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The Scout Ideals:

Scout Oath

On my Honor
I will do my best,
To do my duty to God
and my country,
The Republic of the
And to obey the Scout
To help other people at
all times,
To keep myself physically
Mentally awake, and
morally straight.

On my Honor- We are men of integrity, we

are principle centered, values directed,
mission oriented persons. We are
aware that our reputation, the image we
create, or the manner by which we
we are perceived by the community is
non-negotiable part of our personality.
I Will Do My Best – We always give of our
best in everything we do.
Thus, we pursue excellence
in ourselves in order to be
able better service that goes
beyond immediate need.
To Do My Duty – We adhere to the parting message of the
founder of Scouting, Lord Baden Powell “ The only way to get
happiness is by giving happiness to other people. Try and make
this world a little better than you found it. And when your turn
comes to die, you can die happy knowing that at any rate, you
have not wasted your time, but have done your best”.
Duty to Self- Aware of our duties and the demand
of selfless service , we strive to
develop ourselves so as to acquire
competencies and the capabilities

* Physically- We are very much aware

of the importance of a healthy body
in the
performance of our duties. Thus,
make sure not to abuse our body
develop ourselves good health
•Mentally- We are gregarious learner. No Matter
how much we know, we are aware that
we still knew less and must keep on
learning as there is truly so much to learn.
• Morally – We follow the straight path of
righteous living and proper conduct
in our relationships and in our
behaviors. We are aware that the
eyes of the community where we
live and work and play are upon us.
We should be Scouting mirror in
The Scout Law

 A Scout is :
Trustworthy Cheerful
Loyal Thrifty
Helpful Brave
Friendly Clean
Courteous Reverent

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