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Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


By: Department of Management


 Define entrepreneurship within the context of


 Identify business opportunities

 Prepare business plan

 Distinguish forms of business ownership

 Comprehend intellectual property rights in business


Management Department, CoBE, HU 2


 Define basic marketing concepts

 Formulate context-based marketing strategies

 Identify and evaluate sources of financing new


 Manage business growth and transition

 Practice ethical business with all stakeholders

Management Department, CoBE, HU 3


 Chapter 1: Nature of Entrepreneurship

 Chapter 2: Business Planning

 Chapter 3: Business Formation

 Chapter 4: Product Development

 Chapter 5: Marketing

 Chapter 6: Business Financing

 Chapter 7: Managing Growth And Transition

Management Department, CoBE, HU 4
Chapter One

Nature of Entrepreneurship
Chapter Objectives

 Define the term entrepreneurship and entrepreneur

 Identify types of entrepreneur

 Recognize the role of entrepreneurship in the


 Analyze the entrepreneurial competences

 Understand creativity and innovation

Management Department, CoBE, HU 6

Historical Origin of Entrepreneurship
 Ancient period - entrepreneur was a person managing
large commercial projects.
 17th Century - a person who has signed a contractual
agreement with the government to provide stipulated
products or to perform service.
 18th Century - an entrepreneur is a risk taker.
 Differentiation of the entrepreneurial role from
capital providing role.
 Late 19th and early 20th Century - the entrepreneur
organizes and operates an enterprise for personal gain.
 Middle of the 20th Century - entrepreneur is an inventor

Management Department, CoBE, HU 7

Definitions of Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying
opportunities in the market place, arranging the
resources required to pursue these opportunities
and investing the resources to exploit the
opportunities for long term gains.
 It is the processes through which individuals become
aware of business ownership then develop ideas for,
and initiate a business.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 8

Definitions of Entrepreneurship…
 It is the process of creating something different and
better with value by devoting the necessary time and
effort by assuming the accompanying financial,
psychic and social risks and receiving the resulting
monetary reward and personal satisfaction.
 It is the art of identifying viable business
opportunities and mobilizing resources to convert
those opportunities into a successful enterprise
through creativity, innovation, risk taking and
progressive imagination.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 9

Definitions of Entrepreneurship…
 In general, the process of entrepreneurship includes
five critical elements.
 The ability to perceive an opportunity.
 The ability to commercialize the perceived
opportunity i.e. innovation
 The ability to pursue it on a sustainable basis.
 The ability to pursue it through systematic means.
 The acceptance of risk or failure.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 10

Definitions of Entrepreneur
 An entrepreneur is any person who creates and
develops a business idea and takes the risk of setting up
an enterprise to produce a product or service which
satisfies customer needs.
 Who discovers a business opportunity to produce
improved or new goods and services and identifies a
way in which resources required can be mobilized.
 Who has the ability to identify and pursue a business
opportunity; undertakes a business venture; raises the
capital to finance it; gathers the resources needed to
operate the business venture; sets goals; initiates action
to ensure success; and assumes all or a major portion
of the risk!
Management Department, CoBE, HU 11
Definitions of Entrepreneur…
 To an economist - who brings resource, labor,
materials, and other assets into combination that
makes their value greater than before and also one
who introduces changes and innovations.
 To a psychologist - a person typically driven by
certain forces need to obtain or attain something, to
experiment, to accomplish or perhaps to escape the
authority of others.
 For the capitalist philosopher - who creates wealth
for others as well, who finds better way to utilize
resources and reduce waste and who produce job
others are glad to get.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 12
Types of Entrepreneurs
 Individual entrepreneur: who started; acquired or
franchised his/her own independent organization.
 Intrapreneur: who does entrepreneurial work within
large organization.
 Entrepreneurial Organization: the entrepreneurial
function need not be embodied in a physical person.
Every social environment has its own way of filling
the entrepreneurial function.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 13

Role of Entrepreneurs in Economic Development
 Improvement in per capita income/wealth
generation and balanced regional development
 Generation of employment opportunities
 Inspire others towards entrepreneurship
 Enhance the number of enterprise
 Provide diversity in firms
 Economic independence
 Combine economic factors
 Provide Market efficiency

Management Department, CoBE, HU 14

Entrepreneurial Competence and Environment
Entrepreneurial Mindset
 Who Becomes an Entrepreneur?
 Young professionals
 The Inventor
 The Excluded

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Qualities of an Entrepreneur
 Opportunity-seeking: An entrepreneur always seeks
out and identifies opportunities. He/she seizes an
opportunity and converts it into a realistic and
achievable goal or plan.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 16

Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Persevering: An entrepreneur always makes
concerted efforts towards the successful completion
of a goal.

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Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Risk taking: set their own objectives where there is
moderate risk of failure and take calculated risks.

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Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Demanding for Efficiency and Quality:
 Efficiency - producing results with little wasted
 Quality - the ability of a product or service to meet
a customer’s expectations.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 19

Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Information-seeking: they spend time collecting
information about their customers, competitors,
suppliers, relevant technology and markets.

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Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Goal setting - a general direction, or long-term aim
that you want to accomplish.

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Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Planning: an effective entrepreneur usually plans
his/her activities and accounts as best as they can for
unexpected eventualities.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 22

Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Persuasion and Networking:
 Persuasion - way of convincing someone to get
something or make a decision in your favor.
 Networking - network with customers, suppliers,
competitors, various firms, different organizations,
government offices, family etc.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 23

Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Self-confidence: the state of being certain that a
chosen course of action is the best or most effective
given the circumstances.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 24

Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Listening to others: an entrepreneur listens to other
people in their sphere of influence, analyses their
input in line with his/her own thinking and makes an
informed decision.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 25

Qualities of an Entrepreneur…
 Leadership: entrepreneurs inspire, encourage and
lead others to undertake the given duties in time.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 26

Entrepreneurial Skills
 General management skills

 Strategy Skills

 Planning Skills

 Marketing Skills

 Financial Skills

 Project Management Skills

 Time Management Skills

Management Department, CoBE, HU 27
Entrepreneurial Skills…
 People management skills

 Communication Skills

 Leadership Skills

 Motivation Skills

 Delegation Skills

 Negotiation Skills

Management Department, CoBE, HU 28

The Entrepreneurial Tasks

 Owning Organizations

 Founding New Organizations

 Bringing Innovations to Market

 Identification of Market Opportunity

 Application of Expertise

 Provision of leadership

 The entrepreneur as manager

Management Department, CoBE, HU 29
Entrepreneurship and Environment
 A study of business environment offers the following
 It provides information about environment.
 It opens up fresh avenues for the expansion of
new entrepreneurial operations.
 Knowledge about changing environment .
 By studying the environment entrepreneurs can
make it hospitable to the growth of business and
thereby earn popular support.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 30

External Environment
 Economic environment - structure of the economy,
industrial, agricultural, trade and transport policies
of the country, national income and its distribution,
balance of trade and balance of payments etc.
 Legal environment - adequate knowledge of laws
and rules is necessary for efficient managerial
 Political environment - understanding and concern
for national problems will help them in the long run
in discharging their responsibilities to the satisfaction
of the public.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 31

External Environment…
 Socio-cultural environment - values, beliefs, norms,
fashions and fads of a particular society. It can help
in understanding the level of rigidity/flexibility of a
given society towards a new product concept.
 Demographic environment - age profile and
distribution, sex, education profile, income
distribution etc.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 32

Internal Environment
 Raw Material: availability of raw material now and in
the near future.
 Production/Operation: availability of various
machineries, equipment, tools and techniques.
 Finance: total requirements of finance in terms start-
up expenses, fixed expenses and running expenses,
and sources of finance that can be approached for
 Human Resource: kind of human resources required,
its demand and supply in the market, and cost and
level of competition in hiring and retaining the
human resources.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 33
Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

 It is the tendency to generate or recognize ideas,

alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in
solving problems, communicating with others, and
entertaining ourselves and others.
 It is the ability to come up with new idea and to
identify new and different ways of looking at a
problem and opportunities.
 Creativity is a process of assembling ideas by
recombining elements already known but wrongly
assumed to be unrelated to each other.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 34

Steps in Creativity
 Opportunity or problem recognition: A person discovers
that a new opportunity exists or a problem needs
 Immersion: recall and collect information that seems
relevant, dreaming up alternatives without refining or
evaluating them.
 Incubation: the information is simmering it is being
arranged into meaningful new patterns.
 Insight: the problem-conquering solution flashes into the
person’s mind at an unexpected time.
 Verification and application: gathering supporting
evidence, using logical persuasion, and experimenting
with new ideas.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 35
 Innovation is a process of intentional change made
to rate value by meeting opportunity and seeking
advantage. There are four types:
 Invention - described as the creation of a new
product, service or process for the first time.
 Extension - the expansion of a product, service or
 Duplication - defined as replication of an already
existing product, service or process.
 Synthesis - the combination of existing concepts
and factors into a new formulation.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 36
The Innovation Process
 Analytical planning: carefully identifying the product
or service features, design as well as the resources
that will be needed.
 Resources organization: obtaining the required
resources, materials, technology, human or capital
 Implementation: applying the resources in order to
accomplish the plans.
 Commercial application: the provision of values to
customers, reward employees and satisfy the
Management Department, CoBE, HU 37
Areas of Innovation
 New product: offers new way of doing something or
it may be an improvement on an existing item.
 New services: offered to undertake a particular task
or solve a particular problem.
 New production techniques: allow the end user to
obtain the product at a lower cost, higher quality
or/and better service.
 New way of delivering the product or service to the
customer: a common innovation is to take a more
direct routine by cutting out distributors or
Management Department, CoBE, HU 38
Areas of Innovation…
 New operating practices: easier access, a higher
quality, a more consistent and a faster service.
 New means of informing the customer about the
product: create demand through well designed
message and means of transmitting it.
 New means of managing relationship within the
organization: effectiveness of its internal
communication channels.
 New ways of managing relationships between
organizations: organizations sit in a complex web of
relationships to each other. The way they communicate
and relate to each other is very important.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 39
From Creativity to Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneurship = creativity + innovation.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 40

Chapter Two

Business Planning
Chapter Objectives

 Identify opportunity in the environment

 Evaluate the opportunities in the environment

 Generate business idea

 Explain the concept of business planning

 Identify components of business plan

 Develop business plan

Management Department, CoBE, HU 42

Business Plan
• Business plan is • It is a document that
meticulous tells about the product
statement that and services, operation,
shows us how we projected finance,
marketing issues and
can operate a other parts of the
certain business. business.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 43

Opportunity Identification and Evaluation
 The initial stage in the entrepreneurial process is the
identification and refinement of a viable economic
opportunity that exists in the market.
 The opportunity identification and evaluation stage
can be divided into five main steps namely;
 Scanning the environment
 Identifying the opportunity
 Developing the opportunity
 Evaluating the opportunity
 Evaluating the team
Management Department, CoBE, HU 44
Scanning the Environment

 While scanning the environment it may be provide

you with idea and business opportunities.

 A business opportunity is a gap left in a market by

those who currently serve it, giving a chance to
others to add unrealized value by performing
differently from and better than competitors in order
to create new possibilities

Management Department, CoBE, HU 45

Opportunity Identification
 It is ability to see, to discover and exploit
opportunities that others miss.
 It is the process of seeking out better ways of
 It being able to capture, recognize and make
effective use of abstract and implicit information
from the changing external environments.
 It is important to understand the cause of the
opportunity is it technological change, market shift,
government regulation, or competition.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 46

Opportunity Development
 Having recognized the opportunity, timely
adaptation of that opportunity to suit actual market
need is key to new venture success.
 Opportunity development is the process of
combining resources to pursue a market opportunity
 This involves systematic research to refine the idea
to the most promising high potential opportunity
that can be transformed into marketable items.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 47

Opportunity Evaluation
 This evaluation process involves looking at:
 the creation and length of the opportunity,
 its real and perceived value,
 its risks and returns,
 its fit with the personal skills and goals of the
entrepreneur, and
 its differential advantage in its competitive

Management Department, CoBE, HU 48

Assessment of the Entrepreneurial Team
 Once the opportunity has been evaluated, the next
step is to ask pertinent questions about the people
who would run the company. Such questions related
 Focuses of founders
 Their selling experiences and skills
 Management skills
 Issues related to ownership

Management Department, CoBE, HU 49

Business Idea Development
 A business idea is a short and precise description of
the basic operation of an intended business. There
are three types of business ideas.
 Old idea – copy an existing business idea from
 Old idea with modification – accepts an old idea
from someone and then modifies it in some way
to fit a potential customer’s demand.
 New idea – involve in the invention of something
new for the first time.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 50

Business Idea Identification
 Before you start a business, you need to have a clear
idea of the sort of business you want to run, about:
 Which need will your business fulfill for the
customers and what kind of customers will you
 What good or service will your business sell?
 Who will your business sell to?
 How is your business going to sell its goods or
 How much will your business depend upon and
impact the environment?
Management Department, CoBE, HU 51
The Need will Your Business Fulfill for the Customers

 Your business idea should always have customers

and their needs in mind.

 It might be a good idea to start a day care center in

the commercial area as many other parents may
have the same need.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 52
The Need will Your Business Fulfill for the Customers

 It might be a good idea to start a waste collection

and recycling service in this area.
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Good or Service will your Business Sell
 Depending on your skills and the needs of the
customers, you should decide which good or service
your business will sell.
 They must be goods or services that people are
willing to pay for and at a price that will allow you to
make a profit.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 54

Identifies Potential Customer
 It is essential that you know who your customers will
 Will you sell to a specific type of customer or to
everyone in an area?
 There must be enough people who are able and
willing to pay for your products.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 55

Strategy for Selling Goods or Services
 How are you going to sell your goods or services?
 If you plan to open a shop, you know how you will
sell your product, but manufacturers or service
operators can sell their products in many different
 A manufacturer, for example, can sell either directly
to customers, to retailers or to wholesalers.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 56

Relation Between Business and Environment
 Your business can only be sustainable in the long run
if it works in harmony with the social and natural
 How much does your business depend on the
 Does it rely on the weather, soil or other natural
 Does it need any specific type of labor from the
local community?

Management Department, CoBE, HU 57

Relation Between Business and Environment…
 Does it need the local community to support it?
 What should you do to make sure that your
business nurtures the natural environment and
helps the local community?
 Will your business nurture the natural
environment or will it have a detrimental impact?
 How would you minimize or reverse any negative
effect that your business might have?

Management Department, CoBE, HU 58

Methods for Generating Business Ideas
 Learn from successful business owners: try to get the
following information from them:
 What kind of idea did these businesses start with?
 Where did the ideas come from?
 How did they develop their ideas into successful
 How does the business profit and fit into the local
 Where did they get the money to start their

Management Department, CoBE, HU 59

Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Draw From Experience - Your own experience:
 Look at the list of your interests, your experiences
and your networks.
 Are there any possible business ideas that you can
derive from your own past experience?
 What has your experience been as a customer in the
market place?
 Have you ever searched all day for some items that
you could not find in any store in your area?
 Think about the products you have wanted at
different times and that you have had difficulty
Management Department, CoBE, HU 60
Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Draw From Experience - other people’s experience:
 The people around you are potential customers.
 It is important to understand their experience to
find goods and services that are unavailable or not
exactly what they need.
 Listen carefully to what these people say about
their shopping experience.
 Ask your family and friends about the things they
would like to find that are not locally available.
 Expand your social knowledge by talking to people
from different age groups, social classes, etc.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 61
Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Survey your local business area:
 Find out what type of businesses are already
operating in your area and see if you can identify
any gaps in the market.
 Try to identify all the fields of business in the
whole town.
 Focus on the preferred business fields and
business types that you identified.
 Visit the closest industrial area, markets and
shopping centers in your area.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 62

Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Scanning Your Environment:
 Natural resources,
 Characteristics and skills of people in the local
 Import substitution,
 Waste products,
 Publications and
 Trade fairs and exhibitions

Management Department, CoBE, HU 63

Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Brainstorming:
 It is a means of opening up your mind and
thinking about many different ideas.
 You start with a word or a topic and then write
down everything that comes to mind relating to
that subject.
 You continue writing for as long as possible,
putting down things that you think of, even if they
seem irrelevant or odd.
 Good ideas can come from concepts that initially
seem strange.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 64
Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Structured Brainstorming: try to think of all the
businesses that are related to different aspects of a
 Those involved in production,
 Those involved in the selling process,
 Those involved in recycling or re-using materials,
 Those indirectly related (spin-offs) and
 Those involved in servicing,

Management Department, CoBE, HU 65

Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Structured Brainstorming: T-shirts example;

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Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Focus group:
 It is a group of individuals providing information
on a structured format which is led by
 It is characterized by an open and in depth
 The moderator focuses the discussion in either
Directive or non-directive manner.
 It is useful for both getting new idea on existing
product or screening idea/concepts.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 67

Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Problem Inventory Analysis:
 It is similar to focus group to generate new
product ideas.
 The difference is rather than generating new idea
themselves, consumers are provided with a list of
problems in general product category.
 It is a method of obtaining “New Idea” and
solutions by focusing on problems.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 68

Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Free Association:
 One of the simplest methods that entrepreneurs
can use to generate new ideas is free association.
 This technique is particularly helpful in developing
an entirely new slant to a problem.
 First, a word or phrase related to the problem is
written down, then another and another, with
each new word attempting to add something new
to the ongoing thought processes, thereby
creating a chain of ideas ending with a new
product/service idea emerging.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 69
Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Forced relationships:
 It is the process of forcing relationships among
some product combinations.
 It is a technique that asks questions about objects
or ideas in an effort to develop a new idea.

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Methods for Generating Business Ideas…
 Attribute Listing:
 It is an idea-finding technique that has the
entrepreneur list the attributes of an item or
problem and then look at each from a variety of
 Through this process, originally unrelated objects
can be brought together to form a new
combination and possibly a new product/service
that better satisfies a need.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 71

Business Idea Screening
 Idea screening is the process to spot good ideas and
eliminate poor one.
 Macro screening: is aimed screening down ideas to
10. And the common criteria are:
 Are my own competencies (see strength detector)
 Can I finance it to a large extent with my own
 Will people buy my product/service (i.e. is it
needed and can people afford it)?

Management Department, CoBE, HU 72

Business Idea Screening…
 Micro screening: is aimed screening down ideas into
3. The common criteria used for screening are:
 Solvent demand
 Availability of raw materials
 Availability of personal skills
 Availability of financial resources

Management Department, CoBE, HU 73

Business Idea Screening…
 Scoring the suitability of business idea:
 When there are more than one possible business
ideas and one needs to decide which one to
follow, we use score business ideas (e.g., BI1, BI2,
BI3) by assigning a rating from 1 to 3 for each
question, with 3 being the strongest.
 After we score the ideas we sum the total and
select the idea with the highest score.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 74

Business Idea Screening…
 Scoring the suitability of business idea: While to
answer the above questions, there are four
important groups that you should talk to:
 Potential customers
 Competitors, suppliers and entities with financial
 Financial institutions
 Key informants and opinion leaders

Management Department, CoBE, HU 75

Concept of Business Plan
 A business plan is a road map for starting and
running a business.
 It is the blueprint of the step-by-step procedure that
would be followed to convert a business idea into a
successful business venture.
 A well-crafted business plan identifies opportunities,
scans the external and internal environment to
assess the feasibility of business and allocates
resources in the best possible way.
 It provides information to all concerned people
about marketing, finance and operations issues.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 76
Concept of Business Plan…
 The objectives of a business plan are to:
 Give directions to the vision formulated by
 Objectively evaluate the prospects of business.
 Monitor the progress after implementing the plan.
 Persuade others to join the business.
 Seek loans from financial institutions
 Visualize the concept in terms of market availability,
organizational, operational and financial feasibility.
 Guide the entrepreneur in the actual implementation
of the plan.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 77
Concept of Business Plan…
 The objectives of a business plan are to:
 Identify the strengths and weakness of the plan.
 Identify challenges in terms of opportunities and
 Clarify ideas and identify gaps in management
information about their business, competitors and
the market.
 Identify the resources that would be required to
implement the plan.
 Document ownership arrangements, future prospects
and projected growths of the business venture.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 78

Developing a Business Plan
Business Planning Process

 Preliminary Investigation
 Review available business plans (if any).
 Draw key business assumptions on which the
plans will be based (e.g. inflation, exchange rates,
market growth, competitive pressures, etc.).
 Scan the external and internal environment to
assess the strengths, weakness, opportunities and
 Seek professional advice from a a person who is
already into similar business (if any).

Management Department, CoBE, HU 79

Business Planning Process…
 Opportunity Identification and Idea Generation
 This is the first stage of business planning process.
It involves generation of new concepts, ideas,
products or services to satisfy demand.
 Generation of an entirely new concept, product or
service, and incremental value addition to the
concept/product/ services offered to the
consumer, shareholder and employee).

Management Department, CoBE, HU 80

Business Planning Process…
 Environmental Scanning
 Analyze the prospective strengths, weakness,
opportunities and threats of the business
 Feasibility Analysis
 It is to be done to find whether the proposed
project would be feasible or not.
 It is carried out to assess the feasibility of the
project itself in a particular environment in greater

Management Department, CoBE, HU 81

Business Planning Process…
 Report Preparation
 It is a written document that describes step-by-
step, the strategies involved in starting and
running a business.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 82

Essential Components of Business Plan
 Cover Sheet:
 It is like the cover page of the book.
 It mentions the name of the project, address of
the headquarters (if any) and name and address of
the promoters.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 83

Essential Components of Business Plan…
 Executive Summary:
 It is the first impression about the business
 A careful presentation of information should be
done to attract the attention of the evaluators.
 It should be in brief (not more than two or three
pages) yet it should have all the factual details about
the project that can improve its marketability.
 It should briefly describe the company; mention
some financial figures and some salient features of
the project.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 84

Essential Components of Business Plan…
 The Business:
 This will give details a bout the business concept.
 It will discuss the objective of the business, a brief
history about the past performance of the
company (if it is an old company), what would be
the form of ownership (whether it would be a
single proprietor, partnership, cooperative society
or a company under company law).
 It would also label the address of the proposed

Management Department, CoBE, HU 85

Essential Components of Business Plan…
 Funding Requirement:
 Since the investors and financial institutions are one
of the key bodies examining the business plan report
and it is one of the primary objectives of preparing
the business plan report, a careful, well-planned
funding requirement should be documented.
 It is also necessary to project how these
requirements would be fulfilled.
 Debt equity ratio should be prepared, which can
give an indication about how much finance would
the company require and how it would like to fund
the project.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 86
Essential Components of Business Plan…
 The Plan: now the functional plans for marketing,
finance, human resources and operations are to be
 Marketing plan: marketing mix strategies are to be
drawn, based on the market research.
 Operational Plan: plant location, plan for material
requirements, inventory management and quality
 Organizational Plan: the pattern of flow of
responsibilities and duties, the manpower plan,
and the laws that would be governed in managing
the employees of the organization.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 87
Essential Components of Business Plan…
 Financial Plan: The financial plan is usually drawn
for two to five years for an existing company.
Projected Sales
 Projected Income and Expenditure Statement
 Projected Break Even Point
 Projected Profit and Loss Statement
 Projected Balance Sheet
 Projected Cash Flows
 Projected Funds Flow
 Projected Ratios
Management Department, CoBE, HU 88
Essential Components of Business Plan…
 Critical Risks:
 The investors are interested in knowing the
tentative risks to evaluate the viability of the
business and to measure the risks involved in the
 This can further give confidence to the investors
as they can calculate the risks involved in the
business from their perspectives as well.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 89

Essential Components of Business Plan…
 Exit Strategy:
 The exit strategies would provide details about
how the organization would be dissolved, what
would be the share of each stakeholder in case of
winding-up of the organization.
 It further helps in measuring the risks involved in
 Appendix:
 The appendix can provide information about the
Curriculum Vitae of the owners, Ownership
Agreement and the like.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 90
Essential Components of Business Plan…
 Critical Risks:
 The investors are interested in knowing the
tentative risks to evaluate the viability of the
business and to measure the risks involved in the
 This can further give confidence to the investors
as they can calculate the risks involved in the
business from their perspectives as well.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 91

Chapter Three

Business Formation
Chapter Objectives

 Explain the concept of business development;

 Identify the forms of business ownership;

 Analyze the importance/role of MSEs;

 Set up small scale business;

 Distinguish the failure and success factors of MSEs;

 Identify the problems of small scale business in Ethiopia

 Develop organizational culture.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 93

The Concept of Small Business Development

 Size and economic criteria are base to define small

 Qualitative characteristics are used to differentiate
small business from other business.
 The economic/control definition covers market
share, independence and personalized management.
 MSEs cover a wider spectrum of industries and play
an important role in both developed and developing
economies including Ethiopia.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 94

Forms of Businesses

 Three basic legal forms of businesses:

 Proprietorship - a business with single owner who
has unlimited liability, controls all decisions, and
receives all profits.
 Partnership - two or more individuals having
unlimited liability who have pooled resources to
own a business.
 Corporation - separate legal entity that is run by
stockholders having limited liability.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 95

Definition of MSEs

 There are two approaches to define small business

such as size and economic/control criteria.
 Size criteria: size refers to the scale of operation.
 Number of employees; volume, and value of sales
turnover, asset size, and volume of deposits, total
capital investment, volume/value of production,
and a combination of the stated factors can be
included under this criteria.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 96

Definition of MSEs…

 Criteria of Small Business Administration (SBA):

 Financing of the business is supplied by one
individual or a small group (more than 15 or 20
 Except for its marketing function, the firm’s
operations are geographically localized.
 Compared to the biggest firms in the industry, the
business is small.
 The number of employees in the business is usually
fewer than 100.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 97
Definition of MSEs…
 Economic/control criteria: the economic/control
definition covers:-
 Market Share: share of the market is that it is not
large enough to enable it to influence the prices of
national quantities of goods sold to any significant
 Independence: the owner has control of the
business himself/herself.
 Personalized management: the owner actively
participates in all aspects of the management and
all major decision-making.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 98
Definition of MSEs…
 Technology:- Small business is generally labor
intensive and only few are technology intensive.
 Geographical area of operation: - the area of
operation of a small firm is often local.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 99

Role of MSEs in Developing Countries

 Large employment opportunities: since MSEs are

labor-intensive, for every fixed amount of investment,
they provide employment for more persons as against
few persons in the large scale sector.
 Economical use of capital: MSEs need relatively small
amount of capital. Hence it is suitable to a country like
Ethiopia where capital is deficient.
 Balanced Regional Development: since many MSEs
are located in village and small towns, it is possible to
have a balanced regional growth of industries.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 100

Role of MSEs in Developing Countries…

 Equitable distribution of wealth and decentralization

of economic power: it removes the drawbacks of
capitalism, abnormal profiteering, concentration of
wealth and economic power in the hands of few etc.
 Balance unregulated growth of large scale industries:
income generated in a large number of small
enterprises is dispersed more widely and its benefit is
derived by the large segments of the society.
 Dispersal over wide areas: MSEs has a tendency to
disperse over wider areas and they play a key role in
the industrialization of a developing country.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 101
Role of MSEs in Developing Countries…

 Higher Standard of Living: MSEs bring higher national

income, higher purchasing power of people in rural
and semi-urban areas.
 Mobilization of Locals Resources: the spreading of
industries even in small towns and villages would
encourage the habit of thrift and investment among
the people of rural areas.
 Innovative and productive technology: new but
simple techniques of production can be adopted
more easily by MSEs without much investment.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 102

Role of MSEs in Developing Countries…
 Less dependence on foreign capital: MSEs use relatively
low proportion of imported equipment and materials.
 Promotion of self employment: MSEs foster individual
skill and initiative, and promote self-employment
particularly among the educated and professional class.
 Protection of environment: MSEs help to protect the
environment by reducing the problem of pollution.
 Shorter gestation period: In MSEs the time-lag between
the execution of the investment project and the start of
flow of consumable goods is relatively short.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 103

Role of MSEs in Developing Countries…

 Facilitate development of large scale enterprises:

MSEs support the development of large enterprises
by meeting their requirements of inputs of raw
materials, intermediate goods, spare parts etc. and
by utilizing their output for further production.
 Individual tastes, fashions, and personalized services:
they have the flexibility to adapt quickly to changes
in the business or technological environment.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 104

Classification of Micro and Small Enterprises

 Manufacturing Enterprise (Manufacturing,

Construction and Mining):
 Micro enterprise: total asset does not exceed Birr
100,000; and operates with 5 people including the
 Small enterprises: total asset of Birr and not more
than Birr 1.5 million; and operates with 6-30

Management Department, CoBE, HU 105

Classification of Micro and Small Enterprises…

 Service Enterprise (Retailing, Transport, Hotel and

Tourism, ICT and Maintenance):
 Micro enterprise: total asset is not exceeding Birr
50,000; and operates with 5 persons including the
owner of the enterprise.
 Small Enterprises: total asset of Birr 100,000 and
not more than Birr 1.5 million; and operates with
6-30 persons.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 106

Classification of Micro and Small Enterprises…

Level of the Sector Human Total Asset

Enterprise Power

Industry ≤5 ≤ Br. 100,000 ($6,000)

Service ≤5 ≤ Br. 50,000 ($3,000)
Industry 6 - 30 ≤ Br. 1.5 million ($9,000)
Service 6 - 30 ≤ Br. 500,000 ($30,000)

Management Department, CoBE, HU 107

Priority Sectors for MSEs Engagement In Ethiopia

 Manufacturing : textile and garment; leather and

leather products; food processing and beverage;
metal works and engineering; wood works including
furniture and ornaments service; and agro-processing.
 Construction: sub-contracting; building materials;
traditional mining works; cobble
stone; infrastructure sub-contract; and prestigious
 Trade: whole sale of domestic products; retail sale of
domestic products and raw materials supply.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 108

Priority Sectors for MSEs Engagement In Ethiopia…

 Service: small and rural transport service; café and

restaurants; store service; tourism service;
canning/packing service; management service;
municipality service; project engineering service;
product design and development service;
maintenance service; beauty salon; and electronics
software development; decoration and internet café.
 Urban agriculture: modern livestock raring; bee
production; poultry; modern forest development;
vegetables and fruits; modern irrigation; and animal
food processing.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 109
Levels of MSEs in Ethiopia

 Start-up: incorporating interested and skillful

diversified people; innovated by legally either in the
form of association or private; and beginning of
production and service under legal entity.
 Growth: competent in price, quality and supply,
profitable using the support provided, the enterprise
man power and total asset is larger than at startup
level; and use book keeping system.
 Maturity: the enterprise able to be profitable and
invest further by fulfilling the definition given to the
sector and using the support provided.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 110
Levels of MSEs in Ethiopia…

 Growth: an enterprise is said to be transformed from

small to medium level of growth is when it enabled
to be competent in price, quality and supply using
the support given to the level.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 111

Steps for Setting up the Entrepreneurial Venture

 The entrepreneurial process of launching a new

venture can be divided into three key stages of:
Discovery; Evaluation; and Implementation.
 These can be further sub-divided into seven steps:

Management Department, CoBE, HU 112

Steps for Setting up the Entrepreneurial Venture…

 Discovery: with creative thinking identify

opportunities that may form the basis of an
entrepreneurial venture.
 Step 1: discovering your entrepreneurial potential,
and know your personal resources and attributes
through some self-evaluation:
 What will you bring to the venture?
 What are your strengths and challenges?
 Step 2: Identify a problem and potential solution.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 113

Steps for Setting up the Entrepreneurial Venture…

 Evaluation: evaluates if the selected ideas up to a

feasible business.
 Step 3: evaluating the idea as a business
 Find out information about the market need.
 Is the solution to this problem really wanted by
enough customers?
 Investigate the feasibility of the proposed
solution (technically, economically, socially, and
Management Department, CoBE, HU 114
Steps for Setting up the Entrepreneurial Venture…

 Step 4: Investigating and gathering the resources.

 How will the product/service get to market?
 How will it make money?
 What resources are required?
 Exploitation: make the final preparations and launch it
into the market.
 Step 5: forming the enterprise to create value.
 Set up a business entity with minimized risk and
maximized returns and protect intellectual
Management Department, CoBE, HU 115
Steps for Setting up the Entrepreneurial Venture…

 Step 6: implementing the entrepreneurial strategy

– activate the marketing, operating, and financial
 Step 7: Planning the future – look ahead and
visualize where you want to go.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 116

Small Business Failure Factors

 Inadequate management: related to adequate

capital, cash flow, facilities/equipment inventory
control, human resources, leadership, organizational
structure, and accounting systems.
 Financing: inadequate financing can be caused by
improper managerial control as well as shortage of
 Neglect: not pay a due attention to the enterprise.
 Fraud: intentional misrepresentation or deception.
 Disaster: some unforeseen happening.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 117
Small Business Success Factors

 Conducive environment: political, economic,

technological and socio-cultural factors.
 Adequate credit assistance: adequate and timely
supply of credit is critical for new entrepreneurs to
emerge especially from a wide base.
 Markets and marketing support: take an active part
in marketing specific products or assisting small
groups of entrepreneurs in selling their products.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 118

Main Supporting Packages for MSEs Development in Ethiopia

 Providing awareness creation about the sector;

 Provision of legal services to form legal business
 Providing Technical and business management
 Financial support based on personal saving, 20/80.
 Facilitate working premises; industry extinction, BDS
provision; bookkeeping and audit services.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 119

Problems of Small Scale Business in Ethiopia

 Lack of adequate finance and credit has always been

a major problem.
 Difficult to get raw materials of good quality at
reasonable prices in the field of production.
 The techniques of production, which the enterprises
have adopted, are usually outdated.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 120

Organizational Structure and Entrepreneurial Team Formation

 Designing the Organization:

 Organization structure: this defines members’ jobs
and the communication and relationship these
jobs have with each other. These relationships are
depicted in an organization chart.
 Planning, measurement, and evaluation schemes:
reflect the goals and objectives that underlie the
venture’s existence, and spell out how these goals
will be achieved, how they will be measured, and
how they will be evaluated.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 121

Designing the Organization…

 Rewards: rewards in the form of promotions,

bonuses, praise, and so on. The entrepreneur or
other key managers will need to be responsible for
these rewards.
 Selection criteria: the entrepreneur will need to
determine a set of guidelines for selecting
individuals for each position.
 Training: training, on or off the job, must be
specified. This training may be in the form of formal
education or learning skills.

Management Department, CoBE, HU 122

Building the Management Team

 The entrepreneur’s desired culture must match the

business strategy outlined in the business plan.
 The leader of the organization must create a
workplace where employees are motivated and
rewarded for good work.
 The entrepreneur should be flexible enough to try
different things.
 It is necessary to spend extra time in hiring process.
 The entrepreneur needs to understand the
significance of leadership in the organization.
Management Department, CoBE, HU 123

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