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Hannah LeMoine, Yuchi Dong, Sicheng Mo and Dr. Wufeng Tian| Department of Mathematics

The following picture shows the minimum power of the solar The torque developed by a wind turbine can be expressed as Based on both the price and the environmental impact,
ABSTRACT energy system that is needed to support our chosen
The effects of global warming have been causing irreversible it is much more effective to install a combination of
household with different percentage of electric usage. (4)
damage to the Earth over the past decades. One way we can solar and wind power instead of staying with our
reduce our individual impact on the environment is to focus current system. This may not be the most effective
on the production and consumption of eco-friendly sources Whereis the output power, is the torque developed by wind system for every house, but it does work for this
of electricity such as solar, wind, or bioelectric energy. Based turbine, Cp is the power coefficient, is the tip speed ratio, and specific residence. If more resources were used to
on the current available and suitable energy options, we is the air density in kg/m3. A is the frontal area of wind turbine improve the effectiveness of different forms of clean
have proposed to modify a house from Northern Wisconsin and V is the wind speed. The standard power of each wind
by using a hybrid system including solar energy and wind energy, the amount of carbon emissions would be
turbine is 0.4KW when the wind speed is 12.5 m/s (Phil Taylor-
turbine energy to replace the traditional power grid. Based greatly reduced.
Parker, 2018). Thus, the relationship between power and time
on the sunlight-time, wind speed in Northern Wisconsin, we
have projected the immediate and long-term fiscal and is,
As more research goes into alternate energy sources,
environmental impacts. From the cost-benefit analysis this may or may not remain constant. If more clean
mathematical model, we have found that the best hybrid (5)
option is a combination of 95% solar power and 5% wind energy sources are explored, we may discover that
energy, which would save about $43,000 over the next 30 another way of generating power is better- either
Finally, we have the amount of electricity generated in the
years. geothermal, hydropower, or biogas. With the resources
whole year is
available now, solar and wind is most effective, but we
INTRODUCTION believe the future will surpass our current knowledge.
Figure1 Power of solar energy needed based on the percentage of the
total consumption of energy
Within the past century, the global temperature has
increased by 1.33 Fahrenheit (0.74 Celsius degree) (NASA, Based on the above solar power amount analysis, we have RESULTS
2018). The effects of global warming have been devastating calculated the total cost of installing solar panels and
these days. To minimize the damage of climate change, our We see that there is a huge cost increase when the energy
inverters as the following picture.
research team focus on studying the feasibility, immediate from solar power usage increases from 90% to 100%.
and long-term fiscal and environmental impacts of using the Therefore, we proposed to use the wind power system to
renewable energy to replace a traditional grid to power a generate the rest 10% energy for the chosen household. We
house located in the Northern Wisconsin. combine two systems and get the chart of the total cost of
energy system when 90%~100% of electricity is provided by
solar power.
 30-year Electric Bill Estimation

First, we have used the inflation rate to project the

electricity price. The USDA predicts that average annual
inflation will remain stable at 2.3% for the next 30 years
(USDA Economic Research Service, 2018).
Figure 5. Hybrid Power Systems (Energy Saver, 2015) )

The projected the electricity price ($/kwh) over the next 30

years is Figure 2 Total cost of solar panels and inverters
 Wind Energy System Figure 4 Total cost of energy system when 90%~100% of REFERENCES
The estimated total electric bill over the next 30 years electricity is provided by solar power
[[1]NASA. (2018, August 3). Climate Change: Vital Signs of the
From the above chart, we can see that the lowest cost occurs Planet. Retrieved from
(2) when 95% of the energy is from solar power and 5% coming [2] Nema, P., Nema, R., & Rangnekar, S. (2009). A current and
future state of art development of hybrid energy system using
from wind power. Therefore, we recommend using 15.97 kW wind and PV-solar: A review. Renewable and Sustainable
solar energy system and four 0.4KW wind turbine systems. In Energy Reviews,13(8), 2096-2103.
this way, we find that installing hybrid power system can save doi:10.1016/j.rser.2008.10.006
the household $62822 $19065=$43757. [3]U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service.
Then, we calculated the cost of installing the solar energy (2018, December 18). International Macroeconomic Data Set.
system and wind energy system. DISCUSSION Retrieved from
 Solar Energy System Based on the research we have done, we concluded that the macroeconomic-data-set.aspx#.UyrmcvmSwr4.
Figure. 3 Wind Energy system [6] [4]Willy weather (2019).
most effective way of producing energy for our chosen
The amount of electricity generated by the solar system is residence is a combination of solar and wind energy. When
determined by the power and peak sun-hour. Using the collected data of average monthly wind speed of
comparing this system to the environmental impact of the [5]Energy Saver. (2015, September 26). Hybrid Wind and Solar
Northern Wisconsin (Willy weather, 2019), we have calculated Electric Systems. Retrieved from https://
current energy system, the benefits become very obvious.
The whole peak sun hours how much electric energy a single wind turbine system
Solar and wind energy produces a negligible amount of brid-wind-and-solar-electric-systems
=the average peak sun hours ×the number of days in each generates in Wisconsin.
greenhouse gases compared to coal and other energy sources [6] .
month currently being used at this residence. Wisconsin gets 49.4% energy-clouds-countryside-414807/
=1596.296 hours The output of mechanical power captured from wind by a
wind turbine (Pragya Nema 2009) can be formulated as of its electricity from fossil fuels, which produce harmful gases
like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide (Kevin, Klien & Reindl,

We thank the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs for supporting this research, and Learning & Technology Services for printing this poster.

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