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Module 3

Hydrogen Energy

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Module - III

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

1. To discuss on hydrogen energy production and storage.
2. benefits of hydrogen energy its advantages and disadvantages
3. To discuss geothermal system and their classification
4. To know about geothermal based electrical power generation
5. To discuss waste recovery management system, advantages and its
6. Application

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Hydrogen is the simplest element which consists as one proton and
electron. Hydrogen is present in abundant in different forms like
H2O, CH4, H2SO4 etc. hydrogen from different source can be
extracted and can be used to generate electricity. Electrolysis,
Thermo chemical, Direct Photo catalytic and many more methods
are use for producing hydrogen

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1. Use of hydrogen greatly reduces pollution- there no presence of

green house gasses, the byproduct formed is water and heat.
2. Hydrogen can be produced by various processes- hydrogen can be
produces from methane, water, gasoline, biomass and coal.
3. A sustainable production system if hydrogen is produce from
electrolysis of water electrolysis is a process of separating water
into hydrogen and oxygen. Maximum amount of hydrogen can be
obtained through this method at low cost

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It is a most technical barrier. Storage of hydrogen is a difficult task.

Its physical characteristics make it difficult to store hydrogen energy.
• Compresses Gas and Liquid hydrogen Storage- hydrogen has
very high content of energy as a weigh and less content of
volume. Storing liquid will reduce space container than storing a
same amount of gas.

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 Material Based Storage – it is a method where hydrogen is stored
on a solid surface(hydrogen will absorb to surface as molecule or
atom) or within solids(intermetallic hydride process- at low
pressure and room temperature) by absorption process.
 Methods of hydrogen energy storage- compression, liquefied
hydrogen, metal hydrides

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 Internal Combustion Engine

 Fuel Cell
 At home sector- to power house
 At work Sector- to power industries, as backup,
 At transport and industrial sector –production of electricity for
commercialpurpose and for transportation purpose

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Uncoupling of primary energy source and utilization
Hydrogen is a gas hence can be stored easily compared to electricity
Hydrogen can be obtained from any primary source
Efficient when used as fuel cells
Very good safety records for specific application

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Very less efficiency
Low energy density
Need for high pressure and low temperature storage
Safety problems
High cost

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Hydrogen Storage- it is a major issue. Because container used must
withstand highpressure when hydrogen is stored.
High Reactivity of Hydrogen- it is extremely reactive it is combustible
andflammable. The filled container may explode.
Cost and methods of hydrogen fuel production- the cost of production
is very highand newer and cleaner technology need to be found.
Consumer Demand-gas filling station to be changed to hydrogen filling,
it should befree available to consumers and meet their demand.
Cost of Changing Infrastructure- to accommodate hydrogen
equipment andappliances.

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processes can be divided into three major research areas:

1. Thermochemical production technologies
2. Electrolytic production technologies
3. Photolytic production technologies

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1. Thermo chemical production
· Steam reforming
Step 1: natural gas is cleaned from sulphur compound. Mixed with steam and
sent over a (nickel alumina) catalyst and heated (endothermic)
CH4+H2O +206(KJ/Kg) – CO +3H2
Step 2: water gas shift reaction (exothermic)
Co+H2O – CO2+ H2 +heat
Efficiency of this method is 80%.the only method where maximum hydrogen
can be produced. Worldwide 48% of hydrogen gas is produced by Natural Gas,
30% from oil, 18% from coal and 55 by electrolysis

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 Partial Oxidation/ Ceramic Membrane Reactor
In the presences of small amount of oxygen process is carried out. Here partial
oxidation ofmethane is carried out to produce hydrogen
Partial oxidation (injected)
CH4+1/2 O2 –CO +2H2
Catalytic Partial oxidation (injected) - if catalytic is used for oxidation then it
is said as catalytic partial oxidation.

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 Biomass Gasification And Pyrolysis
The agricultural refuse, waste, plant refuse can be used to produce hydrogen
through gasification and pyrolysis process. The bio oil obtained has a
carbohydrates and lignin this can be further proceed to produce hydrogen.

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1. Electrolytic Production
 It is a process of separating hydrogen and oxygen from water by
passing electric current. If electrolyte is added it increases the
conductivity and efficiency of process. When electricity is passes
hydrogen attracted by cathode and oxygen attracted by anode.
Cathode : 4H 2O+
4e- - 2H2 +4 OH-
Anode: 4 OH- _
O 2 + 2H 2O+ 4e-
 If Proton exchange membrane
Cathode : 4H + + 4e- - 2H 2Anode: 2H 2O _ O2+ 4e-

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 Water electrolysis-production of hydrogen using water. It is a
convention method. In this method high purity of hydrogen is
obtained and can be used for automotive purpose
 Steam electrolysis- at high temperature say 2500□ water is made
to split into oxygen and hydrogen but care to be taken that at high
temperature it should not recombine

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 Photo electrolysis- process by which current from a PV cell is
applied to break hydrogen and oxygen. Its practical efficiency is
 Thermo chemical water splitting- bromine or iodine on heat
splits up a water molecule. The typical temperature where
maximum efficiency can be obtained is 700□. And efficiency of
this process is of around 40-50 %.
H2O –H2+1/2 O2

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 By product of sodium or potassium chloride electrolysis (NaCl
or KCl)-in this method sodium chloride or potassium chloride will
produce caustic soda or potash.
Nacl+H2O+Electricity - 1/2 H2+
NaOH + ½ Cl2
Kcl+H2O+Electricity - 1/2 H2+
KOH + ½ Cl2

 Reversible fuel cells- PEM fuel cell in reverse is used as electrolyze

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Photolytic Production Technologies:

Photolytic production- solar energy is used to produce hydrogen either

by photo electro chemical or photo biological methods.

• Photo elctro chemical process: soluble metal is dissolved in it and

this absorbs solar energy and produce electricity, semiconductor
membrane is used as an absorber and as an electrolyte to produce

• Photo biological process- it is a process where direct solar energy is

used to produce biogas algae and bacteria can be used to produce
hydrogen by biological process of synthesis.

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Geothermal Energy: Geothermal Systems, Classifications,

Geothermal Resource Utilization, Resource
Exploration, Geothermal Based Electric Power
Generation, Associated Problems, environmental Effects

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Geothermal energy is the clean and sustainable heat resource from the earth. It
ranges from shallow ground to extremely high temperature death called magma.
this geothermal energy is used in production of electricity, extraction of rare
elements, air conditioning, medical purpose, mineral water bottling, heating
purpose, industry application, agriculture, growing vegetables, cattle breeding,
drying seeds, etc.

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1. Vapour-dominated (dry steam) geothermal systems

2. Liquid-dominated (hot waters) geothermal systems

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1. Vapour dominated (or) dry steam fields:
Steam extracted from the well is cleaned in centrifugal separator
which removes solid matters. The cleaned steam is then supplied
directly into the steam turbine and the exhaust steam from the steam
turbine is wet steam (i.e a mixture of water and steam) which passes
through the condenser. The condenser condenses wet steam into
water (through a cooling tower)

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2. Liquid dominated (hot water) geothermal system:
These are the reservoirs of underground water
Water under pressure will be found in liquid state
When it comes to low pressure surface it will vaporize into steam.
These systems are usually found in countries like New Zealand,
Mexico etc.

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• Gaseous and particulate emission: emits CO2, H2S, CH4, NH3,

mercury component, lead, boron etc. this contributes to acid rain,
global warming and noxious smell.
• Land pollution: degradation of usable soil, disposition of pollutant
on surface harms plant and may enter food chain.
• Subsidence Effect: Lowering of ground level when fluids are

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• Water Pollution: contamination of surface and ground water by geo
fluid is at high risk. This may lead to adverse effect
• Biological effect: Numerous unknown effects exist on operation of
bio nature. Environment in imbalanced because of chemical changes
in water, soil and air.
• Social Effect: Problem of noise and land use.

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• Estimation of power life of reservoir (size to be built)
• Separation of steam from steam water mixture and its transport
through pipelines to power houses.
• The origin of dry steam that differ from hot water are unknown
• Selection of materials suitable for plant.

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Geothermal resource can be used directly or indirectly

1. Aquaculture and Horticulture

• Used to raise plants and marine life

• Farmers use this energy to grow vegetables
• It is used in fishing farm, the warm water help in faster growth of
animals like alligators, shellfish, tropical fish amphibians etc. this can
be seen in countries like china, Japan and many more.

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2. Industry and Agriculture

• Industry uses it for drying fruits, vegetables, wood (timber).

• dying
2 to extract gold and silver from its ore
• Used in paper mill at all stages of process
• Used to heat sidewalk and roads during winter season in cold

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3. Food Processing
• Used to sterilize equipments and rooms
• Food processing
4. Providing heat for residential users
• Heating residential districts, houses and business
• Cooling houses
• Green house
• Medical baths

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5. Electricity Generation:

The steam or hot water can be vaporized to produce electricity. The

efficiency of source used for electricity generation is less compared
to direct usage. The total installed capacity in the world today is
13.2 GW. Electricity can be generated using
• Flashed steam plant
• Dry steam plant
• Binary power plant
• Hybrid power plant

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6. Other utilization
• Steam is separated in a conventional manner and used to
supply cheap water
• CO2 generated is used for refrigeration and food
• Hydrogen sulphide is refined to obtain sulphur
• Hot water could supply desalination plant
• Air conditioning

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Electricity Generation

Geothermal fluid is a good electricity generator as well.

Conversion technology for electricity generation is as

1. Flashed Steam Plants: The water ‘flash’ boils and the

steam is used to turn turbines.

2. Dry steam plants: These plants rely on the natural steam

that comes from the underground reservoirs to generate

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Electricity Generation

3. Binary power plants: These plants use the water to

heat a ‘secondary liquid’ that vaporizes and turns the
turbines. The vaporized liquid is then condensed and

4. Hybrid power plants: In these plants, binary and

flash techniques are utilized simultaneously.

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Sun is the main source of wind, and hence, wind is considered a form of solar
energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the
sun, the irregularities of the earth’s surface, and rotation of the earth.

The wind flow or motion energy is ‘harvested’ by modern wind turbines.

Wind power has been utilized for several centuries. The invention of sail boats
are the first and most important example of driving them by using wind
energy. The earliest known wind-powered grain mills and water pumps were used
by the Persians, the Indians, and the Chinese.

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Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into
mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for
specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or
imparting motion to an electric generator that converts
mechanical power into electricity

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If the mechanical energy is used directly by machinery, such as for a

pump or grinding stones, the machine is usually called a windmill.

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wind turbine
A wind turbine is a device that converts the kinetic
energy of wind into electrical energy.

A wind turbine is a rotating machine which converts the

wind kinetic energy into mechanical energy. If the
mechanical energy is then converted to electricity, the
machine is called a wind generator, wind turbine.
Wind turbines can be separated into two types based by
the axis in which the turbine rotates as Horizontal Axis
Wind Turbines and Vertical Axis Wind Turbines.

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The selection of a wind farm site is complex and time consuming, and
also it involves multiple disciplines working on parallel paths.
Financing, government permits, meteorological studies, land use
restrictions, and design have to be completed well along before a site
is approved and before the construction can begin.
Wind is the energy resource that drives a wind turbine. A windmill
needs to be placed on a high tower located in wind area. Not just any
wind will do, a wind turbine needs air that moves uniformly in the
same direction.
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Turbine Height
Installation of wind turbine (simple rule of thumb)

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Considerations and Guidelines for Site Selection

1. Hill effect
2. Roughness or the amount of friction that earth’s
surface exerts on wind:
3. Tunnel effect:
4. Turbulence
5. Variations in wind speed
6. Wind obstacles
7. Wind shear

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The following guidelines can be followed to evaluate site for the
installation of wind turbines:

1. Turbines work best when on high and exposed sites. Coastal sites
are especially good.
2. Town centres and highly populated residential areas are usually not
suitable sites for wind turbines.
3. Avoid roof-mounted turbines as there is no guarantee that these
devices will not damage property through vibration.

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4. Turbulence disrupts the air flow that can wear down the
blades and reduces the lifecycle of the turbine. .

5. If site is in a remote location, connecting wind turbine to

the national grid will be very expensive and it may be worth
considering an off-grid connection instead using battery

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parts/ Components of a Wind Turbine

• Anemometer: Measures the wind speed and transmits wind

speed data to the controller.
• Blades: Most turbines have either two or three blades. Wind
blowing over the blades causes the blades to "lift" and rotate.
• Brake: A disc brake, which can be applied mechanically,
electrically, or hydraulically to stop the rotor in emergencies.

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Controller: The controller starts up the machine at wind speeds of about 8 to 16 miles per
hour (mph) and shuts off the machine at about 55 mph. Turbines do not operate at wind
speeds above about 55 mph because they might be damaged by the high winds.

Gear box: Gears connect the low-speed shaft to the high-speed shaft and increase the
rotational speeds

Nacelle: The nacelle sits atop the tower and contains the gear box, low- and high-speed
shafts, generator, controller, and brake. Some nacelles are large enough for a helicopter to
land on.
Pitch: Blades are turned, or pitched, out of the wind to control the rotor speed and keep the
rotor from turning in winds that are too high or too low to produce electricity

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Rotor: The blades and the hub together are called the rotor.

Tower: Towers are made from tubular steel (shown here), concrete,
or steel lattice. Because wind speed increases with height, taller
towers enable turbines to capture more energy and generate more

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Wind Turbine Power Output Variation
with Steady Wind Speed
1. Start-up speed is the speed at which the rotor and blade
assembly begin to rotate.
2. The cut-in wind speed is the speed when the machine begins to
produce power.
3. The design wind speed is the speed when the windmill reaches its
maximum efficiency.
4. The rated wind speed is the speed when the machine reaches its
maximum output power.

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Waste has always been the negative side of economy both in
production and consumption. This waste can harm the environment
causing pollution. Waste can be a garbage waste, rubbish, refuse,
electronic, wet waste, dry waste or anything. All forms of waste can
be managed and energy can be harnessed.

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Presently waste management schemes are changing. The focus is to

modify all resources from waste to wealth to form trash to cash.
Today waste and waste management has become an economical

The following are concepts have been introduced for converting

waste materials to usable fuel and energy with main concern of
minimizing the environmental damage.

1. Heat energy generation: Waste is used as supplemental boiler fuel

and heat energy is obtained by the direct combustion of the waste to
heat energy.

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2. Bioenergy generation: It is a modern method of hazards control of
waste disposal and for the recovery of fuels and energy (such as
methane). Biological methane generation have commerciallyb
potential for energy resource recovery.

3. Eco-modification through recycling: Improved and efficient design

of process and products reduces the health hazards and increases the
resource productivity. Recycling conserve material, fuel, and energy
by lengthening their life span.
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4. Fuel and energy generation from forest and agricultural and
municipal wastes: In order to cope up with fuel and energy
shortages, all such wastes are considered as raw resources for
converting them into improved fuels and energy.

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Methods of waste reduction:
1. Incinerators
2. Pyrolysis
3. Anaerobic digestion
4. Recycling
5. Bio energy conversion.

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Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the
combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials.
Incineration and other high-temperature waste treatment
systems are described as " thermal treatment ". Incineration of
waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas and heat.

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The burning of waste produces heat that boils the water. Thus, the
steam obtained is used to convert heat energy into electrical energy by
thermo electromechanical converters. As already stated, the flue gases
coming out of simple incinerator contain toxic gases (hazardous gases
such as furans and dioxins).

Electricity generation is the most important useful energy obtained

from incinerators. Incinerators have the common mode of operation
even there are many variations in the incineration process.

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Incinerators have the common mode of operation even there are
many variations in the incineration process.

1. Auditing of wastes
2. Proper incinerator selection
3. Proper operation of incinerator
4. Removal of dangerous chemicals and toxic gases
5. Safe handling and disposal of incinerator residues

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Advantages and Disadvantages of incineration

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Pyrolysis provides an alternative to methods of municipal waste
disposal (such as anaerobic digestion, landfill storage, and more
specifically incineration). In this technology, organic waste is burnt
at relatively low temperatures to produce char (like charcoal), oils,
and combustible gases. The oils can be used as a chemical feedstock
and as fuel. Feedstock includes mixed waste, plastics, tires, and
sewage sludge.

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Pyrolysis transforms hazardous organic materials into gaseous
components, small quantities of liquid, and a solid residue (coke)
containing fixed carbon and ash. Pyrolysis of organic materials
produces combustible gases, including carbon monoxide, hydrogen
and methane, and other hydrocarbons.

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Anaerobic digestion is a series of biological processes in which
microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the
absence of oxygen. Anaerobic digester is an airtight chamber
in which organic waste is decomposed and transformed into
biogas by a biological process called anaerobic digestion.

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Recycling is a process in which waste materials are treated in a way that they can be used
Recycling is a key component of modern waste management and is the third component
of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" waste hierarchy.
Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and
It involves the collection of used and discarded materials in order to process these
materials and make them into new products. It reduces the amount of waste that is
thrown into the community dustbins, thereby making the environment clean and the air
fresh to breath.

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Bioenergy Conversion Conversion of biogas and biomass to
usable form electricity and liquid fuel (ethanol and methanol). It
is a promising technique no insulation, rural electrification can
be achieved, in expensive method.

The production of usable energy consists of following steps:

Photosynthesis – to produce organic matter

Collection and processing of plant material
Fermentation of organic matter to liquid, gaseous fuel and

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Waste Recovery Management

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Two types of energy recovery systems are used:
1. Separation of metals, paper, and glass from the remaining waste
through the process such as size reduction, screening, vibrating
sorting, and electronic scanning; however, a truly homogeneous,
inexpensive separation system will provide competitive input to waste

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2. Conversion of the remaining waste product to usable form of
energy and energy conversion may include the following:
(a) Generation of methane gas (biogas conversion) or other fuels
(biological conversion)
(b) Generation of electricity either from (a) or through thermo-
mechanical process
(c) Composting of fertilizers

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Treatment: it is a process where reduce waste to convert to non-
harmful forms with or without energy recovery. The technique
selected should be accepted socially, environmentally and
economically. In India 10%-50% of amount used for recycling and
rest run out for salaries, transport of waste and many. Waste can be
reduced by 3 R techniques Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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The following are some of the wastes:

1. Residential wastes
2. Municipal services wastes: They include general wastes collected
from street sweeping,
park, recreational places, sludge, landscaping, and tree trimming.
3. Industrial and commercial wastes: They are housekeeping and
food wastes, packaging
4. Building construction and demolition: They constitute various
types of wastes such as wood,concrete, steel, and dust.
5. Agriculture: It consists of dairy and agriculture farm crop wastes,
hazardous pesticides, etc.

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• Recycling rates for different types of plastic differ gravely

• Plastic is very good asset to recycling program
• Plastic can be divided into 2 major categories

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Solidifies or sets irreversibly when heated.

Durable and strong
Uses- automobiles, construction, ink, etc

 Thermoplastics

Softens when exposed to heat and returns to original

conduction at room temperature Can be easily shaped Uses-
milk jug, floor coverings, credit cards etc

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Benefits of plastic recycling –
• energy and natural resource conservation,
• environmental protection,
• reducing the dumping area,
• energy conservation

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 Thermal Depolymerisation

Method to convert waste plastic into usable form, a

catalytic pyrolysis process is used to convert waste plastic to
liquid hydrocarbons and gas which then can be used as
boiler fuel for power generation.

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Waste plastic to electricity generation: non-biodegradable
plastic are break down in combustor to produce alternate source of
fuel energy. A double tank combustor design is used. In this method
plastic is first processed in upper tank through pyrolysis which converts
solid plastic into gas. The flows to the lower tank where it is burned
with oxidants to generate heat and steam. The heat sustains the
combustor and the steam can be used to generate electricity.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Recycling

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