Softball 2

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• The game of softball is similar to baseball but it is played

with a larger ball and on a smaller playing field. Softball was
invented on Chicago, Illinois in 1887.

• Although it was known by various different names in the

beginning, it finally got its official name of ‘softball’ in 1926.
• According to records, the first ever softball match was played
in Chicago, Illinois in 1887. It was played on a thanksgiving
day in the second last decade of nineteenth century around

• Thanksgiving is celebrated across the USA and Canada. Its

main purpose is to give thanks to the almighty for the
blessings of the harvest and prosperity.
• George Hancock is credited with inventing this sport and designing
the ball and the bat. Softball is inspired from baseball. This sport was
initially called as indoor baseball but virtually the game was moved

• Lewis Robersrin organized outdoor softball games in Minneapolis

and called the game kitten ball.

• A number of equipments is required for playing softball. A

helmet, chest protector, and shin guards are the main
equipment required for safety and to play softball, we
require a ball, a bat, a gloves, and uniforms.
• BAT- The batsmen use bat to hit the ball and score runs for team.
The bat is made up of wood, aluminum, or from metals. The shape
of the bat is like cylinder and its diameter is 6inches. The length of
the bat varies but it cannot be greater than 86cm. The weight of the
bat is 1.2kg.
• BALL – A ball is the center of the game. Softball is derived from
the famous American sport baseball which is mainly played by
men. But softball is meant for women. As this sport is mainly
dominated by women, the name of the game is softball.
• GLOVES- In American Softball Association, the size of the gloves
cannot exceed 36cm. In softball matches, all defensive players wear
fielding gloves. But there are normally different size of gloves
available for players at different positions on the field.
• UNIFORM- Uniforms are provided. Each team wears different
uniforms. Uniform includes helmets, headbands, visors, caps, shoes,
socks, shirt and pants, tight sliding undershorts etc. For female
players, uniforms like headbands and caps are optional. These are
mandatory for male players but those who wear a helmet are not
required to wear headbands or caps.
• SHIN GUARDS- are generally worn by catchers but some pitchers
opt to using them as well for those quick returns that come low to
the ground from the bat.
• CHEST PROTECTOR- Along with a chest protector, catcher’s
helmet and a catching mitt; catchers are expected to be outfitted
before practices and games with all their gear to avoid serious injury.
• HELMET- It is very important for softball players to wear helmets,
because of the high velocities the ball travels at. A hit to the head
can end in a fatal injury if a player is not wearing a helmet. Most
softball leagues mandate that helmets approved by the NOCSEA
standard be worn and stamped for approval.
The field of softball is smaller in size in comparison to
baseball. The details of the field is as follows:
• The two parts of a softball field are foul territory and fair
• This fair territory is divided into infield, outfield and
territory beyond outfield fence.
• The field that meets at a right angle at home plate is defined
as foul territory.
The backstop which is behind home plate must be between 25 and 30 ft.
The home plate has bases at each corner and it’s is on one corner of a
Other than home plate, the bases are 38cm square of canvas and is not
more than 13cm thick.
The number of the bases is in counter clockwise as first base, second
base, and third base. These bases are normally fastened to the ground.
• Softball has some similarities with baseball. The runners runs after
hitting the ball to the foul portion of the double base at the same
time the fielding team tries to collect the ball and throw it to the
regular first base accurately before the runner reaches the safety
• The infield consists of infielders and the diamond. The remaining
space between the baselines is called as the outfield.
• A pitching plate is positioned near the center of the diamond, a
circle of 16 feet diameter is known as the pitching circle.
• 1.BATTER- the team will need to choose one batter at a time. This player
will be sent to the field to compete with the entire opposing team. The main
goal of the batter is to hit the ball and get to all the bases before the ball does
to be able to make a home run and give the team a score.
• 2.PITCHER- The pitcher is the one who pitches or throw the ball to the
batter from the pitcher’s mound. This player should stand on the pitcher’s
rubber which is a rectangular area on the mound when making a pitch. It is
very important to know that once the ball has already been hit by the batter,
the pitcher should ensure that his two feet are no longer in the rubber.
• 3.CATCHER- The catcher is the player who is positioned in a crouch
just behind the home plate. This is one of the crucial roles in the team
as it is tasked to help in gaining score. The catcher is expected to call
the pitches and communicate to the team the number of outs, strikes
and other important details in the game.
• 4.FIRST BASE- The first baseman of the team should stand at the first
base, to the right side of the pitcher. The main role of the first base is to
catch throws at the first base to prevent the batter from reaching it and
scoring. This is a very vital position to be able to set the momentum of
the team in preventing the opposing team in scoring .
• 5. SECOND BASEMAN- The second baseman is found in the
second base and is positioned(softball positions) opposite to the
home base across the playing field. Is also known as the second
bagger and should not stand at the exact right angle of the second
base but should be more towards the first base.
• 6.SHORTSTOP- This is also a very crucial role, most of the balls
end up there. Shortstop is also required to help in catching and
fielding. The shortstop position is considered to be most difficult
position in the team.
• 7. THIRD BASEMEN- The last base is intended for third baseman to take care
of. The area which third baseman is assigned includes the corner diagonally
opposite to first base.This player is expected to catch the ball hit by the batter
which has landed around or within the area. In addition, they must throw the
ball to the catcher before the opponent reaches the home plate.
• 8.OUTFIELDERS- These out fieldiers are called the right fielder, center fielder
and left fielder. They are positioned outside the scope of the four bases or the
infield square. The right fielder should stand closest to the first base. They are
tasked to catch and throw balls that are mo longer within the infield area and to
back their teammates up at the base.
• THE FIELD- The baselines will be 65ft. The distance from the
pitcher’s mound to home plate will be 50ft.
• THE PLAYERS- A team must have 9 players to start or continue a
game with a maximum of 10 players.
• SUBSTITUTES- A player is officially in the game when his/her name
has been entered on the official score sheet.
• EQUIPMENT- No Metal Screws or Screw-in cleats are allowed. rings,
earings, necklaces and bracelets are advised not to be worn. Bats must
be official softball bats.
• The pre-game conference will consist of each captain meeting with the umpire
before the game to go over ground rules.
• Scoresheets must be filled out before the game.
• The pitcher must take a position with both feet firmly on the ground and with
one or both feet in contact with the pitcher’s plate.
• The pitcher shall not deliberately stop, roll, or bounce the ball while in the
pitching position in order to prevent the batter from striking it.
Each player of the side at bat shall become a batter in order in which
his/her name appears on the score sheet.
The batter shall not hinder the catcher from fielding or throwing the
ball by stepping out of the batter’s box, or intentionally hindering the
catcher while standing within the batter’s box.
Members of a team at bat shall not interfere with a player attempting to
field a foul fly ball.

• 4 balls constitute a walk.

• 3 strikes constitutes an out(strike out).
• If the batter has a foul after receiving the second strike, the
batter is out.
• Each batter will start with a 1 ball/ 1 strike out.
• Anyone involved in a fight will be suspended for the remainder of
the softball season and possible further disciplinary action, if
• Any player ejected from 2 games in the season is suspended for the
remainder of the season and possible further disciplinary action, if
• Any player pushing, shoving, disrespecting etc. and umpire will be
ejected from the game. Refer to the Intramural Recreational Sports
Handbook for further penalties.

• Game consist of 7 innings.

• The game will be called at the completion of the 3 rd inning if
one team is ahead by 20 runs, in the 4 th inning if a team is
ahead by 15runs, and in the 5th inning if a team is ahead by
10runs. If the home team is ahead at the middle of the inning
and the above scenarios exist then the game is over.
• There is a 50 time limit.

• In baseball and softball, there is commonly a head umpire(also known

as plate umpire) who is in charge of calling balls and strikes from
behind the plate, who is assisted by one, two, three or five field
umpires who makes call on their specific bases(or with five umpire
bases and outfield)

• Softball officials are known as umpires, and each has a different

responsibility depending on where he covers the field. The
umpires must ensure the rules of the game are followed, and
there is decisive winner and loser based on fair play and accurate
calls based upon what happens in the game.
• HOME PLATE UMPIRE - umpires working home plate in a softball
game have the most responsibility of any umpire on the field. They
must call every pitch a ball, strike or foul within a strike zone which
varies from batter to batter. They must also pay attention to other
rules pertaining to batters and catcher, for example, making sure
batters stay within the batter’s box.
• UMPIRE IN CHIEF- is the umpire who is in charge of the entire
game . This umpire calls balls and strikes, calls fair balls, foul balls
and makes most calls concerning baserunners near home plate.
• BASE UMPIRES- these umpires have a number of duties each
inning. They must watch the base to see if the runner beat an
attempted out and is safe, or if the throw beat them and they are out.
These umpires must also watch the pitcher, to see if they are pitching

• LINE UMPIRES- they are often hired to simply watch balls hit down
the lines of the outfield and decide whether the ball is fair or foul.
These umpires also have the final call on whether home runs bounced
off the top of the wall are fair or not.

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