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Mr. Fredy F.


DCS 1.2

Computer Literacy II
What does it mean??
Computer and the its component
There are five basic components of the
computer which help in making this
processing of data easier and convenient.
Computer components

 Input Unit
Central Processing unit
Memory Unit
Control Unit
Arithmetical and Logical Unit
Output Unit
Input Unit – I/P

This unit contains devices with the help of

which we enter data into the computer. This
unit creates a link between the user and the
computer. The input devices translate the
information into a form understandable by
the computer.
Examples of devices??
Central Processing unit

CPU is considered as the brain or heart of the computer.

CPU performs all types of data processing operations. It

stores data, intermediate results, and instructions
(program). It controls the operation of all parts of the

Known as Processor

It controls all parts of computer


An arithmetic-logic unit is the main

part/components of a central processing unit it has
the ability to carry out or to perform all the
processes related to arithmetic and logic operations
such as addition, subtraction, and shifting
operations etc

It executes commands

When the ALU completes the processing of input,

the information is sent to the computer's memory.
Memory Unit

When we enter the data into the computer using

an input device, the entered information
immediately gets saved in the memory unit of
the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Because of the
presence of some existing programming, the
Memory Unit transmits the data further to the
other parts of the CPU.

Similarly, when the output of our command is

processed by the computer, it is saved in the
memory unit before giving the output to the
Memory Unit

To research about
Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only
Memory (ROM)
Control Unit

This is the core unit which manages the entire

functioning of the computer device. It is one of the
most essential components of the computer system.

The Control Unit collects the data entered using the

input unit, leads it on for processing and once that is
done, receives the output and presents it to the
user. It can be said to the centre of all processing
actions taking place inside a computer device.

Basically, the instructions taken,

interpretation of entered data, issuing
signals to execute the data and then finally
retrieving the data is all done in the
Control Unit
Output Unit – O/P

The output unit consists of devices with the

help of which we get the information from the
computer. This unit is a link between the
computer and the users. Output devices
translate the computer's output into a form
understandable by the users.

Examples of devices??
Output Unit – O/P
Components of Computer
Peripheral Devices

It helps end users access and use the functionalities of

a computer.

Since it’s not a core device for the system, the

computer can still function without the peripheral,
which simply provides extra functions. However, some
peripherals such as a mouse, keyboard, or monitor
tend to be pretty much fundamental to the interaction
between the user and the computer itself.

Divided Into three broad categories: input, output, and

storage devices.
Peripheral devices include the following:

 Mouse
 Keyboard
 Printer
 Monitor
 Webcam
 Printer
 Scanner
 Speakers
 External Drive
 USB Flash Drive
Computer Hardware Basics

Is the tangible part of a computer system

Physical structure that houses a computer's

processor, memory, storage, communication
ports and peripheral devices. Each of these
components (called devices) have a different
purpose, which may be either accepting inputs,
storing data or sending outputs.

Any physical device or equipment used in or with

a computer system (anything you can see and
External hardware

Any hardware device that is located outside the computer.

Input devices
A piece of hardware device which is used to enter information
to a computer for processing.
Examples: keyboard, mouse, trackpad (or touchpad),
touchscreen, joystick, microphone, light pen, webcam, speech
input, etc.

Output Devices
Apiece of hardware device that receives information from a
Examples: monitor, printer, scanner, speaker, display screen (tablet,
smartphone), projector, head phone, etc.
Internal hardware

Any piece of hardware device that is located

inside the computer
Examples: CPU, hard disk drive, ROM, RAM,
Computer Software Basics

Computer software
A set of instructions or programs that tells a computer what to do or
how to perform a specific task (computer software runs on hardware).

Main types of software

systems software and application software.

System software
It is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application software,
and make the computer system available for use. It serves as the
interface between hardware, application software, and the user.

Main functions of system software – allocating system resources,

managing storage space, storing and retrieval of files, providing
Main types of systems software
Operating system, device driver, utility
software, programming software, etc.

To research about
OS, Utility Software and Devices driver
Application software

A computer program that provides users with tools

to accomplish a specific task.
Examples of application software: word processing,
spreadsheets, presentation, database management,
Internet browsers, email programs, media players,
accounting, pronunciation, translation, desktop
publishing, enterprise, etc.
To Research about
Difference between Hardware and Software
Computer Maintenance

PC hardware maintenance is the process of

auditing, upgrading, and maintaining a
computer's physical parts to ensure the
components perform optimally.
IT hardware maintenance involves caring for
components such as the keyboard, CD drives,
hard disk, battery, and other peripherals.

To Research about
What are the importance/advantages of
Computer maintenance?

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