Session 01 - Project Management Overview and Project Management

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Course : MGMT8003-Project and Change

Effective Period : September 2016

Project Management Overview

and Project Management

Session 01
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Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
Advantages of Project Management
 Better control of financial, physical and human resources.
 Improved customer relations.
 Shorter development times
 Lower costs and improved productivity
 Higher quality and increased reliability
 Higher profit margin
 Better internal coordination
 Positive impact on meeting strategic goals
 Higher worker morale
What is a Project?
Process Project
 Ongoing, day-to-day  Take place outside the
activities process world
 Use existing systems,  Unique and separate from
properties, and capabilities normal organization work

A project is “a temporary endeavor

undertaken to create a unique product,
service, or result.”

Slide 5
Project Attributes
• A project:
– Has a unique purpose
– Is temporary
– Is developed using progressive elaboration
– Requires resources, often from various areas
– Should have a primary customer or sponsor
• The project sponsor usually provides the direction
and funding for the project
– Involves uncertainty
Project and Program Managers
• Project managers work with project sponsors, the project
team, and other people involved in a project to meet
project goals
• Program: group of related projects managed in a
coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not
available from managing them individually (PMBOK®
Guide, Fourth Edition, 2008, p. 9)
• Program managers oversee programs; often act as bosses
for project managers
The Triple Constraint of Project Management

Successful project
management means
meeting all three goals
(scope, time, and cost)
– and satisfying the
project’s sponsor!
What is Project Management?
Project management is
 the application of knowledge, skill, tools, and techniques
to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholders’
needs and expectations from a project

Project Management Institute, Inc. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Third Edition (PMBOK Guide 2004)
Project Management Framework
Nine Knowledge Areas Core To ols and
Techniques Project 1
Functions Project 2
Project 3
Scope Time Cost Quality
Project 4
Management Management Management Management

Project Integration Management
Stakeholder s’
needs and
expectations Procurement
HR Communication Risk
Management Management Management Management

Facilitating Functions
9 Project Management Knowledge Areas
• Knowledge areas describe the key competencies
that project managers must develop
– 4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project
objectives (scope, time, cost, and quality)
– 4 facilitating knowledge areas are the means through
which the project objectives are achieved (human
resources, communication, risk, and procurement
– 1 knowledge area (project integration management)
affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge
– All knowledge areas are important!

Project Management Tools
and Techniques
• Project management tools and techniques assist
project managers and their teams in various aspects of
project management
• Some specific ones include:
– Project charter, scope statement, and WBS (scope)
– Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis,
critical chain scheduling (time)
– Cost estimates and earned value management (cost)
Project Management Tools and Techniques

K. Areas/Category Tools and Techniques

Integration PM methodologies, stakeholder analysis, project charters, PM plans,
Management project review, change requests, CCB, lessons-learned report
Scope Mgmt Scope statements, WBS, SOW, requirement analysis, scope mgmt plans,
scope change control, scope verification
Time Management Gantt charts, network diagrams, CP analysis, schedule performance
Cost Management NPV, ROI, payback analysis, earned value mgmt, project portfolio mgmt,
cost estimates, cost mgmt plans, cost baselines
Quality Mgmt Quality metric, checklists, QC charts, Pareto / fishbone diagram, etc
HR Management Motivation techniques, team building, project organizational charts, RACI
*charts, resource histograms
Communications Communications mgmt plans, kick-off meetings, conflict mgmt, media
Management selection, status and progress reports, project web sites
Risk Management Risk management plans, probability/impact matrices, risk ranking
Procurement Mgmt Make or buy analysis, RFP or RFQ, contracts, supplier evaluation
* RACI: Responsibility , Accountability, Consultation and Informed roles
Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
Program and Project Portfolio Management

• A program is “a group of related projects managed in a

coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available
from managing them individually” (PMBOK® Guide, Fourth
Edition, 2008, p. 9)
• A program manager provides leadership and direction for the
project managers heading the projects within the program
• Examples of common programs in the IT field include
infrastructure, applications development, and user support
Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
The Role of the Project Manager
 Job descriptions vary, but most include responsibilities like
planning, scheduling, coordinating, and working with people to
achieve project goals
 Remember that 97% of successful projects were led by
experienced project managers, who can often help influence
success factors
Different Skills Needed in Different
• Large projects: leadership, relevant prior experience, planning,
people skills, verbal communication, and team-building skills
were most important
• High uncertainty projects: risk management, expectation
management, leadership, people skills, and planning skills were
most important
• Very novel projects: leadership, people skills, having vision
and goals, self confidence, expectations management, and
listening skills were most important
The Project Management Institute
• The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international
professional society for project managers founded in 1969
• PMI has continued to attract and retain members, reporting
277,221 members worldwide by August 31, 2008
• There are specific interest groups in many areas, like
engineering, financial services, health care, IT, etc.
• Project management research and certification programs
continue to grow

Students can join PMI at a reduced fee (see for details)
PM Body of Knowledge
 A project management guideline established in the 1990s
 Has become one of the leading references for project
 PMI describes the purpose of the guide is to “identify and
describe that subset of the Project Management Body of
Knowledge that is generally accepted¹”
 Formal certification (and recertification) of project
o PMPs (Project Management Professional)
o CAPMs (Certified Associate in Project Management)
 See
Project Management Certification
• PMI provides formal certification and recertification of
project managers:
– PMPs (Project Management Professional)
– CAPMs (Certified Associate in Project Management)
• A PMP has documented sufficient project experience,
agreed to follow a code of ethics, and passed the PMP exam
• The number of people earning PMP certification is
increasing quickly
• PMI and other organizations offer additional certification
programs (see Appendix B)
Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
Organizational Structures

• 3 basic organization structures

– Functional: functional managers report to the
– Project: program managers report to the CEO
– Matrix: middle ground between functional
and project structures; personnel often report
to two or more bosses; structure can be weak,
balanced, or strong matrix
Organizational Structure Influences on Projects
Project Organizational Structure Type
Functional Matrix Project
Weak Matrix Balanced Strong
Matrix Matrix
Project manager’s Little or none Limited Low to Moderate High to
authority Moderate to high almost total
Percent of Virtually none 0-25% 15-60% 50-95% 85-100%
personnel assigned
full-time to project
Who controls the Functional Functional Mixed Project Project
project budget manager manager manager manager
Project manager’s Part-time Part-time Full-time Full-time Full-time
Common title for Project Project Project Project Project
project manager’s Coordinator/ Coordinator/ Manager/ Manager/ Manager/
role Project Leader Project Project Program Program
Leader Officer Manager Manager
Project management Part-time Part-time Part-time Full-time Full-time
administrative staff
PMBOK Guide, 2000, 19, and PMBOK Guide 2004, 28.
Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
Project Stakeholders

Project Team Internal/External


Client’s Project Corporate

(Owner Client) Manager Management

Non Team Members

interested in or having
Project Manager’s Team Members
input in Project Manager Manager

Fill out the name of stakeholders in the following mind map to show the relationship of yourself
to the know and potential stakeholders of the project.
Stakeholder Management
• Project managers must take time to identify, understand, and
manage relationships with all project stakeholders
• Using the four frames of organizations can help meet
stakeholder needs and expectations
• Senior executives/top management are very important
Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle

• A project life cycle is a collection of project

phases that defines:
– What work will be performed in each phase
– What deliverables will be produced and when
– Who is involved in each phase
– How management will control and approve work
produced in each phase
• A deliverable is a product or service produced
or provided as part of a project
Product Life Cycles
• Products also have life cycles
• The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework
for describing the phases involved in developing and
maintaining information systems
• Systems development projects can follow
– Predictive life cycle: the scope of the project can be clearly
articulated and the schedule and cost can be predicted
– Adaptive Software Development (ASD) life cycle:
requirements cannot be clearly expressed, projects are
mission driven and component based, using time-based
cycles to meet target dates

Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process

 Project and Project Management

 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
Project Management Process Groups
• A process is a series of actions directed toward a
particular result
• Project management can be viewed as a number of
interlinked processes
• The project management process groups include:
i. Initiating processes
ii. Planning processes
iii. Executing processes
iv. Monitoring and controlling processes
v. Closing processes
Mapping the Process Groups to the
Knowledge Areas
• You can map the main activities of each PM process
group into the nine knowledge areas using the PMBOK®
Guide 2008
• Note that there are activities from each knowledge area
under the planning and monitoring and controlling
process groups
• Two new processes were added in 2008: identify
stakeholders and collect requirements

Project Management Overview and Project
Management Process
 Project and Project Management
 Program and Portfolio Management
 Role of Project Manager
 Understanding Organization
 Stakeholder Management
 Project Phases and Project Life Cycle
 Project Management Process Groups
 IT Project Management Methodology
IT Project Management Methodology
• Just as projects are unique, so are approaches to project
• Many organizations develop their own project management
methodologies, especially for IT projects
• A methodology describes how things should be done; a
standard describes what should be done
• PRINCE2, Agile, RUP, and Six Sigma provide different project
management methodologies

PRINCE2: Project IN Controlled Environments

RUP: Rational Unified Process
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