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At the end of this lesson students should be able to:

 List and explain community resources for the promotion of mental health
 List and explain the roles of midwives

◦ Mental health promotion involves actions to strengthen the policy environment and the use of
strategic communication for network building, stakeholder engagement, enhanced mental
health literacy, and behavior change.

◦ Mental health promotion interventions improve overall wellbeing and are delivered in the
settings where people live, work, learn, and thrive. These include school and workplace mental
health programs, early childhood interventions, social support and community engagement,
women empowerment, anti-discrimination programs, and other interventions that address the
social determinants of mental health. In order to maximize impact, mental health promotion
activities must be linked closely with mental health services, and engage a variety of health
and non-health (e.g. education, labor, social welfare, justice, environment, etc.) sectors.
◦ There are numerous community resources available for the promotion of mental health. Some of these
resources include:
1. Mental health clinics and counseling centers: These facilities provide professional counseling
services, therapy, and support groups for individuals dealing with mental health issues.
2. Non-profit organizations: Many non-profit organizations focus on promoting mental health and
provide various services such as education, awareness campaigns, and support groups. Examples include
the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Mental Health America (MHA).
3. Hotlines and helplines: Hotlines like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK),
Crisis Text Line (text HOME to 741741), and local helplines provide immediate support and help for
individuals in crisis.
4. Community centers: Local community centers often offer mental health programs, workshops, and
support groups that promote mental well-being. These centers may organize activities such as yoga,
meditation, and stress management classes.
5. Peer support groups: Peer-led support groups connect individuals who are facing similar mental health
challenges. These groups provide a space for sharing experiences, learning coping strategies, and fostering
a sense of community.
6. Online resources: The Internet offers a wide range of resources, including mental health websites,
forums, blogs, and online therapy platforms. These resources provide information, self-help tools, and
connections to mental health professionals.
7. School counseling services: Educational institutions often have counseling services that provide
support to students dealing with mental health issues. They may offer individual counseling, group
sessions, and referrals to specialists if needed.
8. Workplace programs: Some workplaces offer employee assistance programs (EAPs), which provide
resources, counseling, and support for employees dealing with mental health challenges.
9. Religious or faith-based organizations: Churches, temples, mosques, and other religious institutions
may offer counseling programs, support groups, and pastoral care services for individuals seeking mental
health support within a faith context.
10. Social service agencies: Local social service agencies may provide mental health support, including
case management, assistance with accessing resources, and referrals to mental health professionals.
◦ It is important to remember that these resources can vary depending on the region. Local directories,
government websites, and community health centers are good places to find specific resources available
in a particular area.
◦ Midwives are health care providers trained to provide safe and supportive care during pregnancy and
childbirth. However, their roles are not just limited to reproductive health. Midwives also play a
significant role in the community resources for the promotion of mental health. Some of their specific
roles include:

1. Screening for mental health issues: During prenatal and postpartum care, midwives can screen for
mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders. Midwives can recognize
symptoms, provide support and referral to other healthcare providers as needed.

2. Emotional support and counseling: Midwives provide continuity of care throughout the pregnancy,
childbirth, and postpartum period, creating a close relationship and trust with their clients. They can
provide emotional support by actively listening, validating concerns, providing empathy and responsive
counseling to help with their client's mental well-being.
3. Providing information and education: Midwives can provide resources and information to
clients on mental health concerns, such as postpartum depression, anxiety, and coping mechanisms.
They can also refer clients to appropriate support groups, workshops, and other community-based

4. Referral to specialists: Midwives can refer clients to mental health specialists, such as
psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists, when necessary. Early identification of mental health
problems and referral to appropriate specialists can prevent further complications.

5. Advocacy for maternal mental health: Midwives can advocate for maternal mental health
policies and practices by partnering with organizations, raising awareness, and advancing
community-based mental health promotion initiatives.

Overall, midwives can play a crucial role in the promotion of mental health within the
community by providing holistic and caring support to clients beyond the reproductive period.
◦ Community resources for mental health can provide valuable support and assistance to
individual who may be facing mental health challenges. These resources can include
counselling centres ,support groups etc as they provide services like therapy and medication
◦ midwives play a valuable role in community resources for mental health..The midwife can
offer emotional support to individual experiencing mental health challenges related to
pregnancy by integrating mental health support into their care

◦ Community Interventions to Promote Mental Health and Social Equity

Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2019; 21(5): 35.Published online 2019 Mar 29. doi: 10.1007/s11920-019-1017-0
PMCID: PMC6440941 PMID: 30927093

◦ Ross-Davie M, Elliot S, Sakara A, Green L ( 2006). A Public Health Role In Perinatal Mental Health: Are
Midwives Ready? British Journal Of Midwifery: 14:6 330-334.

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