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Access the world with WiMAX


Prepared by:AJEET LAL PGDM 3rd Sem. Roll No:- 01

San Francisco Toronto Ottawa Singapore Delhi

Introduction of SOMA Networks

About SOMA Networks SOMA Networks was the first broadband wireless access company to offer fully converged, all-IP solutions for world-class service providers. SOMAs FlexMAX Mobile WiMAX System and SoftAir Multimedia Application System provide standards-based, leading-edge technology that enables service providers to: Differentiate themselves with simultaneous multi-megabit and multimedia services Drive revenue using value-added applications to increase average revenue per user (ARPU) Deliver wire line performance over a broadband wireless infrastructure.



The recommendations in this study are only subject to the SOMA Network Software Engineering Pvt. Ltd. This study is purely based on observation. The observation aimed to find out the overall working of the organization. The SOMA Network is a leading private sectors company in Canada. So the study of the working of SOMA Incorporation is very important.

The objective of the study conducted at the SOMA Networks Software Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon are as follow:

To get familiarized with the function of the organisation. To study various functional areas of the organisation. To understand the duties and responsibilities of various department heads. To understand how theory matches with practice. To make valid suggestions based on the study. To identify the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the organisation.



A world -class networking enterprise committed to enhancing stake holder

value. MISSION

An Indian multi -national company or enterprise providing total business solutions through quality products, systems & services in the field of networking and wireless broadband sector.

Zeal to Excel and Zest for Change Integrity and Fairness in all Matters Respect for Dignity and Potential of Individuals Strict Adherence to Commitments Ensure Speed of Response Foster Learning, Creativity and Team work Loyalty and Pride in the company


PRODUCTS NPM 2000 Base Station The NPM 2000 base station is a key component of the SOMA Broadband Wireless System, a fully converged, all-IP wireless technology that economically extends the reach of service providers in both underserved rural markets and highly competitive urban ones.

NPM 2500 Base Station The NPM 2500 base station is a key component of the SOMA Broadband Wireless System, a fully converged, all-IP wireless technology that economically extends the reach of service providers in both underserved rural markets and highly competitive urban ones.

SOMAport 300 Series

The SOMA Broadband Wireless System includes the award-winning SOMAport 300 series subscriber gateways. These non-lines of sight, advanced computing platforms can be installed indoors or outdoors. They ensure consistent signal strength and coverage while eliminating the need for subscribers to purchase additional voice gateways.

SOMAport 300

SOMAport 310

FlexMAX MS-G Series

The MS-G100 is a multi-function subscriber gateway that serves as an integral part of SOMAs complete FlexMAX Mobile WiMAX System. Specifically designed for indoor, non-line of sight Mobile WiMAX applications, the MS-G100 gives subscribers immediate access to revenue-generating, high-speed broadband voice, fax and data services.

SOMA FlexMAX MS-G100 Gateway

SOMA program management / deployment services provide experienced engineering teams that work with a service providers own technical staff to build broadband wireless networks that deliver the best possible subscriber experience. SOMA professional services provide expert consultants who help service providers optimize their networks and accelerate their time to market by reducing the complexity and risk of designing, building and running their broadband wireless networks. SOMA maintenance services offer online, remote and on-site support to ensure the uptime service providers need for mission-critical broadband applications. SOMA managed services enable service providers to accelerate their time to market and focus on growing market share and profitability. SOMA business operations services help service providers plan and grow their businesses efficiently, improve their network performance, and maximize their subscriber satisfaction and profitability. SOMA training programs ensure that service providers obtain the knowledge and skills they need to install, manage and provision their SOMA-based broadband wireless networks.


PARTNERS LIST Technology Partners Operations Partners


Worldwide Deployments


Customer Logos: Publicly Announced SOMA Logo: Unannounced Customers


Organisation Structure
SOMA Networks, Chairman

Board of Directors

Managing Director

General Manager R&D

General Manager HR

General Manager Finance

General Manager SCM

General manager Deployment

Manager R&D

Manager HR

Manager Finance

Manager SCM

Manager Deployment

Administrative Officer

Administrative Officer

Chief Accountant

Purchase Officer

Deployment officer






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The HR Department
The Human Resource Department deals with management of people within the organisation. There are a number of responsibilities that come with this title. First of all, the Department is responsible for hiring members of staff; this will involve attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform to expectation. Besides, the Human Resource Department also clarifies and sets day to day goals for the organisation. It is responsible for organisation of people in the entire Company and plans for future ventures and objectives involving people in the Company.
General manager

Deputy Manager

Assistant Manager

HR Executive

HR Executive

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The Finance Department

The Finance Department is responsible for the effective financial management and stewardship of the Company and for ensuring that the Company's financial position remains healthy and sustainable. The Finance Department operates in a devolved manner with Office, Support Group and Subsidiary accounting staff, as well as central Finance Department staff taking their professional leadership from the Director of Finance. Finance Department activities
Finance Director

Provision of professional advice and direction. Delivery of management reporting that Finance Manager enables senior and local managers to effectively manage their activities. Statutory financial and fiscal reporting. Processing transactions related to income, Finance Officer Accounts Officer expenditure, capital projects and financing.
Clerks Accountant

Logistic Officer

Book keeper

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The Marketing Department

Marketing involves a range of processes concerned with finding out what consumers want, and then providing it for them. This involves four key elements, which are referred to as the 4P's (The marketing mix)

General Manager

Marketing Manager

Marketing Executive

Sales Executive

Planning Executive

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The IT Department
IT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages, and data constructs. In short, anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the IT domain. IT provides businesses with four sets of core services to help execute the business strategy: Business process automation Technology Department Providing information Director Connecting with customers, and Productivity tools
Technology Support

Network Services

Instructional Services

Management Information Services



IT Executive

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Supply Chain Management Department

According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management. It also includes the crucial components of coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In essence, supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. More recently, the loosely coupled, self-organizing network of businesses that cooperate to provide product and service offerings has been called the Extended Enterprise.

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The Deployment Department

It is always beneficial to have a development and a deployment structure when building an application. It is a perfect way to build a web application. First of all lets see what the difference between them is. Deployment structure After finish coding some part of the module need to test the part by executing it with the help of some framework or a standardized model or pattern. For this we need to compile our source code and then place it in a specific structure for providing it to the execution environment. The hierarchy which is required by the environment to execute the code module is called as the deployment structure.

Project Manger

Configuration Manager System/ Function Manager Database Library

Technical Director




Status Accounting

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STRENGTHS SOMA Networks is the 1stbroadband wireless access company to offer fully converged, all-

IP solutions for world-class service providers.

SOMA Networks provides a wide range of variety of products, services and solution to the customer. They marketed their products, services and solution worldwide.

It is a MNCs company operating worldwide in Singapore, Ottawa, Toronto, Delhi, Goa, etc.

WEAKNESSES Operating cost is more compare to other private services due to high establishment cost. Staff ratio to connections is very high. The advertising strategy is lacking.

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OPPORTUNITIES They can expand their business worldwide. They can export their products, services and solutions internationally. SOMA Networks can reduce the competition and creates a monopoly in the market. SOMA Networks can enhance their quality of products. They can make this organisation as TQM organisation. THREATS Their competitors are more. Political consideration. Their business can affect by the market share because of stiff competition.

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The data collected and analyzed and general observation has proven that SOMA Networks, has done remarkable job. The main findings are as follows:
Each and every employee is well prepared to meet todays challenges. The organisation gives encouragement in career planning for every employee. There are employees in all experience level in the organization. The internal department of core competencies and continuous process improvements has made SOMA Networks as one of the most exciting networking companies to work for. The management showing their full efforts for the growth of SOMA Networks. The company is having skilled employees who can give prime solutions to the clients more effectively. The management is showing their individual attention to each and every employee for their betterment and to groom their skills.

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Firstly, it was a very good experience to work and learn with a world class for four weeks as it was my first step into the corporate world. When I saw my senior people doing each & every kind of work I came to know how much important is each & every work.

I also learned how much the values and culture of the organization impacts the employees productivity. Like here the seniors were approachable in nature, I felt an open culture. Many a times I felt people are not open to new ideas and they are resistant to change. I have gained some learning from every individual working here; it might be in terms of knowledge, skills, behavior or personal traits etc.
The present decade has witnessed revolutionary changes in the field of networking and internet. Keeping pace with the technological trend SOMA Networks provides plethora of services to its esteemed customers. Also with changing trend, there has also been a quantum increase in customer base. SOMA Networks is still No. 1 Company in Broadband wireless sector and it can continue to be the same with more innovations and better quality services.

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Thank You

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