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The alternating periods of expansion and contraction in the economic activity has been called business cycles or trade cycles. The period of high income, high output and high employment is called as the Period of Expansion, Upswing or Prosperity. The period of low income, low output and low employment is called as the Period of Contraction, Recession, Downswing or Depression

According to J.M. Keynes, "A trade cycle is composed
of periods of Good Trade, characterized by rising prices and low unemployment percentages, shifting with periods of bad trade characterized by falling prices and high unemployment percentages.

The term business cycle (or trade cycle) refers to economywide fluctuations in production or economic activity over several months or years


Prosperity Phase : Expansion or Boom or Upswing of economy. Recession Phase : from prosperity to recession (upper turning point).

Depression Phase : Contraction or Downswing of economy.

Recovery Phase : from depression to prosperity (lower turning Point)

When there is an expansion of output, income, employment, prices and profits, there is also a rise in the standard of living. This period is termed as Prosperity phase. Due to full employment of resources, the level of production is Maximum and there is a rise in GNP (Gross National Product). Due to a high level of economic activity, it causes a rise in prices and profits. There is an upswing in the economic activity and economy reaches its Peak. This is also called as a Boom Period.

High level of output and trade. High level of effective demand. High level of income and employment. Rising interest rates. Inflation. Large expansion of bank credit. Overall business optimism.

The turning point from prosperity to depression is termed as Recession Phase. During a recession period, the economic activities slow down. demand starts falling, the overproduction and future investment plans are also give up. The increase in unemployment causes a sharp decline in income and aggregate demand. Generally, recession lasts for a short period.


When there is a continuous decrease of output, income, employment, prices and profits, there is a fall in the standard of living and depression sets in. In depression, there is under-utilization of resources and fall in GNP (Gross National Product). The aggregate economic activity is at the lowest, causing a decline in prices and profits until the economy reaches its Trough (low point).

Features Of Depression
Fall in volume of output and trade. Fall in income and rise in unemployment. Decline in consumption and demand. Fall in interest rate. Deflation. Contraction of bank credit. Overall business pessimism. Fall in MEC (Marginal efficiency of capital) and investmen

The turning point from depression to expansion is termed as Recovery or Revival Phase. During the period of revival or recovery, there are expansions and rise in economic activities. When demand starts rising, production increases and this causes an increase in investment. The businessmen gain confidence and become optimistic (Positive). The banks expand credit, business expansion takes place and stock markets are activated. Revival slowly emerges into prosperity, and the business cycle is repeated.

Features Of Recovery
Increase in investments. Increase in employment and demand for products. Increase in output and profits. Business expectation improves. Expansion in bank credits.

Features Of Trade Cycle

Movement in Economic Activity : A trade cycle is a wavelike movement in economic activity showing an upward trend and a downward trend in the economy. Periodical : Trade cycles occur periodically but they do not show the same regularity. Different Phases : Trade cycles have different phases such as Prosperity, Recession, Depression and Recovery. Different Types : There are minor and major trade cycles. Minor trade cycles operate for 3-4 years, while major trade cycles operate for 4-8 years or more. Though trade cycles differ in timing, they have a common pattern of sequential phases.

Duration : The duration of trade cycles may vary from a minimum of 2 years to a maximum of 12 years. Dynamic : Business cycles cause changes in all sectors of the economy. Fluctuations occur not only in production and income but also in other variables like employment, investment, consumption, rate of interest, price level, etc. Phases are Cumulative : Expansion and contraction in a trade cycle are cumulative, in effect, i.e. increasing or decreasing progressively. Uncertainty to businessmen : There is uncertainty in the economy, especially for the businessmen as profits fluctuate more than any other type of income. International Nature : Trade Cycles are international in character. For e.g. Great Depression of 1930s.

Types Of Trade Cycle

Short-Time Cycle : This trade cycle occur for a short period of time. It is also known as minor cycles. It lasts for about 3-4 years. Secular Trends : This trade cycle occurs for a long period of time and is known as Long term cycle. It lasts for about 4-8 years or more. It is also known as major cycle. Seasonal Fluctuations : This refers to trade cycles, which take place due to seasonal changes in the economy. For e.g. failure of monsoon can cause a downtrend in the economy which may be followed by a good monsoon and up to trend.

Irregular or Random Fluctuations : These trade cycles are unpredictable and occur during a period of strikes, war, etc., causing a shock to the economic system. Cyclic Fluctuation : These fluctuations are wave-like changes in economic activity caused by recurring phases of expansion and contraction. There is an upswing from a trough (low point) to peak and downswing from the peak to trough caused due to economic changes in demand, or supply or various other factors.

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