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Module 6: Spirituality

12 Religion and Ethics

What is Spirituality?
The word spirituality comes from the Latin word Spirare which
means to “breathe life into”
Spirituality is an ancient and enduring human quest for
connectedness with something larger and more trustworthy than
Lesson Goal:

• Understand the concept of spirituality and how it differs from religion.

• Reflect on personal spirituality and its influence on one's life.
Success Criteria: I know I have been successful when…
• I can define spirituality and articulate its differences from religion using a Venn
• I can identify and analyse examples of everyday spirituality and rituals in our
local community.
• I can reflect on my understanding of spirituality and its role in my life, forming a
personal perspective on spirituality.
Our topic for this unit is Spirituality.
Let’s figure out what that is, by comparing it to
something we already know: Religion.
Task: Draw either a Venn diagram or a comparison table with
“Spirituality”, “Religion”, and “Similarities” and record notes.
What is Spirituality? How is it different from
Religion Spirituality
• A religion is a particular organised • Spirituality relates to people's deepest thoughts and
system of faith and worship. beliefs, rather than to their bodies and physical
• The belief in a god or gods and the
activities and teachings that are • Spirituality is personal, such as how you find meaning
connected with the belief, such as and purpose in your life, how you connect to others
prayer or worship in a church or and the world around you, and your personal values
temple. about how you should live and behave.
• There are many formal religions, such • There is a strong connection between a person’s
as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, spirituality and their religion. Spirituality is informed by
Islam, and Judaism. a person’s faith; but religion is not necessary to have
spirituality and an adherent’s spirituality may differ
person to person within the same religion.
How would you define what ‘Spirituality’ is in
your own words? Explain it to your elbow partner.
Identifying Spirituality in Practice

We’ve identified that people can be spiritual without being religious,

but what does that look like? Spirituality can often be identified
through how it is expressed in ceremony or ritual.

What is a Ritual? A ritual is a fixed set of actions and words,

especially in a religious ceremony. However, if you strip religion from
the meaning, a ritual is a way of doing something in which the same
actions are done in the same way every time.
Let’s Investigate: How is non-religious spirituality
practiced in the Rockhampton region?
1. What can be considered a ritual in contemporary society?
Research and brainstorm ideas for 5 minutes, then share ideas in class discussion.
Consider the definition of ‘ritual’ established on the previous slide.
Contemporary Rituals
Let’s Investigate: How is non-religious spirituality
practiced in the Rockhampton region?
2. Consider a context we are familiar with. What rituals are practiced at
Emmaus College? Categorise them: which are religious, and which are not?
Brainstorm ideas for 5 minutes, then share ideas in class discussion.
Consider the definition of ‘ritual’ previously established.
Religious Rituals Non-Religious Rituals
Let’s Investigate: How is non-religious spirituality
practiced in the Rockhampton region?
3. What non-religious rituals are practiced locally in Rockhampton?
Research and brainstorm ideas for 5 minutes, then share ideas in class discussion.
Consider the definition of ‘ritual’ previously established.
Non-Religious Rituals practiced in Rockhampton
Let’s Investigate: How is non-religious spirituality
practiced in the Rockhampton region?

4. Examine your investigation findings. Now, explain, how do you think

non-religious spirituality is practiced in the Rockhampton region?
How is non-religious spirituality practiced in the Rockhampton region?
Reflect on New Understandings

Considering what we have learnt about spirituality, personally

consider and answer:
• Is there a difference between religiosity and spirituality?

• Do I think of myself as having spirituality?

• How does spirituality influence my life?

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