HEALTH 4TH Q Identifying Intentional Injuries

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Intentional Injuries

The term "intentional" is used to

refer to injuries resulting
from purposeful human action,
whether directed at oneself or
others. Intentional injuries
include self-inflicted and
interpersonal acts of violence
intended to cause harm.

These are injuries resulting from

violence. It can be divided into

a. self-inflicted, when a person

harms himself/herself on purpose

b. assault, when person/persons harm

another on purpose.
Suicide and parasuicide are
intentional injuries that are self-
inflicted, while assault has four

those that were committed within the

those that were committed by peers;
those that were committed by other
groups; and
those that were committed by the
family, peers or other groups.
Within the family, domestic violence may
happen. Domestic violence happens when one
or more members of the family harm or
abuse another family member. Peers in
school or in the community may commit
bullying, stalking, and extortion. Other
groups may commit gang and youth violence,
illegal fraternity-related violence,
kidnapping and abduction, and different
acts of terror. Sexual victimization and
other forms of abuse and harassment may be
committed by the family, peers or other
people. This includes verbal abuse,
incest, molestation or rape.
The conceptual framework will give you
a clearer idea regarding these types
of Intentional injuries.

Suicide is death
caused by injuring
oneself with the
intent to die or an
intentional taking
of one’s own life.
In contrast, a
suicide attempt in
which a person does
not intend to die
is called
We can distinguish a person who has
suicidal tendencies through his/her
behavior and speech. Oftentimes, the
person gives clues and some of these
clues may be:

 talking about suicide

 talking about death
 writing farewell letters
 giving away valuable things
 showing changes in behavior, tempers
and feelings
According to Philippine study that was
conducted to development a suicide
prevention strategy showed that commonly
used methods by those who decided to end
their lives include the following:

 hanging
 strangulation
 suffocation.
 drug overdose
 killing oneself using firearms
 jumping from heights
 drowning
Domestic Violence, also called
"domestic abuse" or "intimate
partner violence", can be
defined as a pattern of
behavior in any relationship
that is used to gain or
maintain power and control
over an intimate partner. This
may occur to partners who may
be married or not married.
They may be heterosexual or
homosexual (i.e. gay or
lesbian) couples and may be
living together, separated or
dating. Abuse is physical,
sexual, emotional, economic or
psychological actions or
threats of actions that
influence another person
Domestic violence includes abuse and
actions such as:

 name-calling or putdowns
 keeping a partner from contacting
his/her family or friends
 withholding money/allowance or denying
financial support
 stopping a partner from getting or
keeping a job
 stalking
Who are the possible victims of domestic violence?
Anyone can be a victim, or is at risk of it,
especially if his/her partner:

• is very jealous and/or spies on him/her

• will not let him/her break off the
• hurts him/her in any way, is violent, or brags
about hurting other people
• puts him/her down or makes him/her feel bad
• forces him/her to have sex or makes him/her
afraid to say no to sex
• abuses drugs or alcohol; pressures him/her to
use drugs or alcohol
• has a history of bad relationships and blames
it on others

Bullying is an
unwanted, aggressive
behavior of a person
towards to other
person. Bullying
also, is when people
repeatedly and
intentionally use
words or actions
against someone or a
group of people to
cause distress and
risk to their
The sort of repeated behavior that can be considered
bullying includes:

 Keeping someone out of a group (online or offline)

 Acting in an unpleasant way near or towards someone
 Giving nasty looks, making rude gestures, calling names,
being rude and impolite, and constantly negative
 Spreading rumours or lies, or misrepresenting someone
(i.e. using their Facebook account to post messages as
if it were them)
 Mucking about that goes too far
 Harassing someone based on their race, sex, religion,
gender or a disability
 Intentionally and repeatedly hurting someone physically
 Intentionally stalking someone
 Taking advantage of any powers over someone else like a
Prefect or a Student Representative.
The different classifications of
bullying are:

Verbal bullying – saying or writing mean

and nasty things. It includes: o
Teasing o Name-calling o Making
inappropriate sexual comments o
Taunting o Threatening to cause harm
Social bullying- sometimes referred to as
relational bullying - hurting someone’s
reputation or relationships. It includes:
Telling other children not to be friends with
 Spreading rumors about someone
Embarrassing someone in public

Physical bullying – hurting a person’s body or

destroying his/her possessions. It includes:
Taking or breaking someone’s things
Making mean or rude hand gestures
Cyber bullying – verbal and social bullying
done through use of technology and electronic
means. It includes:
 Using social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram etc.)
 Using mobile devices (i.e. cellphone)
 Using electronic mails (i.e. e-mails)

Bullying can take place anywhere. It can be in

schools, at home, at work, in online social
spaces, via text messaging or via email. It
can be physical, verbal, emotional, and it
also includes messages, public statements and
behavior online intentional to cause distress
or harm (also known as cyberbullying).

Stalking is a form
of behavior that
makes you feel
afraid, nervous,
harassed, or in
danger. It is when
someone repetitively
contacts you,
monitors you, sends
you things, and
talks to you, even
when you don’t want
them to.
Stalking behaviors involve actions such as:

 Knowing your schedule

 Follows you and showing up at places you go to
 Repeatedly calls your phone, including hang-ups
 Contacting you or posting about you on social
networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
 Sends unwanted gifts, letters or emails and pictures
 Damaging your home, car or other property
 Monitors your phone calls or computer use, possibly
through spyware
 Threatens to hurt you, your family, friends, or even
your pets
 Uses technology, like hidden cameras or use of
global positioning systems (GPS), to track where you
 Uses other people to try to communicate with you,
like children, family, or friends

Extortion is the
wrongful act of using
force, violence or
intimidation to force
people to hand over
their money or
properties, on favors.
Typically extortion
generally involves a
threat made to the
victim or their
property, friends, or
family members.
Blackmail is a form of extortion in
which, rather than physical harm,
the threat is the exposure of
damaging information related to the
A gang is a group
composed of three or more
individuals. Defined as a
relatively tough, mostly
street-based group of
young people who regard
themselves and may be
seen by others as a group
that engages in a range
of criminal activity and
Gang has its own identity which they use
to create an atmosphere of fear or
intimidation frequently by employing one
or more of the following:

 A common name
 Slogan
 Identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or
other physical marking
 Style or color of clothing and hairstyle
 Hand sign or graffiti
A FRATERNITY is a group of people who are part of a
brotherhood with similar backgrounds, occupations,
interests and built on common goals and aspirations
that make a commitment to each other for life.
Fraternity have been a part of college and
university campuses since the late 18th-century.

In campuses and universities, fraternities are

represented Greek letters. Fraternity members would
require an applicant to undergo a series of
initiation rites to become part of the
“brotherhood” to maintain their exclusiveness. One
of these is HAZING, or activities that involve
harassment, abuse, or humiliation. HAZING can be
very dangerous to NEOPHYTES, as they will be
subjected to physical and mental pain like being
beaten with wooden paddles and may cause them a lot
of injuries. Some even die in the process, which is
why hazing and other forms of initiation rites in
fraternities, sororities and organizations are now
being controlled under the Republic Act 8049, known
as the Anti-Hazing Law.

Kidnapping is an act of taking away or

forcefully moving a person against
his/her will and holding him/her under
captivity. The motive of this act is to
get a monetary reward/ransom or getting
some sort of benefit from the person or
their family. Usually, the kidnapper is
a family associate who knows about the
background, wealth and influence of the
family or a stranger who targeted the
victim based on their outward
appearance of wealth or information
given to the kidnapper from someone who
knows the victim very well, such as a
household employee or someone else who
suspects that the victim has a lot of
On the other hand, ABDUCTION is a criminal
act by means of fraud or deception, by
threat of violence or by force in order
to take a person or a child away from
their home or relatives. In abduction,
the victim usually knows or has some
sort of relation with the abductor. Most
of the time, the abductor is not holding
the victim for profit or any monetary
gain. Abduction usually happens to
children with separated parents, wherein
the child will be tricked by one parent
to come with him/her and take the child
away from the other parent who has sole
custody of the child.
Acts of terror, or
terrorism, is the unlawful
use of violence and
intimidation for political
goals generating fear among
civilians or people. The
intention of these terrorist
groups is to produce terror
in their victims through
mass casualties, panic, loss
of critical resources and to
disrupt vital services or
the economy with the use of
intentional violence and
In order to draw and continue the
publicity necessary to create extensive
fear, terrorists must engage in
increasingly dramatic, violent, and
high-profile attacks. These have

 Hijackings
 hostage takings
 kidnappings
 mass shootings
 car bombings, and
 suicide bombing
Acts of terror may be categorized into six.
These are the following:
 State terrorism – It involves politically,
ideologically or religiously inspired acts of
violence against individuals or states. States
or governments can use force or the threat of
force, without declaring war, to terrorize
their citizens and achieve a political goal.

 Bioterrorism – refers to the intentional

release of toxic biological agents such as
viruses, bacteria or other germs that can
harm, sicken or kill people, livestock or
crops in the name of a political or other
Cyberterrorism – is the use of computers to attack civilians
to cause severe disruption or widespread fear in the
society. This may mean that they use computer systems or
telecommunications as a tool to carry out an attack.
Eco terrorism – the use of violence in the interests of
environmentalism. It involves act of violence or
destruction to curb human alteration to the environment or
animal species.

Nuclear terrorism – refers to any person unlawfully and

intentionally uses radioactive material in any way to
create fear or with the intent to cause injury or death, to
cause large damage to property, to environment, to
organization or to the state.
Narcoterrorism – refers to terrorist groups that engaged in
drug trafficking activity to fund their operations and gain
recruits and expertise. Drug traffickers attempt to
influence the government policies or a society through
violence and intimidation to prevent government’s efforts
in stopping the drug trade.
Verbal abuse is an act
intended to inflict intense
humiliation, denigration, or
extreme fear, as perceived
by the offended person.
Also, it is a form of
cruelty that involves the
use of words. These words
are used to attack, control,
and cause harm on another
person. It includes
behaviors such as angry
outburst, screaming rage,
and name-calling, which
tends to blame, and
brainwashes and threatens a
SEXUAL ABUSE (Incest, Molestation and Rape)

Incest is sexual activity with a person

from who are so closely related or from
within the immediate family (e.g.,
parents and children, uncles/aunts and
nieces/nephews, etc.). Usually, incest
takes the form of an older family
member having sexual relations or
sexually abusing a child or an
Molestation is the sexual abuse of a
person (whether a child or adult) by an
adult for sexual desire or for income.
It occurs when an individual sees
another individual as a sexual object
and uses this idea to satisfy his/her
sexual urges and fantasies, usually by
subjecting their victim to unwanted or
improper sexual advances or activity.

Rape is a forced sexual intercourse; it

includes vaginal, anal, or oral
penetration. Penetration may be by a
body part or an object.

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