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College of Computing Studies

Mobile Device Platforms
The mobile application development process produces software applications, which run on
mobile devices Mobile apps use a network connection to access remote computing
resources The app development process includes creating insatiable applications for the
mobile devices and implementing backend services, for instance data access through an
API Testing the application on target devices is also part of the process Two platforms
command the current mobile devices market They are the 105 platform from Apple Inc,
which runs on iPhone, iPad and Apple watch, and Android by Google which runs on a
wide range of smartphones and devices from Google and other manufacturers The two
platforms have similarities, but developing applications for iOS and Android requires
different software development kits (SDKS) and development toolchains. The Apple iOS
can only run on Apple devices The Android operating system is open to devices from other
manufacturers, as long as they meet requirements, including specific Google applications
installed on the devices

College of Computing Studies

Mobile App Development Process

While many companies are trying to take advantage of mobile

apps, many do not know now to create an app for their
business. Success can become a reality for your company if
supported by a mobile app development process that's been
tested and refined over years. Our mobile development process
spans six key phases strategy analysis & planning, design, app
development testing and deployment

College of Computing Studies

College of Computing Studies
1. Strategy
The first step of the mobile app development process is to produce a strategy to determine how your
business can improve through a mobile app. How will your customers benefit? How will your employees
or business partners? As one app's objectives may differ from another, there is still an app-specific impact
to the mobility strategy to address during the development process. A well-defined strategy should help
you address "why" for your mobile development initiatives In this phase, you will:
• Define your app’s purpose
• Identify your app's audience
• Research the competition
• Establish the app's goals and objectives

College of Computing Studies

2. Analysis and Planning

At this stage, your app idea starts taking shape and turns into an actual project. Analysis and
planning begin with defining use cases and capturing detailed functional requirements After
you have identified the requirements for your app, prepare a product roadmap. This includes
prioritizing mobile app requirements and grouping them into delivery milestones As time,
resources and costs are often a concern, define your minimum viable product (MVP) and
prioritize this for the initial launch Part of the planning phase of developing an app includes
identifying the skills needed for your app development initiative.

College of Computing Studies

2. Analysis and Planning

For example, iOS and Android mobile platforms use different development technology stacks
If your goal is to build a mobile app for both iOS and Android mobile platforms, then your
mobile development team should include iOS developers and Android developers. If the scope
of your mobile app is less complex and doesn't require platform specific controls, you can
consider creating mobile apps using crogs platform stacks such as React Native and Flutter
Have you selected the name of your app? Mobile app names are like domain names and must
be unique within each app store. Research each app store to ensure your app's name isn't
already in use.

College of Computing Studies

3. UI/UX Design
The purpose of an app's design is to deliver seamless and effortless
user experiences with a polished look The success of your mobile app
will depend on how well users adopt and benefit from its features. The
goal for mobile app UI and UX design is to create excellent user
experiences, making your app interactive, intuitive, and user-friendly
While polished UI designs will help with early adoption, your app
must have intuitive user experiences to keep app users engaged.

"The purpose of an app's design is to deliver seamless and effortless

user experiences with a polished look."

College of Computing Studies

A. Information Architecture & Workflows

The first step of your mobile app design process is to determine the data your mobile
app will display to users, the data it will collect, how users interact with the finished
product and user journeys within the app.

B. Wireframes
Mobile app designers often start app design with sketches on paper
Wireframes are the digital form of sketches Wireframes are conceptual
layouts also referred to as low-fidelity mockups - that give visual structure to
your apps functional requirements.

College of Computing Studies

College of Computing Studies
C. Style Guide

Style guides document your app's design standards, including the color scheme typefaces,
and graphics, according to your company's branding guidelines.

D. Mockups
Mockups, or high-fidelity designs, are the final renderings of your app's visual design,
Mockups are created by applying your style guide on to the app wireframes. As your app's
design begins to finalize, expect further modifications to its information architecture, world
flow and aesthetics Figma, Invision, and Adobe XD are the most popular tools for creating
high-fidelity mockups. These tools make collaboration across your app's design and
engineering teams seamless

College of Computing Studies

College of Computing Studies
E. Interactive Prototype

While mockups display your mobile app's functionality using static designs, you can
create an interactive prototype from your designs with tools like Invision and Figma
Prototypes simulate the user experience and demonstrate how the app will work as the
finished product. While prototype development can be time-consuming, the efforts are
well worth it, as they offer early-stage testing of your app's design and functionality.
Often, prototypes help identify modifications to the app's proposed functionality-saving
time and money over the course of your mobile app development

College of Computing Studies

4. App Development
Planning remains an integral part of this phase in the mobile app development process.
Before actual development/programming efforts start you will have to:
• Define the technical architecture,
• Pick a technology stack, and
• Define the development milestones

A typical mobile app project is made up of three integer parts, back-end/server

technology, API, and the mobile app front-end.

Back End/Server Technology

This includes database and server-side object needed to support indole app functionality
you are using an existing back-end platform you might require modifications for you
new mobile product.

College of Computing Studies

An Application Programming interface (API) a method of communication between the app
and back-end server/database Leveraging microservice- based architecture with proper
encryption standards allows companies to create scalable and secured interface for data
exchange between the front-end back-end of mobile apps.

Mobile App Front-End

The front-end is the native mobile app an end-user installs and interacts with on their mobile
devices in most cases, mobile apps consist of interactive user experiences that rely on real-
time data and require network connectivity between app's front-end and back-end. In some
cases, app's might require to work offline and utilize data storage on the mobile device.

College of Computing Studies

Mobile app development can require integration with external APIs, allowing them to
rapidly integrate, use, and consume the most common capabilities into their application,
These include:
• Single and Multi-factor authentication services for user sign-up/sign-in
• Push notifications
• Payment processing
• Location tracking
• Analytics for tracking user engagement
• Social media integration
• Media access
• Cloud data storage
• Chat integration
• CRM connectivity
• Voice and conversational bots

College of Computing Studies

"There is more than one programming language and
technology stack for building mobile apps - the key is
to pick the technology stack that is best suited for your
mobile app."

College of Computing Studies

6. Deployment & Support

To release your native mobile app you must submit it to the appropriate app store. Apple
App Store for iOS apps and Google Play for Android apps However, you will need a
developer account with Apple App Store and Google Play Store before launching your
mobile app.
An app's release in the app store requires preparing metadata including:
• Your app's title
• Short description
• Category
• Keywords
• Launch icon
• App store screenshots
• Banner graphic
• Promotional video

College of Computing Studies

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