Our SCADA BSD Using Zigbee

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Introduction of project. Project Aim. SCADA information. Zigbee information. Block Diagram. Function of component. Working principle. Advantages. Applications. Feature expansion. Bibliography.

In industries various parameters such as i.e. temperature, light, speed, & in hazardous area parameters i.e. fire, humidity, smoke etc. are difficult to measure & control. Some areas are restricted because of security reason. i.e. like control room or manufacturing area or high temperature zone of company. Some areas are restricted because of safety reason i.e. Chemical gas plant. To monitor & controlling on such field is difficult to task.

Aim : To design a system which will separate industrial field or hazardous area from a central location, using advanced wireless technology SCADA & ZIGBEE.

Cost effective. Provide various applications as per client requirement. Remote sensing for hazardous area. Monitoring as well as controlling. High speed communication . Wireless technology. Access high coverage area. Multifunctional design. Feature oriented .

Analog systems are wired.

Analog methods are very time consuming

Requires manpower to control. It is wired so cost factor is very high. Critical to design & interface. Consume more power. High maintenance. Bulky.

SCADA - Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition

Designed to collect field information & transfer to central computer for monitor & control entire system in real time.

Zigbee - IEEE 802.15.4 standard

Advanced wireless technology standard established in 2004. Two way communication. Self organizing network. General purpose. Inexpensive. Secure. Global implication.

Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition. Combination of telemetry & data acquisition which interfaced via PLCs or DCS(distributed control systems). Supervisory Control of equipments installed on fields. i.e. closing & tripping of switch gears, trap changing of transformers.

Data Acquisition of instruments installed on fields. i.e. to get information temperature of room, speed of motors etc.

Designed to collect information to monitor & control entire system from central location.

Data Acquisition Networked data communication Data presentation Control

Sensors & Control relays Remote Telemetry Units SCADA master units Communication network

Overall control requirements. Master/operator control stations. Speed of control & data acquisition. Speed of communications. System redundancy. Sequence logic. Expansion capability. Reliability.

High Voltage Air Conditioning ( HVAC ) control system. Building automation system. Security & CCTV system. Electric power generation. Fire detection & alarm. Water & Sewage. Mass transit system. Traffic signals.

Technological Standard Created for Control and Sensor Networks. Specification for a suit of high level communication protocol. Based on the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard. A Very low cost, low power consumption two-way wireless communication standard for Automation. Operates in Personal Area Networks (PANs) and device-todevice networks. Created by the ZigBee Alliance.

An industry consortium that promotes the IEEE 802.15.4 standard Reliable and self healing Supports large number of nodes Very long battery life Secure Low cost Can be used globally Protocol stack: 32 Kb Number of nodes: 264 Collision avoidance Range: 1 - 40 km

Source: http://www.zigbee.org/en/resources/

Due to use of Zigbee range can be increased. Not dependent totally on the AC mains supply. Monitoring & Controlling. Operate & access in real time. Cost effective. Wireless technology. Easily compatible. Less manpower. Small size.

Security HVAC Lighting control access control

TV VCR DVD/CD player remote

Wireless Control that Simply Works
Patient monitoring fitness monitoring mouse keyboard joystick



Asset management process control Environmental Energy management


M-commerce info services object interaction (Internet of Things)


Security Lighting control Access control Irrigation

Device 1

Device 2

Device 3

Temp. sensor LM35

Relay driver ULN2803


PIC controller 16F877A

Zigbee interface

Humidity sensor HSY 220

Zigbee Transmitter

Block diagram of Transmitter section

Zigbee Receiver

Zigbee interface

PIC controller 16F877A


Block diagram of Receiver section

Microcontroller 16F877A Sensors Relay driver Zigbee wireless technology Zigbee transmitter Zigbee receiver LCD MAX-232 Software's

- High performance RISC CPU - measure related parameters - switching purpose - provide end to end connectivity - transmit data from field - receive data from field - display measured parameters - interface between C & LCD - programming in C & VB

Parameters measured by sensors Data send to computer via Zigbee receiver Computer performs data logging ( Data acquisition ) Data displayed on LCD ( Monitoring ) Compared received input with set parameters If it exceeds then controlling action take place First generate an alarm Microcontroller gives switching command to relay driver Relay driver perform on-off operation If set parameter is achieved then again perform monitoring function It is recycling chain to maintain system

Monitoring & controlling of temperature for remote area Monitoring & controlling of light for remote area Find leakage of gas detection & generate alarm Introdurer for restricted area Humidity of remote area As we increase sensors & our system hardware then no. of innovative applications are also increased.

Accurate digital sensors gives the precision error detected to generate an alarm at the user end.

can be

The data can be transmitted to the mobile station. i.e. handsets

or satellites can be used to transmit data worldwide.

For higher data speed fiber optic cables can be used. Remote range can be increased up to 40 km. No. of applications can be increased as per client requirement.

Websites :
www.electronicsforu.com www.google.com www.comtechnologies.com www.wikipedia.com

Reference Books :
SCADA : Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition - Stuart A. Boyer Techno Securitys Guide to Securing SCADA - Jack wiles

In our project focus is to define a wireless technology which is inexpensive, self- organizing, mesh network that can be used for industrial control such as power switching & remote sensing of hazardous area to monitoring smoke detection, gas detection to secure mankind.

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