Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Legislation

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”ALTC is committed to provide world – class standards in training,
management consultancy and safety coaching services.

”ALTC is committed to provide world – class standards in training,
management consultancy and safety coaching services.

Occupational Safety and

Health (OSH) Legislation
Session Objective:
At the end of the session, the participants will
be able to:
 Discuss the various strategies for OSH
Administration in the Philippines
 Explain the government OSH regulations and other
responses to existing potential to OSH hazards,
 Identify the different OSH requirements and areas
for compliance to the OSH Standards
OSH Structural Framework

Department of Labor & Employment (DOLE)

(Policy Regulation)

Occupational Safety and Bureau of Working Employees Compensation

Health Center (OSHC) Conditions (BWC) Commission (ECC)
(technical services, research, (policy formulation) (compensation/ rehabilitation)
DOLE Regional Offices
(enforcement/ implementation)

Luzon Cluster Visayas Cluster Mindanao

Legal Bases
 Labor Code of the Philippines (PD 442, 1974)
Consolidation of labor and social laws to afford full protection to labor,
promote employment and human resources development, and ensure
industrial peace.
 OSH Standards (1979, amended in 1989)

A set of mandatory rules on OSH which codifies all safety orders issued
prior to its promulgation.
 Republic Act No. 11058 and its IRR (January 25, 2019)

An Act Strengthening Compliance with the OSH Standards and Providing

Penalties for Violations thereof.
DOLE Department Order No. 198
(IRR of RA 11058)
 The State affirms labor as a primary social and economic force, and
that a safe and healthy workforce is an integral aspect of nation
 The State shall ensure a safe and healthful workplace for all working
people by affording them full protection against all hazards in their
work environment.
 It shall ensure that the provisions of the Labor Code of the
Philippines, all domestic laws, and internationally-recognized
standards on OSH are being fully enforced and complied with by the
employers, and it shall provide penalties for any violations thereof.
 The State shall protect every worker against injury, sickness or death
through safe and healthful working conditions.
 It shall promote strict but dynamic, inclusive, and gender-sensitive
measures in the formulation and implementation of policies and
programs related to OSH.
Section 2 Coverage
 It shall apply to all establishments, projects and sites
and all other places where work is being undertaken
in all branches of economic activity, including:
◦ Establishments located inside special economic zones and
other investment promotion agencies (e.g., Philippine
Economic Zone Authority [PEZA], Clark Development
Corporation [CDC]);
◦ Utilities engaged in air, sea, and land transportation;
◦ Industries such as mining, fishing, construction, agriculture,
and maritime;
◦ Contractors and subcontractors including those engaged in
the projects of the public sector.

 NOTE: The Rules does not apply to the public sector

Section 3. Definition of Terms

Employer – any
Covered Workplaces – Estab-
Certified First- person, natural
aider – any person lishments, projects, sites and or judicial, in-
trained and duly all other places where work is
cluding the con-
certified to admin- being undertaken wherein
the number of employees, tractor, subcon-
ister first aid by
nature of operations and risk tractor, and
the Philippine Red
or hazard involved in the principal em-
Cross (PRC) or any
business as determined by ployer who di-
authorized by the
the Secretary of Labor and
Secretary of Labor rectly or indi-
Employment, require compli-
and Employment rectly benefit
ance with the provisions of
DO 198-18. from the ser-
vices of the em-
Section 3. Definition of Terms
High risk establishment – refers to a workplace wherein the presence of
hazard or potential hazard within the company may affect the safety
and/or health of workers The following are workplaces commonly associ-
ated with potentially high-risk activities:
1. Chemical works and chemical produc- 11. Power generation, transmission and
tion plants; distribution in the energy sector;
2. Construction; 12. Storage and distribution center for
3. Deep sea fishing; toxic or hazardous chemicals;
4. Explosives and pyrotechnics factories; 13. Storage of fertilizers in high volume;
5. Firefighting; 14. Transportation;
6. Healthcare facilities; 15. Water supply, sewerage, waste man-
7. Installation of communication acces- agement, remediation activities;
sories, towers and cables; 16. Works in which chlorine is used in
8. LPG filling, refilling, storage and dis- bulk; and
17. Activities closely similar to those
enumerated above and other activi-
9. Mining;
10. Petrochemical works and refineries; ties as determined by DOLE in accor-
dance with existing issuances on the
classification of establishments.
Section 3. Definition of Terms

Medium risk estab- Low risk estab- Imminent dan- Micro and Small
lishment – a work- lishment – a work- ger – a situation Enterprises (MSEs)
caused by a – establishments
place where there place where there
condition or employing less
is moderate expo- is low level of dan-
practice in any than 10 employ-
sure to safety and ger or exposure to
place of em- ees and the es-
health hazards and safety and health
with probability of hazards and not ployment that tablishments em-
an accident, injury likely or with low could reasonably ploying less than
or illness. probability to re- be expected to 100 employees,
lead to death or respectively, re-
sult in accident,
serious physical
harm or illness. gardless of capi-
Section 3. Definition of Terms

Safety Officer 1 Safety Officer 2 Safety Officer 3 Safety Officer 4

(SO1) – an em- (SO2) – an em- (SO3) (SO4)
ployee who has ployee who has
- 40-hour OSH - 4o-hour OSH
completed the completed the training course training course
mandatory 8- mandatory forty applicable to - 80 hours of ad-
hour OSH orienta- 40-hour OSH the industry vanced/ special-
training course
- additional 48
tion course as ized Occupa-
applicable to the hours of ad-
prescribed in the tional Safety
OSH standards industry as pre- vanced/ spe-
training course
and 2-hour scribed in the cialized OSH - aggregate of
trainer’s training. OSH standards. training course 320 hours of
- at least 2 years OSH related
experience in training or ex-
OSH. perience
Section 4: Duties of Employer
Every employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, and any person who
manages, controls or supervises the work being undertaker shall:
 Equip a place of employment for workers free from hazardous conditions

that are causing or are likely to cause death, illness, or physical harm
 Provide complete job safety instructions to all the workers, including, but

not limited to, those relating to familiarization with their work

 Ensure that the chemical, physical and biological substances and agents,

and ergonomic and psychosocial stresses under control are without risk
to health
 Use only approved specific industry set of standards of devices and

equipment for the workplace

 Comply with OSHS including training, medical examination, and where

necessary, provisions on protective and safety devices such as PPE and

machine guards
 Make arrangement for workers and their representatives to have the time

and resource to participate in the processes of organizing, planning and

implementation, monitoring, evaluation and action for improvement of
the OSH management system
Section 4: (a) Duties of Employer
 Provide, where necessary, for measures identifying
trainings and drills, evacuation plans, etc. to deal with
emergencies, fires and accidents including first-aid
 Comply with all reportorial requirements of the OSH
 Register establishment to DOLE as provided under the
OSH standards
Section 4: (b) Workers
Every worker, in order to ensure compliance with OSH
Standards, shall:
 Participate in capacity building activities on safety and

health and other OSH related topics and programs;

 Proper use of all safeguards and safety devices furnished

for workers’ protection and that of others

 Comply with instructions to prevent accidents or

imminent danger situations in the workplace

 Observe prescribed steps to be taken in cases of

 Report to their immediate supervisor any work hazard

that may be discovered in the workplace.

Section 4: (c) Other person
 Any other person, including the builder or contactor who
visits, builds, renovates or installs devices or conducts
business in any establishments or workplace, shall comply
with the provisions of this Rules and all other regulations
issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
 Whenever 2 or more undertakings are engaged in activities
simultaneously in one 1 workplace, it shall be the duty of all
concerned to collaborate and cooperate to ensure
compliance with OSH standards and regulations.
Section 5: Worker’s Right to Know
 The right to safety and health at work shall be guaranteed. All
workers shall be appropriately informed by the employer about all
types of hazards in the workplace, and be provided access to
training, education, and orientation on chemical safety, electrical
safety, mechanical safety, ergonomics, and other hazards and risks.
 All workers, including new hires, shall be provided training and
information for all types of hazards in the workplace in a language
and dialect that workers can understand. Training and information
materials used shall be made readily available and accessible to
 A re-orientation on safety and health for workers in high risk
establishments must be conducted regularly, not less than once a
quarter, and to be conducted immediately following any changes in
the operations and production process.
Section 5-8: Worker’s Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
 The worker has the right of refusal to work without threat or reprisal from the
employer if, as determined by DOLE, an imminent danger situation exists.
 As a preventive measure, the safety officer may, following his/her own
determination and without fear of reprisal, implement a work stoppage or
suspend operations in cases of imminent danger. The employer, safety officer or
worker shall immediately notify the DOLE that an imminent danger situation
exists in the workplace.
 The employer or safety officer cannot require the workers to return to work
where there is a continuing imminent danger. A worker may also refuse to work
until the lifting of the Work Stoppage Order (WSO) after implementing the
appropriate corrective measures
 Workers affected by the existence of an imminent danger situation may be
temporarily assigned to other areas within the workplace provided there is no
impending issue with safety and health.
Section 5-8: Worker’s Right to Report Accidents
 Workers and their representatives shall have the right to report accidents,
dangerous occurrences, and hazards to the employer, to DOLE and to other
concerned competent government agencies. They shall be free from any form
of retaliation for reporting of any accident.
 Reporting of accidents to DOLE may be made through any means of
communication, including the DOLE hotline, whichever is most convenient to
the worker. The same may be reported to the nearest DOLE Regional, Field,
Provincial or Satellite Office having jurisdiction over the place of the incident.
Section 5-8: Worker’s Right to PPE
 Every employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall provide his/her workers,
free of charge, PPE for any part of the body that may be exposed to hazards, and
lifeline, safety belt or harness, gas or dust respirators or masks, and protective
shields whenever necessary…. The cost of PPE shall be part of the safety and health
program which is a separate pay item pursuant to Section 21 of this Rules.
 All PPE shall be of the appropriate type as tested and approved by the DOLE based
on its standards and/or other means of verification.
 The usage of PPE in all establishments, projects, sites and all other places where
work is being undertaken shall be based on the evaluation and recommendation
of the safety officer as a result of the workplace hazard assessment.
 All PPE must be of appropriate size, weight, and type to specific workers exposed to
hazards from which PPE are meant to ensure effective protection. Issuance of PPE
shall be supplemented by training on the application, use, handling, cleaning and
maintenance of said PPE in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Failure to provide appropriate PPE in high risk activities shall give rise to the right of
the worker to refuse unsafe work.
Section 9: Safety Signage and Devices
 All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is
being undertaken shall have safety signage and devices to warn the
workers and the public of the hazards in the workplace.
 Safety signage and devices shall be posted in prominent positions at
strategic locations in a language understandable to all, and in
accordance with the OSH standards on color of signs for safety
instructions and warnings, Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
pictograms, construction safety, classification and labelling of
chemicals, radiation, safety instructions and warning signs, set by
 All signage shall also be of appropriate quality to ensure their
legibility. (OSH Standards Table 11. Standard Colors of Signs for Safety Instructions and Warnings in Building
Section 10: Safety in the use of Equipment
 In relation to the use of equipment, such as but not limited to, earth
moving equipment, heavy duty equipment, materials handling
equipment, and construction equipment, the employer, contractor or
subcontractor, if any, must comply with the OSH standards set by
DOLE on safety and use of such equipment in the different phases of
the company or project operation including the transport to and from
the establishment, project, site or place where work is being
 Appropriate training and certification by the Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) or other concerned government agency shall be a
requirement for operators before use of equipment, if applicable.
Trainings provided by international organizations or suppliers if not
locally available, shall be recognized by the DOLE.
Section 11: OSH Information
The employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall
provide the workers in all establishments, projects and
all other places where work is being undertaken
adequate and suitable information on the following:
◦ Workplace hazards and the risk posed on the safety and health of
the workers such as chemical safety data sheets;
◦ Control mechanisms in place that reduces or minimizes the risk of
exposure to hazards and other preventive strategies
◦ Appropriate measures, including the probable location of workers,
for the prevention, control and protection against those hazards;
◦ Emergency and disaster management protocols including proper
evacuation and shut-down procedures.
Information materials shall be revised regularly by the OSH
Section 12: OSH Programs
Covered workplaces shall develop and implement a suitable OSH
program in a format prescribed by DOLE which shall be posted in
prominent places.
a) For establishments with less than 10 workers and low risk
establishments with 10-50 workers. – The OSH program,
which shall be duly signed by the employer, must include at
least the following:

1. Company commitment to comply with OSH requirements;

2. General safety and health programs, including:
 Safety and health hazard identification, risk assessment and control (HIRAC),
 Medical surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work-related
diseases, and
 First aid and emergency medical services;
3. Promotion of the following health domains:
 Drug-free workplace (RA 9165),
 Mental health services in the workplace (RA 11036), and
 Healthy lifestyle;
Section 12: OSH Programs
4. Prevention and control of the following health domains:
 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (RA 8504),
 Tuberculosis (EO 187-03), and
 Hepatitis B (DOLE DA 05-2010);
5. Complete company or project details;
6. Composition and duties of the OSH committee;
7. OSH personnel and facilities;
8. Safety and health promotion, training and education, including:
9. Conduct of toolbox or safety meetings and job safety analysis, if
 Orientation of all workers on OSH, and
 Conduct of risk assessment, evaluation and control;
10. Accident/incident/illness investigation, recording and reporting;
11. Provision and use of PPE;
12. Provision of safety signage;
13. Provision of workers’ welfare facilities;
14. Emergency and disaster preparedness and mandated drills;
15. Solid waste management system; and
16. Control and management of hazards.
Rule 1040: Health & Safety Committee
 Planning and policymaking group in all matters
pertaining to OSH
 Conduct meetings at least once a month
 Safety Officer serves as Secretary: documents
meetings, facilitates discussion.
 Representation or membership: workers,
supervisors, employers, subcontractors, HR
reps, OH personnel
 OSH Committee is a crucial avenue to properly
communicate OSH in the workplace
Section 13: OSH Committee
The establishment shall ensure that the core elements of OSH
program are integrated in the company OSH program such as
management commitment and employee involvement, workplace
risk assessment, hazard prevention and control, safety and health
training and education, and OSH program evaluation.
a) For establishments with less than 10 workers and low risk
establishments with 10 - 50 workers. – A SO1 shall establish an
OSH committee composed of the following:
Chairperson: Company owner or manager
Secretary : Safety officer of the workplace
Member : At least one (1) worker, preferably a union member if organized
The safety officer of the workplace may also be the owner,
manager or his/her designated representative.
The company owner, manager or one of the workers of the
company shall undertake first aid training from the Philippine Red
Cross or any DOLE recognized organization.
Section 13: OSH Committee
b. For medium to high risk establishments with 10-50
workers and low to high risk establishments with 51 workers
and above. – The OSH committee of the covered workplace
shall be composed of the following:
Ex-officio chairperson : Employer or his/her representative
Secretary : Safety officer of the workplace
Ex-officio members : Certified first-aider, OH nurse, OH dentist, and
OH physician, as applicable
Members : Safety officers representing the contractor or
subcontractor, as the case may be, and
representative/s of workers who shall come from
the union, if the workers are organized, or
workers through a simple vote of majority, if they
are unorganized
The OSH committee shall effectively plan, develop, oversee and
monitor the implementation of the OSH program.
Section 13: OSH Committee
c. For 2 or more establishments housed under one building or
complex including malls. – When two or more establishments are
housed under one building or complex, the health and safety
committee organized in each workplace shall form themselves into a
Joint Coordinating Committee to plan and implement programs and
activities concerning all the establishments.
Chairperson : Building owner or his/her representative such as the
building administrator
Secretary : Safety officer of the building or complex appointed by the
Members : At least two safety officers from any of the establishment
housed under one building or complex;
At least two workers’ representatives, one of which must
be from a union if organized, from any of the establishment
housed under one building or complex
The building administrator shall ensure that the Joint OSH
committee shall submit its organizational plans and minutes to the
DOLE Regional office, copy furnished the Bureau of Working
Section 14: Safety Officer
In the implementation of OSH program, safety
officers shall be employed or designated with the
following duties and responsibilities:
◦ Oversee the overall management of the OSH program in
coordination with the OSH committee;
◦ Frequently monitor and inspect any health or safety aspect of
the operation
◦ Assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety and
health inspection at any time whenever work is being
◦ Issue Work Stoppage Order (WSO) when necessary based on
the requirements and procedures provided by the OSH
Section 14: Safety Officer
Safety officer/s
of all workplace
must possess the
training and
according to its
category as
contained herein.

The respective
qualifications of
safety officers
are as follows:
Section 14: Safety Officer

• The number and qualification of safety officers shall be proportionate to

the total number of workers and equipment, size of work area,
classification of the workplace and such other criteria as required by the
OSH standards.
• In the case of a contractor or subcontractor, at least 1 safety officer must
be deployed at each specific area of operations to oversee the
management of the OSH program of its own workforce.
Section 14: Safety Officer
Minimum classification and number of safety officer for all covered workplaces shall be as
Section 15: OH Personnel and Facilities
Section 15: OH Personnel and Facilities
Section 15: OH Personnel and Facilities
Every employer covered by this Rules shall provide his/her workers
medical services and facilities and shall not be an excuse by employer
from maintaining in his/her workplace a first aid treatment room or clinic
for workers which shall be as follows:
Section 15: OH Personnel and Facilities
 The employer may not establish a hospital or dental
clinic in the workplace where there is a hospital or
dental clinic which is located not more than five (5)
kilometers away from the workplace, accessible in not
more than twenty-five (25) minutes travel time, and the
employer has facilities readily available for transporting
workers to the hospital or dental clinic in cases of

 For this purpose, the employer shall enter into a written

contract with the hospital for the use of such hospital
for the treatment of workers in cases of emergency.
Section 16: Safety and Health Training
a) All safety and health personnel shall undergo the mandatory
orientation or training on OSH as prescribed by DOLE.
Section 16: Safety and Health Training
(b) All workers shall undergo the mandatory workers’ OSH seminar as prescribed by
DOLE which shall be jointly participated by workers and employers.
Standardized training module for safety and health personnel shall be
implemented and updated regularly as necessary. The mandatory workers’ OSH
seminar may be conducted by the safety officer of the establishment or any
certified OSH practitioner or consultant.
 The workers’ OSH seminar and other trainings/orientations as required by the
employer and by any law shall be at no cost on the worker and considered as
compensable working time.
(c) All personnel engaged in the operation, erection and dismantling of equipment
and scaffolds, structural erections, excavations, blasting operations, demolition,
confined spaces, hazardous chemicals, welding, and flame cutting shall undergo
specialized instruction and training on said activities. Such training shall include,
among others, topics on safety and specialized PPE requirements for said high-
risk work activities, including the use, application and handling of the same,
which can be provided by DOLE, DOLE-Accredited Training Organizations or the
PPE manufacturers.
SECTION 17: OSH Reports
All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall submit
to DOLE all safety and health reports, and notifications such as
but not limited to annual medical report (AMR), OSH committee
report, employer’s work accident/injury report (WAIR), and
annual work accident/injury exposure data report (AEDR).

W - Work Accident and Illness Report (20th day, following month)

A - Annual Work Accident/Injury Exposure Data Report (January
R - Report of Safety Organization (annually)
M - Minutes of OSH Committee Meeting (quarterly)
A - Annual Medical Report (March 30)
SECTION 18: Workers’ Competency
The PRC shall determine the minimum and necessary competency
on safety and health for OSH personnel and use the same as
equivalency in their application for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) units.
In order to professionalize, upgrade and update the level of
competence of workers, TESDA or PRC, shall establish national
competency standards and prepare guidelines on competency
assessment and certification for critical occupations to include
requirements on safety and health.
◦ An occupation shall be considered critical when:
◦ The performance of a job affects people’s lives and safety;
◦ The job involves the handling of complex tools, equipment and supplies;
◦ The job requires a relatively long period of education and training; and
◦ The performance of the job may compromise the safety, health and
environmental concerns within the immediate vicinity of the establishments
SECTION 19: Workers’ Welfare Facility
All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is
being undertaken shall have the following free welfare facilities in order
to ensure humane working conditions:
a) Adequate supply of safe drinking water;
b) Adequate sanitary and washing facilities;
c) Suitable living accommodation for workers, as may be applicable
such as in construction, shipping, fishing and night workers;
d) Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all gender, as
may be applicable;
e) Lactation station except those establishments as provided for un-
der DOLE Department Order No. 143-15;
f) Ramps, railings and the like; and
g) Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by the OSH
standards and other issuances.
Section 22. Joint Solidary and
The employer, project owner, contractor or subcontractor and any
person who manages, controls or supervises the work being
undertaken, shall be jointly and solidarily liable for compliance
with the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, and
corresponding penalties for violations.
Section 24: Payment of Workers during
Work Stoppage Due to Imminent
If stoppage of work due to imminent danger occurs as a result of
the employer’s violation or fault, the employer shall pay the af-
fected workers their corresponding wages during the period of
such stoppage of work or suspension of operations.
Section 27: Employees Compensation
A worker may file claims for compensation benefit arising out of
work-related disability or death. Such claims shall be processed
independently of the finding of fault, gross negligence or bad faith
of the employer in a proceeding instituted for the purpose. The
employer shall provide the necessary assistance to employees ap-
plying for claims.
Section 28: Incentives to
Employer and Workers
Incentives may be given to qualified
employers and workers in recogni-
tion of their efforts in ensuring com-
pliance with the OSH standards.
Incentives shall be given in the form
of training, additional protective
equipment, technical guidance,
recognition awards and the like.
DO 198-18 (Chapter V, Section 29):
Prohibited Acts and Corresponding
 Any willful failure or refusal of an employer, contractor or
subcontractor to comply with the following OSH stan-
dards shall be penalized of the administrative fines as
follows computed on a per day basis until full com-
 An employer, contractor or subcontractor who is found to
have repeatedly violated the same prohibited act shall
be penalized of the corresponding fine plus an additional
fine equivalent to fifty percent (50%) thereof for every
instance of repeat violation.
 When the violation exposes the worker to death, serious
injury or serious illness, the imposable penalty shall be
one hundred thousand pesos (₱100,000.00)
 Should there be 2 or more be non-compliances, all
penalties shall be imposed; provided that the total daily
penalty shall not exceed one hundred thousand pesos
 (₱ 100,000.00)
OSH Standards Rule 1020: Registration of

Onetime registration, free

of charge with lifetime va-
lidity except:

• Change in business
• Change in location
• Change in ownership
• Re-opening after pre-
vious closing
OSH Standards Rule 1040: Safety & Health

Type No. of Composition

Chairman Member Secretary

A 401 up - Manager or - 2 dept. heads Safety officer

authorized - 4 workers (union
representative member)
must be COO - company physician

B 201-400 - Manager or - 1 supervisor Safety officer

authorized - physician or nurse
representative - 3 workers
must be COO

C 100 – 200 - Manager or - 1 Supervisor Safety officer

authorized - 3 workers
representative - Nurse

D <100 - Manager - 1 Supervisor Safety Officer

- 3 workers
- Nurse or first aider
OSH Standards Rule 1040: Safety & Health


Rule 1040 Report of Safety 2 copies, to - Within
Health and Organization - submitted to one (1)
Safety DOLE/BWC/IP-5) concerned RO month after
Committee copy furnished the the
Bureau organization
Minutes of the
Meeting – No form - At least
needed on quarterly
OSH Standards Rule 1050: Notification and
Keeping of Accident and/or Occupational Illnesses

Report/ Form When to Report

Work Accident/ On or before the 20th

Illness Report day of the month
(WAIR) following the date of
occurrence of the

Annual Accident/ On or before Jan. 30 of

Illness Exposure the following year
Data Report

Fatal/ major Report within 24 hours

accident after occurrence, using
the fastest available
means of

Work Accident/ Illness Report COVID (WAIR) Work Accident Illness Report (WAIR A)
OSH Standards Rule 1960: Occupational Health

Report/ When to
Form Report

Annual On or before the

Medical last day of March
Report of the year,
(AMR) following the
covered period

Annual Medical Report (AMR)

Summary of OSH Administrative Rules

N otification and Keeping of Records of Accidents

and/or Occupational Illnesses (Rule 1050)

O ccupational Health Services (Rule 1960)

R egistration of business (Rule 1020)
T raining and Accreditation of Personnel in OSH
(Rule 1030)

H ealth & Safety Committee (Rule 1040)

Administrative Occupational Safety and Health Requirements

Summary of OSH Reports

OSH Report Date of Submission
W ork Accident/Illness Report (WAIR) 20th day of the following
A nnual Exposure Data Report (AEDR) On or before January 30
R eport of Safety Organization (RSO) Annually
M inutes of the Meetings of Health and Quarterly
Safety Committee
A nnual Medical Report (AMR) On or before March 30

05/13/2024 54
DOLE Issuances

Guidelines for the Implementation of Drug-Free Workplace A. Advocacy,

DO 53-03 Policies and Programs for the Private Sector Information,
Guidelines for the Implementation of Policy and Program on &Training
DO 73-05 Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention and Control in the Workplace B. Preventive
Guidelines for the Implementation of HIV and AIDS C. Social Policy
DO 102-10 Prevention and Control in the Workplace Program D. Health Care
Guidelines for the Implementation of a Workplace Policy and E. Benefits &
DA 05-10 Program on Hepatitis B Compensation
F. Monitoring &
Safety and Health Measures for Workers Who by the Nature Enforcement
DO 178-17 of Their Work Must have to Stand at Work
Clear Points
• Everyone has a right to a safe and healthy
• All establishment must comply with RA 11058
and its IRR – DOLE Department Order 198 and
the OSH Standards
• Employers, workers, safety officers, OSH
committee members have roles to play to
ensure the effective implementation of
their OSH programs.

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