, hydropower and a) Thermal efficiency*
nuclear energy* b) Combustion efficiency
c) Wood, animal wastes and c) Engine efficiency
agriculture wastes d) Compressions efficiency
d) None of the above

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