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IT Project Management (ITC-311)

Lecture 01
Ms. Sarah Farrukh
Course Evaluation
Component Weightage Count

Quiz 10% 4

Assignment + Case Study based 20% 3+1

presentation & viva
Midterm 20% -

Finals 50% -
Course Learning Outcomes
 Understand the key elements of the IT project management framework and explain the
principles of project life cycle.

 Work in teams to plan various project activities in a scientific way to monitor performance.

 Implement and manage project schedule using appropriate project management tools.

 Choose appropriate project management techniques for IT projects.

Course Policy
 Home works(Assignments)
 Late home works will not be accepted at any cost,
 Students found in copying assignments will receive negative marks and face possible
disciplinary actions.
 Attendance
 Students are expected to attend all classes with min 80% attendance
Text Books
 Information Technology Project Management, 7th Edition by Kathy
Schwalbe (2013)
 Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme, 4th
Edition by Robert K. Wysocki
 Reference Books:
1. Project Managers’ guide to mastering Agile (2015)
2. PMBoK Guide 6th Edition
Motivation for Studying IT Project Management

 IT Projects has terrible track record in terms of defining “What went wrong?”
 A 1995 Standich group study (CHAOS) found that 16.2% IT projects are successful in
meeting scope, time and cost goal, over 31% of IT projects were cancelled before
 A PricewaterhouseCoopers study found that overall half of all project fail and only
2.5% corporations consistently meet their target for scope, time and cost goals for
all types of project.
Advantages of formal project management

 Better control of financial, physical and human resources

 Improved customer relations
 Shorter development times
 Lower cost
 Higher quality and increased reliability
 High profit margins
 Improved productivity
 Better internal coordination
 Higher work moral
What is Project Management?
 Practice of using knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to complete series of tasks
to deliver value and achieve project result/outcome.
 The objective of project management is to make the final deliverables available in
finite budget and time.
What is Project?
 Temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, result or service with a
defined start and end timeline.
 Temporary nature indicates that project will end when its objective is achieved. It
can also end when
 Projects funds exhausted.
 Project no longer needed
 Resources unavailable.
 Legal implication
 Operation work is done to sustain the business
 Project ends when their objectives have been reached for the project.
 Project can be large or small and take a shot or long time to complete
 Examples of Project
 Product: Construction of a building
 Service: Taxi Services
 Result: to build capacity of team in certain area
Project Attributes
 a project
o has a unique purpose
o is temporary
o is developed using progressive elaboration
o requires resources often from various areas
o should have a primary customer or sponsor; the project sponsor usually
provides the direction and funding for the project
o involves uncertainty
The Triple Constraints for Project Management
What is Project Management
 Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and
techniques to project activities to meet project requirements
 Project manager drive to meet the triple constraint (projects scope,
time and cost goals) and also facilitate the entire process to meet the
needs and expectation of project stakeholders
Project Management Framework
Project Management Knowledge Area
 Project Management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project
managers must develop
 Project managers must have knowledge and skills in all 10 knowledge areas given
1. Scope Management
2. Time Management
3. Cost Management
4. Quality Management
5. Human Resource Management
6. Risk Management
7. Communication Management
8. Procurement Management
9. Stakeholder Management
10. Integration Management
Project Management Tools & Techniques
 Project Management tools and techniques assist project managers and their
teams in various aspect of the project. Some specific once include
 project charter, scope statement
 WBS, Gantt chart, network diagram, critical path analysis, critical chain
scheduling (time)
 Cost estimate and Earn Value Management
Super Tools
 Super tools are those tools that have high use and high potential for improving
project success such as
 Software for task scheduling (such as project management software)
 Scope Statement
 Requirement Analysis
 Lesson learned report
 Tools already extensively used that have been found to improve project importance
 Progress reports
 Kick-off meetings
 Gantt Charts
 Change Requests
What went right?
 Improved project performance
Standich group study CHAOS) shows improvements in IT project performance in past decade
 The number of successful IT Project increases from 16% (in 1994) to 37% (2010)
 The number of failed IT Project decreased from 31% (in 1994) to 21% (2010)
 Success rates have been the most highest on in recent CHAOS studies.

 Why the improvements?

Reasons vary from project to project. Few are
 Average cost of the project has been more than cut in half
 Better tools have been created to monitor and control progress
 Better & skilled project managers with better Management process are being used
 Project Management Processes plays a significant role
Project Success
 Ways to define project success
 Project met scope, time and cost goals.
 Project satisfies customer/sponsor.
 Results of project met its main objective, such as making or saving certain amount of
money, providing good return on investment or simply making the sponsor happy.
Project Success
 What helps project success
 User Involvement
 Executive Support
 Clear business objective
 Emotional maturity
 Optimizing Scope
 Agile Process
 Project Management Expertise
 Skilled Recourses
 Execution
 Tools and Infrastructure
What winners do
 Use an Integrated Project Management Approach (use standard/advanced PM tools,
lots of templates)
 Grow project leaders emphasizing on business and soft skills
 Develop streamlined delivery process
 Measure project health using different matrix like customer satisfaction and return
on investment
Program and Portfolio Project Management
 A program is a group of related projects managed to obtain benefits and control
not available from managing them individually.
 A program manager provides leadership and direction for the project managers
heading the projects within the program
 Example of common programs in the IT field include infrastructure, application
development and users support
 Program manages Overseas program; often act on bosses for project manager.
 As part of Project portfolio management organization group and manage projects
and programs as a portfolio of investment that contribute to the entire Enterprises
Project Management v/s Project Portfolio Management
Best Practices
 Best Practice is “an optimal way recognized by industry to achieve a
stated goal or objective”
 Robert buttrick suggest that organizations need to follow basic principle of
project management including these two
 make sure your projects are driven by your strategy be able to demonstrate
how each project under take fix your business strategy and screen out
unwanted project as soon as possible at all the time
 Engage with stakeholders; ignoring stakeholders often leads to project failure
be sure to engage stakeholders at all stages of the project and encourage
teamwork and commitment at all time.
Sample Project Portfolio Approach
The Role of the Project Manager
 Job descriptions very but mostly include responsibilities like planning,
scheduling, coordinating and working with people to achieve the project
 97% of projects will lead by experience project manager who often help
influence success factors
 Skills for project manager
 The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK)
 Application area knowledge, standards and regulations
 Project environment knowledge
 General management knowledge and skills
 Soft skills or human relation skills
Top 10 Skills/Competencies of PM
 Project Manager
 Professional who plays a lead role in all phases of the project
1. Skills required
1. Effective communication skill
2. Effective Leadership skill
3. People skills
4. Listening
5. Integrity, Ethical behavior, Consistent
6. Team Management skill
7. Conflict resolution and Conflict Management
8. Critical thinking, problem solving
9. Understand and balances priorities
10. String at building trust
Skills/Competencies of PM
 Different skills needed in different situations
 Large Projects: Leadership, relevant prior experience, planning, people skills, verbal
communication and team building skill are most important
 High uncertainty Projects: Risk Management, expectation management, leadership,
people skills and planning skills are most important
 Very novel Projects: Expectation management, leadership, having visions and goals, self
confidence, and listening skills are most important
Importance of leadership skills
 Effective project manager provides leadership by example
 A leader focuses on long term goals and with clear objectives while
inspiring people to reach those goals
 A manager deals with the day to day details of meeting specific goals
 Project managers often take on the role of both leader and managers
Project Manager Roles & Responsibilities
Project Manager Roles & Responsibilities
 Define project scope and determine available resources.
 Set realistic deadlines and consistently communicate with
 Estimate, monitor and control budget of the project.
 Develop communication plan and maintain effective communication
with all stakeholders.
 Identify, monitor and minimize the risk.
 Track, monitor and control performance of the team to get desired
 Present reports documenting all the steps from beginning to end.
The Project Management Profession
 The profession of project management is growing at a very Rapid pace
 It is helpful to understand the history of the field, role of professional
societies like the Project Management Institute (PMI) and the growth in
project management area.
History of Project Management
 Some people argue that building the Egyptian Pyramids was a project as
was building the Great Wall of China.
 Most people consider that “Manhatton Project” to be the first project to
use “modern” project management. This project had a separate project
manager and a technical manager.
Project Management Offices
 A Project Management Office (PMO) is an organizational group responsible
for coordinating the project management function throughout an
Global Issues
 Global dynamics are forcing organizations to rethink their practices
 Telling development for project and program managers is a top concern.
 Good Project Portfolio management is crucial in tight economic conditions.
 Basic project management techniques are core competencies.
 Organization want to use more Agile approaches to project management.
 Benefits realization of projects is a key matric.
The Project Management Institute
 The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international professional
society for project managers founded in 1969.
 There are communities of practices in many areas like information
systems, financial services and health care.
 Project management research and certification programs continue to grow.
 Students can join PMI at a reduced fee and earn the Certified Associate in
Project Management (CAPM) certification(see www.pmi.org for details)
Project Management Certification
 PMI provides certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)
 A PMP has documented sufficient project experience, agreed to follow a
code of ethics, and passed the PMP exam
 The number of people earning PMP certification is increasing quickly
 PMI and other organizations offer additional certification programs
Ethics in Project Management
 Ethics, loosely defined, is a set of principles that guide our decision
making based on personal values of what is "right" and "wrong
 Project managers often face ethical dilemmas.
 In order to earn PMP certification, applicants must agree to PMI's Code of
Ethics and Professional Conduct.
 Several questions on the PMP exam are related to professional
responsibility, including ethics
Project Management Software
 There are hundreds of different products to assist in performing project
management activities. Three main categories of tools:
 Low-end tools: Handle single or smaller projects well, cost under $200 per user
 Midrange tools: Handle multiple projects and users, cost
 $200-$1 ,OOO per user, Project 2010 most popular
 High-end tools: Also called enterprise project management software, often
licensed on a per-user basis, like Microsoft Enterprise Project Management
Sample Gantt Chart created with Project 2010
Sample network diagram created with Project 2010
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