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Integrated Management

System (IMS) Awareness

Purpose – Process - Payoff
 Purpose: 1. To give a basic understanding of Quality,
Environment, Occupation Health and Safety
Management Systems

 Process: 1. Discuss:
a) Basics of ISO9001, ISO14001 &
ISO 45001
b) Integrated Management System

 Payoff: 1. You will be familiar with IMS concept

2. You will be familiar with your role as Auditee
What is Management System

A management system describes the way in which

companies organize themselves in their structures and
processes in order to act systematically, ensure smooth
processes and achieve planned results.
What is ISO Management
ISO is an internationally recognized quality management
standard. It is a set of standards that provides a framework for
companies to manage their quality. The ISO standards ensure
that the company's products, services, and processes are
consistent with the customer's and market needs
ISO Standards

• ISO 9001 - Quality Management

• ISO 13485 - Medical devices
• ISO 14001 - Environmental management
• ISO 15378 - Primary packaging materials for pharmaceuticals
• ISO 22000 - Food and feed safety
• ISO 26000 - Sustainability management
• ISO 27001 - Information security
• ISO 45001 - Occupational health and safety
• ISO 50001 - Energy management
• ISO/IEC 17025 - Competent, Impartial, and Consistent Operation
of Laboratories
Integrated Management System

 IMS is NOT a standard itself

 IMS has NO certification
 IMS is NOT something auditable

 IMS is SIMPLY the integration of ISO9001,

ISO14001 and ISO 45001 documentation.
Requirements of Standard
ISO 9001 System Requirements
 Policy
 Quality Manual
 Document and Data Control
 Quality Objectives
 Management Review
 Training, Awareness & Competence
 Internal Audits
 Opportunity Management
 Risk Base Thinking
 Corrective & Preventive Actions
ISO14001 System Requirements
 Policy
 Document and Data Control
 Environmental Aspects & Impacts
 Environmental Risk Assessment
 Legal & Other Requirements
 Objectives & Targets
 Management Review
 Training, Awareness & Competence
 Operational Control
 Internal Audits
 Corrective & Preventive Actions
ISO 45001 System Requirements
 Policy
 Document and Data Control
 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
 Legal & Other Requirements
 Objectives & Targets
 Management Review
 Training, Awareness & Competence
 Operational Control
 Internal Audits
 Corrective & Preventive Actions
What can be Integrated ..
Clause ISO9001 Clause ISO14001 Clause ISO 45001 Clause
Introduction Introduction Introduction

1. Scope Scope Scope

2. Normative References Normative References Normative References

3. Terms and definitions Terms and definitions Terms and definitions

4. Context of Organization Context of Organization Context of Organization

5. Leadership Leadership Leadership and worker participation

6. Planning Planning Planning

7. Support Support Support

8. Operation Operation Operation

9. Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation

10. Improvement Improvement Improvement

IMS (Procedures)
Sr No Document No Details
1 IMS-PR001 Document and Data Control
2 IMS-PR002 IMS Documentation and Design Format
3 IMS-PR003 Quality Council / Cooperate Management Review
4 IMS-PR004 Departmental Management Review
5 IMS-PR005 Internal Audit
6 IMS-PR006 Handling of Customer Complaints
7 IMS-PR007 Improvement, Precautionary and Remedial Action
8 IMS-PR008 Control of Records
9 IMS-PR009 Communications, participation and consultation
10 IMS-PR010 Training, Awareness and Competence
11 IMS-PR011 Incident Reporting and Investigation
12 IMS-PR012 Management of Change
13 IMS-PR013 Risk & Opportunity Management
14 IMS-PR014 Corporate Targets Procedure
IMS (Forms)

Sr No Document No Details
1 IMS-FM001 Document Master List
2 IMS-FM002 Document Status Page
3 IMS-FM003 Internal Audit Schedule
4 IMS-FM004 Audit Corrective Action Report
5 IMS-FM005 Improvement, precautionary and Remedial Action Form
6 IMS-FM006 Customer Compliant Form
7 IMS-FM007 Audit Observation Sheet
8 IMS-FM008 Minutes of CRM Committee Meeting
9 IMS-FM009 Minutes of DRM Committee Meeting
10 IMS-FM010 Training Attendance Sheet
11 IMS-FM011 Structure & Responsibility Matrix
12 IMS-FM012 Incident Reporting and Investigation Form
IMS (Forms)

Sr Document No Details
13 IMS-FM013 Hazard/Risk Observation Cards
14 IMS-FM015 Corporate Targets
15 IMS-FM017 Risk Base Thinking
16 IMS-FM018 Opportunity Management Form
17 IMS-FM019 Internal and external issues
18 IMS-FM20 Needs and Expectations of Interested parties
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 (Procedures)

Sr Document No Details
1 HSEQ-PR001 Health, Safety, Environment & Quality
2 HSE-PR002 ARL Emergency Response Plan
3 HSE-PR003 ARL Work Permit Procedure
ISO 9001 (Work Instructions)

Sr No Document No Details

1 HSE-WI001 ERT Equipment Inspection/ Maintenance

2 HSE-WI002 Monthly Live Fire Practice
3 HSE-WI003 Precautionary Duty Roaster
4 HSE-WI004 Safety Ticket Issuance
5 HSE-WI005 Testing of Fire Alarm System
6 HSE-WI006 Testing of Foam Sprinkler (FS), Water
Deluge (WD) and Auto Water Deluge
(AWD) System.
7 HSE-WI007 Scenario Based Drills
ISO 9001 (Forms)
Sr No Document No Details

1 HSE-FM001 ERT Equipment Inspection/Maintenance Log

& Record (EIMLR)
2 HSE-FM002 Fire Extinguisher Inspection Checklist
3 HSE-FM003 Checklist for Weekly test of fire pumps
4 HSE-FM005 Hooter Testing Report
5 HSE-FM006 Fire Alarm System Report
6 HSE-FM007 Foam Sprinkler System Report
7 HSE-FM009 Precautionary Duty Roaster
8 HSE-FM013 Water Deluge System Report
9 HSE-FM014 Safety Ticket Red category
10 HSE-FM015 Scenario Based Drill Evaluation Report
11 HSE-FM016 Safety Ticket Yellow category
12 HSE-FM017 Monthly Live Fire Practice Report
ISO 9001 (Forms)
Sr No Document No Details
13 HSE-FM018 Fire water network checklist
14 HSE-FM019 Quarterly Tank foam lines inspection Checklist
15 HSE-FM020 Foam lines Inspection Before Tank Box Up
16 HSE-FM021 Foam vessel Quarterly inspection check list
17 HSE-FM022 Safety Ticket Orange category
18 HSE-FM023 Auto Water Deluge System Report
19 HSE-FM024 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus/ ELSA Testing
Check List
20 HSE-FM025 Hose Reels (fixed) testing Check list
21 HSE-FM026 Hose Boxes testing Check list
22 HSE-FM027 Wheel mounted foam monitors/ trolleys testing check
23 HSE-FM028 Eye washer & Shower testing check list
24 Appendix 1 Incident Consequence Severity Matrix
ISO 45001
ISO 45001 (Manual & Procedures)

Sr Document No Details
1 OHS00-M001 Occupational Health & Safety Manual
2 OHS-PR001 Occupational Health, Safety & Environment
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment &
3 OHS-PR004 Legal and Other Requirements
4 OHSE-PR005 Operational Control
5 OHS-PR006 Occupational Health & Safety Committee
ISO 45001 (Forms)

Sr Document No Details
1 OHS-FM001 OHS Hazard Identification, control & Risk
Assessment Form
Internal Audit – Requirements
 Conduct periodic internal audit to determine if
 Conforms to the requirements of the standards
 Has been effectively implemented and maintained
 Plan to audit program considering:
 Status and importance of the activity
 Results of previous audits
 Ensuring independence
 Timely corrective actions

Internal Audit Report Sample

First Party Internal Audit
 Definition:
 An audit by an organization of its own systems
and procedures
 Objective:
 To ensure maintenance, development and
Improvement of the IMS
Audit Process
Classification of Audit Corrective
Action Request
 Total breakdown of a procedure, work instruction or
operation of the System
 Total absence of a procedure required by Standard
 Number of minor lapses indicating a total breakdown of
 Immediate hazard to the quality of the product or
 A single observed lapse in a procedure work
instruction or operation of the System
Corrective Action Steps

NC Closed

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