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1. Prepare approximately not more than 10 pages (power point
format), excluding cover page and references page, with a
necessary and suitable font.
2. Please use a diagram/table/shape/chart to deliver your points.
3. Individual assignment will carry 10% from total coursework.
4. Choose the title from list given according to your name in the
attendance list.
5. Submission date: please refer to OL.
6. Your assignment will assess based on the following;
a. Accurateness/ well understanding of the title given.
b. Attractive and innovative of presentation.
c. Others.
1. Federal Government Ministerial Agencies: Broad classification & functions.
2. Purposes and Responsibilities of Federal Government Non-Ministerial Agencies.
3. Federal Government Management Agencies: Structure, Purposes and Functions. (12,75)
4. State Government Agencies: Broad classification and functions.
5. Federal Government Statutory Bodies: Purposes and functions.
6. Local Government in Malaysia: Administration and functions.
7. Disbursement of public money from federal consolidated fund: Requirements and procedure.
8. The working and practiced of “Check & Balance” between branch at Federal government level.
9. Definition/criteria of Performance indicators in Malaysian public sector .
10. How Performance audit able to improve the performance of public sector agencies .
11. The important of local government in Malaysia environment .
12. Institutional responsible on public sector financial management accountability in Malaysia: The
roles of National Audit Department.
13. Internal auditor in public sector: requirements and functions.
14. Federal government Contingency and Emergency expenditures; Concept, Purposes and procedure.
15. Malaysian Federal Constitution: Provision on public financial management.
16. Financial procedure Act: Procedure and requirements on financial management, accounting and
financial reporting.
17. Treasury Instruction: Purposes and procedure on financial management and accounting.
18. Malaysian federal Constitution: Provision on Auditing and borrowing.
19. Payments of public money from Federal Consolidated Fund: Procedure and requirements.
20. Federal government strategies and initiatives toward increase the federal government revenue.
21. Federal government operational expenditure: Requirements, Purposes and classification.
22. Modified Budgeting System (MBS): Concept, Objectives and main elements.
23. Outcome Based Budget (OBB): Concept, Objectives and main emphasize.
24. Revenue from Exchange and Non-Exchange transactions
25. Program and Performance Budgeting System (PPBS): Concept, Objectives and main components.
26. Programmed budgeting, performance budgeting and outcome budgeting: A conceptual
27. Local Government performance measurement.
28. Government budget on Green initiative in Malaysia.
29. Local government governance index in worldwide.
30. Malaysian Federal Government Judiciary Courts: Structure and jurisdictions.
31. Malaysian Parliament oversight tools over executive decision on Financial management.
32. The concepts of “Public Sector Governance” and “elements of public sector governance” in
33. Public sector good governance: Concept, objectives, elements and important.
34. Federal government “effort and initiative” to improve the public sector governance and public
sector good governance in Malaysia.
35. Public sector good governance principles in Malaysian context.
36. Purposes and objectives of external public sector auditing in Malaysia.
37. Public sector external auditor in Malaysia: Appointment, Duties & responsibilities and
Remuneration as stipulated in Audit Act 1957.
38. The concept and dimension of Public sector external auditor “independence” in Malaysia.

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