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Wireframes and Prototyping

 Introduction
 Definition
 Purpose
 Types of Wireframes
 Examples
 What is Prototyping?
 Purpose of Prototype
 Wireframes Vs Prototypes
 Wireframes are a fundamental concept in the field
of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
 They are essential tools used during the early
stages of the design process to plan and visualize
the structure and layout of a website, mobile app,
or any user interface
What is a Wireframe?
 A wireframe is a simplified, low-fidelity
representation of a digital interface, serving as a
blueprint for the final design.
 A wireframe is a two-dimensional illustration of a
page's interface that specifically focuses on space
allocation and prioritization of content,
functionalities available, and intended behaviors.
What is a Wireframe?
Purpose of Wireframes
 Structural Planning: Wireframes help designers
and stakeholders determine the layout and
arrangement of content, features, and elements on
a digital interface. They establish the information
hierarchy and provide a clear understanding of
how the interface will be organized.
Purpose of Wireframes
 Communication: Wireframes serve as a means of
communication between designers, developers,
and clients or project stakeholders. They help
convey the design concept and layout early in the
design process, reducing misunderstandings later
Purpose of Wireframes
 Focus on Functionality: Wireframes prioritize
functionality and layout over visual aesthetics.
They allow designers to concentrate on the user
interface's structure and usability without getting
distracted by colors, typography, or visual design
Types of Wireframes
 Low-Fidelity Wireframes: These are basic
sketches or diagrams that outline the overall
layout and content placement. They are quick
to create and are often used in the early
brainstorming stages.
Types of Wireframes
 Mid-Fidelity Wireframes: These provide
more detail than low-fidelity wireframes,
including basic typography and some visual
styling. They offer a more refined
representation of the interface without
focusing on visual aesthetics.
Types of Wireframes
 High-Fidelity Wireframes: These wireframes are
closer to the final design, often including detailed
typography, color schemes, and specific visual
elements. They can serve as a bridge between
wireframes and the actual design, providing a
clearer vision of the final product.
Low to High Fidelity



What is a Prototype?
 A prototype is a preliminary model or version
of a product, system, or design that is created
to test and demonstrate key concepts, validate
assumptions, and gather feedback before
moving forward with full-scale development
or production
What is a Prototype?
 A prototype is an early sample, model, or
release of a product built to test a concept or
process. It is a term used in a variety of
contexts, including semantics, design,
electronics, and software programming.
Purpose of Prototypes
 Testing and validating design ideas and concepts.
 Evaluating functionality, usability, and user
 Identifying potential issues or improvements early
in the development process.
Purpose of Prototypes
 Communicating and sharing ideas with
stakeholders, clients, and team members.
 Reducing the risk of costly errors or changes in
later stages of development.
Prototypes Vs Wireframes
 A wireframe is low-fidelity that takes less time to
create, while a prototype is high-fidelity that is
more time consuming.
 A wireframe is more to convey the 30,000 foot
view of the idea of the product. A prototype is
something that will be similar to how the final
product acts and behaves.
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Have a nice Day!!

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