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Official Table Tennis Rules

By-Manan Gandhi
• Scoring
Games are played to 11 points
Players serve two serves each, alternating. A player does
not have to win specifically off their own serve in order to win a
If a game ties at 10-10, a player must win by 2 points. In this
situation, players serve one serve each, alternating
• Games
 In competition, games are played best of 5 (first to win 3 games) or
best of 7 (first to win 4 games). Social games can also be played best
of 3 (first to win 2 games)

• Serving
 Hold the ball in your open palm, behind your end of the table.

 Toss at least 6” straight up, and strike it on the way down. It must hit your side of the table and then the
other side.

 Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is
missed or mis-hit.

 You cannot hide the ball from the ball toss to contact, with any part of your body

 If the ball hits the net during service, it is a let, the point is replayed. There is no limit or point deductions
for let serves

• Service in singles and doubles

The Serve can land anywhere in singles
 (There is no restriction on where the ball lands on your side or your opponent’s side of the table. It can bounce two or
more times on your opponent’s side (if so, that’s your point), bounce over the side, or even hit the edge.)

Doubles serve must go cross court

 The partners switch after two points)

• Doubles
 Doubles partners must alternate hitting balls in a rally, no matter where the
ball lands on the table.

 Can you hit the ball before it bounces in ping pong? No. In regular tennis you may
“volley” the ball . But in table tennis, this results in a point for your opponent.
 NOTE: When your opponent hits a ball that sails over your end of the table without
touching it and then hits you or your paddle, that is still your point.
 If you hit the ball in a rally or on a serve and it bounces back over the net after
hitting your opponent’s side of the table (due to extreme spin), without your
opponent touching it, that is your point.

 Touching the ball with your paddle-hand is allowed.

 You cannot touch the ball with your non-paddle hand.
 An otherwise legal serve or hit may contact the top edge of the horizontal table top surface
and be counted as valid, even if it bounces sidewise. The vertical sides of the table are NOT
part of the legal playing surface.
 If no referee is present during a match and the players disagree on a certain call, the “honor
system” applies and the players should find a way to agree, or play the point over. Ping pong
carries a tradition of fierce but fair play. Help us keep it that way!
Thank you !!!

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