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Internet of Things

Why IoT ?
Background Study
Background Study
• Irrigation facility made efficient using IoT integrated mobile
application in Israel for optimum agricultural infrastructure
• The following were the main project goals:
• To build a highly – efficient Water Management System for the Agricultural
• Setup an automatic irrigation program to simplify the operations of water and
fertilizer supply in the field from anywhere.
• To integrate the Mobile App with the IoT device present on the field.
• To create a remote solution to simplify the process of irrigation while reducing
labour and time consumed while delivering accuracy
The Indian government has launched a
collaborative research project involving
use of drone technology in farming sector
for assessing quality of soil and
compensation for losses due to flood, the
Ministry of Agriculture said in a Lok Sabha
query. T
Characteristics of the Internet of Things :
• Connectivity –
Connectivity is an important requirement of the IoT infrastructure. Things of IoT should be connected
to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can connect, this should be guaranteed at all
times. For example, connection between people through internet devices like mobile phones ,and other
gadgets, also connection between Internet devices such as routers, gateways, sensors, etc.

• Intelligence and Identity –

The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For example, a sensor
generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly. Each IoT device has a
unique identity. This identification is helpful in tracking the equipment and at times for querying its

• Scalability –
The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by day. Hence, an IoT setup
should be capable of handling the massive expansion. The data generated as an outcome is enormous,
and it should be handled appropriately.
Characteristics of the Internet of Things :
• Dynamic and Self-Adapting
• IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing contexts
and scenarios. Assume a camera meant for the surveillance. It should be
adaptable to work in different conditions and different light situations
IoT ecosystem:
• IoT devices
• security
• network
• gateway
• the cloud
• application
• users
IoT devices Physical devices that interact with the environment. There are two types of them:
Sensors – are devices that are supposed to gather information about the
environment and measure its physical parameters like temperature, motion, people
flow, etc. In other words, sensors convert physical phenomena into a digital form.
Actuators – are devices that perform a physical action on things after they get such
a command.
An example: actuators turn on the lights when sensors detect a movement within its
operating radius. Important notes: as we have mentioned, the main benefit the
Internet of Things provides is the data. That means that sensors must transfer the
information to the cloud through the Internet.
So when you enter the house and the lights turn on, you most likely don’t become a
participant of the Internet of Things ecosystem since the information about you
entering the house is not transferred further to the cloud.
Network The network is responsible for the communication within an IoT ecosystem between
smart things, gateway, and the cloud.
An example: a smart fitness bracelet tracks your heart rate and waits until you connect
your smartphone with Bluetooth to transfer the data. After your smartphone gets your
heart rate, it stores the data in some installed health app. The app then will sync with the
cloud by transferring your heart rate through the Internet to cloud servers. The
network makes sure that the data will not be corrupted during the transfer via Bluetooth
and through the Internet.
Gateway Gateway is a physical device that passes through itself data streams from sensors to the
cloud and in the opposite direction. It also performs data preprocessing before the
information will be transferred to the cloud. A gateway is not a necessary element since
IoT devices can set connections to the Internet by themselves without a gateway as an
The cloud The cloud is a cloud-based computer resource that is responsible for data
storage, deep analysis, and management. In other words, it is a group of
computers people get access to through the internet to use their compute
capacity for some purpose. The cloud is enhanced by powerful analytic and
visualization tools, Big Data algorithms, and Machine learning technology.

Application Application is the graphical user interface that provides remote control and
management devices connected to the Internet of Things ecosystem.

Users Users are all the people who affect the Internet of Things ecosystem and use it for their
purposes. Users comprise people with personal IoT gadgets, researchers who use analytics
from the IoT cloud, staff who use the Internet of Things in their operational processes,
stakeholders who reap the benefits from huge industrial IoT solutions. IoT ecosystems are
supposed to serve people’s needs, boost efficiency, improve the standards of living, and
quality of life. Users are those who declare business goals and vital postulates that will
become the basis for the Internet of Things ecosystem.
Challenges of IoT
• Security challenges in IoT :
• Lack of encryption –
Although encryption is a great way to prevent hackers from accessing data, it is also one of the leading IoT security
These drives like the storage and processing capabilities that would be found on a traditional computer.
The result is an increase in attacks where hackers can easily manipulate the algorithms that were designed for protection.
• Insufficient testing and updating –
With the increase in the number of IoT(internet of things) devices, IoT manufacturers are more eager to produce and deliver
their device as fast as they can without giving security too much of although.
Most of these devices and IoT products do not get enough testing and updates and are prone to hackers and other security
• Brute forcing and the risk of default passwords –
Weak credentials and login details leave nearly all IoT devices vulnerable to password hacking and brute force.
Any company that uses factory default credentials on their devices is placing both their business and its assets and the
customer and their valuable information at risk of being susceptible to a brute force attack.
Challenges of IoT
• IoT Malware and ransomware –
Increases with increase in devices.
Ransomware uses encryption to effectively lock out users from various devices and platforms and
still use a user’s valuable data and info.
Example –
A hacker can hijack a computer camera and take pictures.
By using malware access points, the hackers can demand ransom to unlock the device and return
the data.
• IoT botnet aiming at cryptocurrency –
IoT botnet workers can manipulate data privacy, which could be massive risks for an open Crypto
market. The exact value and creation of cryptocurrencies code face danger from mal-intentioned
The blockchain companies are trying to boost security. Blockchain technology itself is not
particularly vulnerable, but the app development process is.
Design challenge in IoT

• Battery life is a limitation –

Issues in packaging and integration of small-sized chip with low weight and less power
consumption. If you’ve been following the mobile space, you’ve likely see how every yr it looks
like there’s no restriction in terms of display screen size. Take the upward thrust of ‘phablets’, for
instance, which can be telephones nearly as huge as tablets. Although helpful, the bigger monitors
aren’t always only for convenience, rather, instead, display screen sizes are growing to
accommodate larger batteries. Computers have getting slimmer, but battery energy stays the same.
• Increased cost and time to market –
Embedded systems are lightly constrained by cost.
The need originates to drive better approaches when designing the IoT devices in order to handle
the cost modelling or cost optimally with digital electronic components.
Designers also need to solve the design time problem and bring the embedded device at the right
time to the market.
• Security of the system –
Systems have to be designed and implemented to be robust and reliable and have to be secure with
cryptographic algorithms and security procedures.
Deployment challenges in IoT :

• Connectivity –
It is the foremost concern while connecting devices, applications and cloud platforms.
Connected devices that provide useful front and information are extremely valuable. But poor connectivity becomes a
challenge where IoT sensors are required to monitor process data and supply information.
• Cross platform capability –
IoT applications must be developed, keeping in mind the technological changes of the future.
Its development requires a balance of hardware and software functions.
It is a challenge for IoT application developers to ensure that the device and IoT platform drivers the best performance
despite heavy device rates and fixings.
• Data collection and processing –
In IoT development, data plays an important role. What is more critical here is the processing or usefulness of stored data.
Along with security and privacy, development teams need to ensure that they plan well for the way data is collected, stored
or processed within an environment.
• Lack of skill set –
All of the development challenges above can only be handled if there is a proper skilled resource working on the IoT
application development.
The right talent will always get you past the major challenges and will be an important IoT application development asset.

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