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Thales of Miletus

Where and when was your mathematician born? If

your mathematician is not alive, when did they die?

Thales is a Greek mathematician, Thales was born in Miletus, Turkey, and it was
believed that he was in born in the year 624 BCE or 620 BCE, and he died in 548
BCE or in 545 BCE he also died in Miletus, Turkey (the place he was born in).

Fun fact: Thales was able to use his math and science skills to predict solar
eclipses, which the eclipse occurred on May 28, 585 B.C.E.
What was an interesting fact did you learn about your
mathematician’s childhood (Ex. favourite hobbies,
interesting experiences, famous relatives etc.)

Thales was interested in many subjects such as philosophy, history, science, math,
engineering, geography, and politics. During his free time, he enjoyed solving problems
and creating theories.

One of his successful theorem was the Thales' theorem, which states that if A, B, and C
are points on a circle with diameter AC, then angle ∠ ABC is a right angle.

Thales also had a student named Anaximander. It is said that Thales also met
Pythagoras in Miletus when he was 18 to 20 years old. Thales and his student
(Anaximander) influenced Pythagoras to invent his theorem.
Where did your mathematician go to school? What was their
education like?

Thales went to Egypt and studied with the preachers about geometry, where he learned of mathematical
inventions and brought this knowledge back to Greece. Thales also did geometrical exploration and, using
triangles, and applied his understanding of figure to calculate the distance from shore of boats at sea. This was
important to the Greeks, whether the boats were coming to trade or to do battle.

Thales is also given credit for the discovery of A circle is bisected by its diameter, Angles opposite two equal
sides of a triangle are equal, Opposite angles of two intersecting angles are equal, An angle inscribed in a
semicircle is a right-angled triangle We can determine a triangle if we have the length of its base and two
angles at the base are given. His education was tough because before common era there was no technology, so
he had to create his own theories and teach himself and pursue higher education in Egypt.
How did their education affect their math career

Thales’ time in Egypt likely introduced him to geometry, a field in which he made important attempts.
He is given credit for five theorems of elementary geometry. He is said to have used geometry to
calculate the heights of pyramids. Not only that, but he also used trigonometry to measure the
distances of ships at sea.
Thales’ education may have influenced affected his approach to mathematics as a field of logical
reasoning and proof. Thales’ mathematical contributions laid the groundwork for future
mathematicians and philosophers like people such as Pythagoras. His methods and theories were
passed down to his successors, influencing the development of mathematics which still impacts
students around the world today, learning his theorems etc…
What contributions did your mathematician make to the field of mathematics?
a. Did they solve an “unsolvable” problem?
b. Did they invent any famous formulas or theories?

While Thales didn't solve an“ unsolvable” issue in his lifetime, he laid the foundation for future mathematical findings.
While Thales invented a lot of famous theorems and formulas, such as any diameter bisects a circle. The base angles of
an isosceles triangle are equal. The angles between two intersecting straight lines are equal. Two triangles are congruent
if they have two angles and one side equal. An angle in a semicircle is a right angle.

Also, he used geometry to calculate the height of the pyramid and the distance between the ship and the shore. Thales
made four conclusions based on his theorem, which was the earliest use of reasoning in geometry… This theorem states
that if A, B, and C are points on a circle where the line segment BC is the diameter of the circle, then angle BAC is a
right angle. He also made many theories such as about the cause of earthquakes is consistent with his hypothesis that
earth floats upon water etc…
Did your mathematician win any awards or
was recognized for something? If not, what
should they have been recognized for?

Thales is recognized for many things, but he is mostly recognized In mathematics, Thales is credited
with five main theorems: any diameter bisects a circle. The base angles of an isosceles triangle are
equal. The opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines are equal. An angle inscribed inside a
semicircle is a right angle. A triangle is determined if its base and the two angles at the base are
given. Thales is often recognized as the first philosopher in the Greek tradition, as well as the father
of science. He is known for his belief that the world can be understood through logic thought and
observation. There weren't awards in BCE (before common era) but if there was he would've got alot
of the awards for all of his accomplishments for what he did in his time.
Was your mathematician famous for anything outside
of the world of mathematics?

Thales was popular for many things besides of being a mathematician, Thales was an
astronomer who predicted the weather and a solar eclipse! Thales is remembered for his
cosmology based on water as the essence of all matter, with Earth a flat disk floating on a vast
sea It is also said that Thales was an engineer and credited with diverting the Hayls river. He is
also famous for teaching a famous person Pythagoras, he guided him to create the Pythagoras
theorem which is still used today!
How did your mathematician's contributions affect the world or other mathematicians? [3]
a. Are their contributions still used today?
b. Did other mathematicians use their work for their own research?
c. Do we use their contributions/discoveries in our everyday lives?

Thales’ ideas have had a big impact on the world and other mathematicians. He founded the Milesian
school of natural philosophy, developed the scientific method, and started the first Western
enlightenment. His guesses were accurate. His ideas are still used today. Today, we still use five
theorems to Thales These theorems have changed math and are still basic to learn. Other
mathematicians have used Thales’ work for their own research. His ideas and methods helped others
for future mathematics. People use Thales work, in everyday life. For example, his work on using
geometry to calculate the heights of pyramids and the distance of ships from the shore, and he
created the basics of architecture and navigation. His work on predicting weather meteorologist he
made the groundwork for all different types of jobs.
Why did you choose this mathematician? Why are they
important to you?

I selected Thales because he was a new mathematician, and he was a popular person, but I
didn't know much about him but until I did this assignment I learned he was such an inspiring
person and loved math and science which I really like, and I learned all the things he did
before common era before technology existed and made a lot of accomplishments and even
taught Pythagoras. Overall, I selected Thales because he was an inspiring person.
● Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Thales of Miletus". Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 Jul. 2023, Accessed 19 September 2023.
● Pythagoras - Biography. Maths History. (n.d.).
● Thales: Life: Philosophy: Thales Theorem. Cuemath. (n.d.).
● Thales of Miletus (c. 620 B.C.E.—c. 546 B.C.E.). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (n.d.).,The%20Eclipse%20of%20Thales,on%2028%20May%2058
Citation continued

● "Thales." Famous Scientists. 22 Jan. 2015. Web.

9/20/2023 <>.
● O’Grady, P. (n.d.). Thales of Miletus (c. 620 B.C.E.—c. 546 B.C.E.). Internet encyclopedia of
● Rusu, L. (2023, May 8). How Thales of miletus changed the world. ZME Science.

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