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Summer Internship Program

Project Title : Promotional Activities to Increase Product Awareness & Engagement through
Public Relations Strategy

Presented by : Aditya Kumar MBA(ABM)IABM BIKANER

Flow of Presentation

Company Research
Profile Timeline Methodology Learnings

About Objective Findings Glimpse

project &
About Us
Incorporated in 1992, Best Agrolife Ltd. has been servicing the agrochemical industry of India and
international markets, with its niche product offerings. A research-driven organization, Best Agrolife
Ltd. aims to offer high-quality, innovative, effective crop-protection and food safety solutions to our
farmer and serve the globe through agriculture.
With a wide range of product offerings starting from Technical, Intermediates & novel Formulations in
the form of Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Plant-Growth Regulators, and Public Health Products,
Best Agrolife Limited team creates efficient agro solutions for the clients by carefully observing the
market, closely monitoring the on-field trends, understanding their requirements and surpassing their
expectations. Our products are well-researched, economically priced, easily accessible Pan-India, and
expanding reach globally.


TOP 15
5200+Distributors Network Robust R& D AGROCHEMICAL
“At Best Agrolife Limited, we commit ourselves to optimize
opportunities essential to each farmer in their support by offering cost-
effective, high-yielding products. We want them to make the most of
every acre. Our focus is on newer chemistry to facilitate an edge to drive
synergy in the way agriculture is being done”
We take pride in creating game changing formulation for
addressing better farm solutions. We strive to contribute to all
stakeholders through our business activities and promote a
corporate culture that the community can trust. - Mr. Vimal
Kumar, Managing Director, Best Agrolife Ltd.

Innovation Environment, Health &

We constantly strive Safety
A team of dynamic
to redefine the We commit to safeguarding
individuals we are eager
standard of the environment to assure
to learn, curious to
excellence in the health and safety of our
pursue, and lead the way
everything we do. employees, consumers,
for others in the industry.
stakeholder and others.

Farmer First
Quality Customer Focus
We work toward uplifting
We at Best Agrolife Ltd. We aim to deliver
farmers and bring
take pride in providing high- exceptional agrochemical
economic equality by
value products ensuring products and unique
emphasizing community
high-quality checks to assure solutions that collectively
participation in all stages
customer satisfaction, add value to our
of decision-making.
profitability, and growth. stakeholders.
1. To emerge as an icon for Growth, Technology and
Innovation through a research-oriented and farmer-centric
2. To ensure constant efforts to maintain excellent employee
satisfaction and a high level of Business Ethics in the quality and
services delivered to our customers and associates.
3. To continuously explore and implement appropriate expansion
plans to meet the dynamic international standards and global

1. To brace agriculture by providing the 'Best' products & 'Best'
business practices to stimulate and execute agriculture solutions.
2. To create a farmer delight through regular innovations,
optimism & inspiration with our strong commitment to the health
& safety of the environment.
3. To enhance & efficiently employ operational resources to
accomplish performance excellence and continuously extend the
product portfolio to ensure significant business growth
• Formulation -
Clothianidin 50% WG
• It is Broad Spectrum
Insecticide Used to
Control White Grub,
Jassids, Aphids, Whitefly,
Leaf Hoppers, Mealybug
• Dosage – Seed Treatment
100gm (in 1lt water)/40-
45 kg seeds/ 1 biga area
or 1kg/4 quintal seeds.
• To control white grub in
ground nut.
• Priced at 8000rs/kg.
• Formulation -
Trifloxystrobin 10%
+Difenoconazole 12.5% +
Sulfur 3% SC
• It a broad-spectrum
• Dosage – Seed Treatment
100ml (in 1lt water)/40-
50 kg seeds/ 1 biga area.
• It is used to control Collar
Rot caused by Aspergillus
• It is also effective against
the tikka disease applied
through chemigation.

Working period of 6-7 weeks (45 days)
1st two weeks - Promotional activities like postering, literature distribution and brand
awareness in villages .
2nd two weeks – One to one interaction with farmers to provide knowledge about our
brand and products and conducted farmers meetings.
Last 2 ½ weeks – Providing demonstrations of Tricolor & Ghotu, Interaction with
farmers as daily activity.
Daily Activity Involved – Farmers interactions in early morning and evening &
distributor and dealer level meet in afternoon and late evenings

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New & Existing Product Awareness
Demand Generation to Increase Sales
Let's have a look at some of them:
1.Make Your Product Needed.
2.Boost Your Brands Awareness.
3.Show Potential Customers the Benefit of Choosing You.
4.Leverage 'Scarcity' to Create Demand.
5.Take Advantage of Video Marketing.
6.Try Out Partner Marketing.
7.Update Your Blog Regularly.
8.Share Guest Posts.

Farmer level sale through my hand - 7kgs

Haldhar Agro Agency (Mandi Market)
Market Survey of Bikaner(Sri dungargarh)District of Rajasthan
Rs 200 Cr par year sale agro product
218 Fertilizer Dealers in Shri Dungargarh, Bikaner.
Seed Retailers
Pesticide Dealers
Chemical Dealers
Agricultural Product Dealers
Area of Study
• Bana • Hemasar
• Upni

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Data Collection
Primary Data

Sampling Technique
Convenience Sampling

Area of Study
Dungargarh Rajasthan

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Research Methodology

Collected Primary data of

farmers about (700+ farmers)
• Name
• Area
• Land size
• Contact information
• Dealer data
Used Interview method to
collect data from the farmer
Findings & Analysis
Shri Dungargarh Market size is about 200 Cr/Annum comprises of
Fungicides, Insecticides, Herbicides and Bio-stimulants
Consists of 100 + retail shops (Dealers & Distributors) in

Consists of 90+ villages in Dungargarh Tahsil

Competitors involved for Ghotu product are

Dantotsu (Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd.)
Indotop (GSP Crop Science)
Clothia (Sudarshan Chemicals Industries Ltd.)
Sakura (HOK Agro Chemicals)
Ground level learning experience through talking with farmers and try to develop trust
among them.

Gained groundnuts crops knowledge by talking with farmers at various villages.

Learned how to develop relationship with dealers in the market segment, how to target audience
and make them attract towards product.

Trust Building skills, Enhanced Interpersonal Skills & Market penetration of new product.

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It was a great opportunity to work under the
Great minds of Best AgroLife Ltd. Bhoop
Choudhary (ZSM), Gurpal Singh (FMM),
Rajender Singh (TSM).This Internship
Programme taught me things that I required
to be successful in this Input sector

Field visit at Bana village in Bikaner territory with ZSM Bhoop

sir, along with distributor Muniram ji to check tricolor
demonstration results on groundnut crop
Glimpse of Internship
Conducted farmers meeting at likhamidesar
village on Groundnut crop ,More then 75
farmers attend the meeting and get information
about Ghotu and tricolor.
These are few glimpses of farmers meeting.
Conducted farmers meeting at Pundalsar village
on Groundnut crop ,More then 70 farmers
attended the meeting and got information
about Ghotu and tricolor.
These are few glimpses of farmer meeting.

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