Evolution 24

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Class XII
Origin of life - abiogenesis and biogenesis,

effect of oxygen on evolution to show that reducing atmosphere is essential

for abiotic synthesis.

Important views on the origin of life, modern concept of origin of life, Oparin
Haldane theory, definition of protobionts, coacervates, vestigial organs;
Miller and Urey experiment.

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Evolution is the sequence of gradual changes
from simple life to complex life forms, i.e. from
primitive organisms that lived over millions of
years ago to new organisms that exist today.
Human beings are the most recent and most highly
evolved among these organisms.
Origin of Universe

The universe is about 15-20 billion years old. It comprises of huge clusters of
galaxies, which contains stars, clouds of gas and dust. According to the Big Bang
theory given by Abbe Lemaitre (1931), our universe arose as cataclysmic eruption.
The temperature lowered and the gases like hydrogen and helium were formed
sometimes later. By the force of gravitation, the gases condensed and galaxies were

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Origin of Earth

Earth was supposed to have been formed about 4.5 billion years back in the solar
system of our milky way galaxy. Its surface was covered with water vapour,
methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia released from molten mass. Then, later on
the water molecules were broken into hydrogen and oxygen by UV-rays of the sun.
The lighter hydrogen gas escaped from the surface while oxygen combined with
other compounds. Subsequently, the ozone layer was formed. As it cooled, the water
vapour fell as rain and filled all depressions to form oceans and other waterbodies.

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Origin of Life

The origin of life on the earth took place million of years ago and the study of
history of life forms on the earth is called evolutionary biology. The history of life
actually comprises of two events, i.e. firstly origin of life and secondly the
mechanism involved in the changes of living organisms through time or evolution
of life. The origin of life is considered a unique event in the history of universe.

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Life on Earth appeared 500 million years after its formation, about 4 billion years ago. In
order to explain origin of life on the Earth, different theories were given by different
thinkers and scientists. They are

1. Theory of Special Creation states that God has created life by his divine act of
creation, i.e. the Earth, light, plants and animals are all being created by the
supernatural power. This theory has three connotations

(i) All living organisms or species that we see today were created as such

(ii) Diversity was always the same since creation and will remain same in future also.
2. Theory of Catastrophism was supported by Cuvier(1769-1832). This theory states
that the world has passed through many ages. A catastrophic event at the end of each age
killed most of the living beings and at beginning of next age new creation evolved. Cuvier
collected many fossils in support of this theory.

3. Theory of Panspermia was proposed by Arrhenius. This theory states that life on the
earth was infected with resistant spores from advanced civilization on other planets in
our galaxy. These spores were called panspermia and they could travel freely in space.

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5. Theory of Spontaneous Generation states that life originated from non-living matter
automatically/abiogenetically, i.e., without the intervention of living things. . This theory is also known as
theory of abiogenesis or autogenesis.

• Greek philosopher Anaximander (611-547 B.C.) maintained that plants and animals were formed from
inorganic substances.

• Epicurus (342-271 B.C.) advocated the origin of worms and several other animals from the soil or manure
by the action of warmth of the Sun and air.

• Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) believed that life arose spontaneously.

• This theory was supported by Van Helmont (1577-1644) who claimed that mice were formed from a dirty
sweat-soaked shirt when put in dirty barn in dark for 21 days.

• He was of the opinion that human sweat and wheat bran when kept together for three weeks can form mice.

Louis Pasteur (in 1860) rejected the theory of spontaneous generation and demonstrated that life came from
pre-existing life.

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