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Role of Community Health Nurse

in Occupational Health
Prepared by
Krupa Mathew.M,
Assistant Professor
• "Occupational health should aim at the promotion and
maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental
and social well-being of workers in all occupations
• “To summarize, the adaptation of work to man and of
each man to his job”.
• The Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational
Acc to Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational
•The maintenance and promotion of workers health and
working capacity
•The improvement of working environment and work to
become conducive to safety and health
•Development of work organizations and working cultures in a
direction which supports health and safety at work and in
doing so also promotes a positive social climate and smooth
operation and may enhance productivity of the undertakings.

The occupational hazards are

•Physical hazards
•Chemical hazards
•Biological hazards
•Mechanical hazards
•Psychosocial hazards
I. Disease Due To Physical Agent
– Heat – Heat hyperpyrexia, heat exhaustion, heat syncope,
heat cramps, burns and local effects such as prickly heat
– Cold – Trench foot, frost bite, child blains
– Light – Occupational cataract, minor nystagmus
– Pressure – Caisson disease, air embolism, blast(explosion)
– Noise – Occupational deafness
– Radiation – Cancer, leukaemia, aplastic anaemia,
– Mechanical factors – Injuries, accidents
– Electricity – Burns
II. Disease Due To Chemical Agent

1. Gases - CO2, CO, HCN, CS2, NH2, N2, H2S,

HCL, and SO2 these cause gas poisoning
2. Dusts (pneumoconiosis)
I) Organic (vegetable dust)
•Cane Fiber – Bagassosis
•Cotton Dust – Byssinosis
•Tobacco – Tobacosis
•Hay or grain dust – Farmers lung
II) Inorganic dust:
•Coal dust – Anthracosis
•Silica – Silicosis
•Asbestos – Asbestosis, cancer lung
•Iron – Siderosis
3. Metals and their compounds:
Toxic hazards from lead, mercury, cadmium,
manganese, beryllium, arsenic, chromium.
4. Chemicals
Acids, alkalies, pesticides
5. Solvents
Carbon bisulphide, chloroform, benzene, trichloroethylene,
choloroform, etc
III. Disease Due To Biological Agent
•Fungal Infection.
IV. Occupational Cancer
•Cancer of the skin, lungs, bladder
V. Occupational Dermatitis
•Dermatitis, eczema
VI. Disease of Psychological Origin
•Industrial neurosis, hypertension, peptic ulcer.
Role of Community Health Nurse
o Primary prevention
o Emergency care
o Treatment services
o Nursing diagnosis
o Individual and group care plan
o General Health advice and health assessment
o Research and the use of evidence based practice
 Occupational health policy, and practice development, implementation
and evaluation
Occupational health assessment
Health surveillance
Sickness absence management
Maintenance of work ability
Health and safety
Hazard identification
Risk assessment
Advice on control strategies
Research and the use of evidence based practice
 Management
 Administration
 Budget planning
 Marketing
 Service level agreements
 Quality assurance
 Professional audit
 Continuing Professional development
 Occupational health team
 Worker education and training Environmental
health management
To management and staff on issues related to
workplace health management and Agencies
Health educator
 Workplace Health promotion
 Counsellor
 Counselling and reflective listening skills
 Problem solving skills
 Health needs assessment
 Research skills
 Evidence based practice
 Epidemiology

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