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International Financial

Reporting Standards
Sub: Financial Reporting and Analysis

Course : B.COM (H)

Semester : VI
Teacher: Beenu
Learning Outcomes

• Introduction to IFRS
• IND -AS/Converged IFRS
• Benefits of Adopting IFRS
• Challenges of Adopting IFRS
• Difference between GAAP & IFRS
Introduction To IFRS

• IFRS refers to International Financial Reporting

Standards issued by International Accounting
Standard Board(IASB).
• IFRS are a set of International Accounting
Standards guiding how to record and report
particular transactions and events in financial
IND -AS/Converged IFRS

• In India ,IFRS has been adopted and made

mandatory w.e.f. April 1,2016
• IND -AS refers to Indian version of IFRS.
• India has decided to converge with IFRS instead
of adopting it in its original form.
Benefits of Adopting IFRS

• Financial Statements as per global standards.

• Multiple reporting can be avoided.
• Improve cross- border investment.
• High quality and easy comparison,of financial
• Transparency in reporting of financial statements.
• Higher level of Consistency.
Benefits of Adopting IFRS

• Benchmarking will become easy.

• High Standards of financial disclosure.
• Raise reputation and relationship of Indian
corporate world with international financial
• Enhance performance of economy at large.
• Easy in raising capital from outside the country at
low cost.
Challenges of Adopting IFRS

• Increased cost of adoption.

• Lack of Skilled resources.
• Difficulty in completing the changed regulatory
• Multi-regulatory nature of country.
• Challenges for small and medium accounting
Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP)
• GAAP provides the rules of action and conduct for
Principles of accounting.
• Generally accepted accounting principles, or
GAAP, are a set of rules that encompass the
details, complexities, and legalities of business
and corporate accounting. The Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) uses GAAP as
the foundation for its comprehensive set of
approved accounting methods and practices.
Difference between GAAP &
Nature • GAAP are in the • IFRS are in the nature
nature of "Rules" to of "Principles" to be
be followed in followed in
preparation of preparation of
financial statements. financial statements.

• FASB is the authority • International

responsible for Accounting Standard
developing GAAP. Board deveops the
Issuing IFRS
Difference between GAAP & IFRS
• Three • Only FIFO and
Inventory methods used weighted
Valuation ie.LIFO,FIFO Average
and weighted method can be
Average. used.
• GAAP, the
research is • IFRS, the
more focused review of the
Methodology on the
facts pattern is
literature more
Financial Reporting and Analysis,Dr.
Priyanka Ostwal,Dr Sakshi Sharma

• Financial Reporting and Analysis by Meenu
Gupta,Hersheen Kaur,Rekha Gupta.

The End...

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